文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

She must have confirmed how it mutates ... Shi Zhengli, that's her duty as a human being.

2021年05月03日 09時39分27秒 | 全般

With more than a month to go before the launch of the crowdfunding project, I'm getting a little tired of the criminal activities related to searching by the criminals in question.
The world is already in the age of the Internet.
It is a matter of urgency for those involved in the country's management and those who make a living from speech to improve the laws to punish criminal acts on the Internet severely.
It is a reprint of a chapter I sent out on 2020-04-29.
As soon as TV Tokyo's WBS started at 11 p.m. last night, it reported that the currently infected people in Japan are the second wave of infected people.
In other words, they are mutations of the Wuhan virus when it became a pandemic in Europe.
I immediately thought of this when I saw the report.
China must immediately tell the world the truth about this virus.
Otherwise, we will be tormented by this virus for a long time.
What did Shi Zhengli cross the coronavirus with to create the chimeric virus? What did she cross with the coronavirus to develop the new virus, and how did it mutate?
She should have revealed the entire production process.
It may be useless to tell her, but she is like a cell in a communist dictatorship.
Shi Zhengli, it is your duty as a human being.
China (CCP) has proven to be a country of abysmal evil and plausible lies in every issue.
They prove it on the state of the South China Sea, the form to the Senkaku Islands, the suppression to the Uighur people, the Tibet problem, the Mongolia problem, the suppression of Falun Gong, the suppression of human rights lawyers, the suppression of Hong Kong citizens, threats against Taiwan, etc.
In the past few decades, China (CCP) has continued to expand its military by dropping astronomical amounts of money and is a country that is planning to conquer the world with evil thoughts.
It is no exaggeration to say that those who think that the Wuhan virus research center, which China seduced France to build, is just a virus research center, are all under the control of China.
Suppose any commentators seriously think that China (CCP), which is nothing but a mass of evil, is not researching biological and chemical weapons at the Wuhan Institute for Virus Research. In that case, they must all leave the world of commentary immediately.

China (CCP) is a naked king in every way. It is a collection of rotten people to the core; in other words, they are made up of abysmal evil and plausible lies, the fact that even a schoolboy can understand.

Last night, either WBS or late night Fuji TV aired a news report that China has announced that the new virus is not human-made.
It seemed to have been announced by a person who calls himself a scientist in China today.
Of course, watching such a thing was a waste of time, so I immediately turned it off and went to bed.
Now, WBS is running a daily series titled "Thoughts on Corona," in which they bring in people from all walks of life to talk about their experiences.
This series has revealed that Chinese manipulation has reached the news and programming departments of TV Tokyo and that the same level of people as those in the Asahi Shimbun is in control.
The man who appeared last night, Yosuke Kaifu, talked only about things that seemed entirely under Chinese influence.
I just checked it on the Internet (Newsweek's electronic version) and was horrified.
Preamble omitted
Professor Yuan said, "More than 70% of infectious diseases originate from animals, especially wild animals. Due to recent climate change and expansion of development, the risk of contact with wild animals is increasing," he pointed out.
The Chinese person I caught a glimpse of last night must have been this Professor Yuan, though.
It is because Yosuke Kaifu was talking about the same thing that Professor Yuan said.
TV Tokyo (Nikkei) also proved that it is hard to say that it is a newspaper that exists for Japan.
To the readers, I would like to say this as a matter of urgency.
I want you to inform as many people around you as possible.
Stop subscribing to the Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Tokyo Shimbun, Chunichi Shimbun, and local newspapers that only publish articles from Kyodo News immediately, and switch to the four monthly magazines that I keep mentioning, WiLL, Hanada, Voice, and Sound Argument.
A monthly subscription to the Asahi Shimbun costs about 5,000 yen, I believe, but a monthly subscription to the above four magazines would cost about 3,900 yen.
The number of genuine articles about the truth of things is as different as heaven and earth.
Please let people know that being a low-information person who only subscribes to the above newspapers and watches NHK and other TV news programs and talk shows can be a traitor but can never be a "national treasure" as defined by Saicho.
