文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Moreover, his friends in the scrum were notorious Japan-bashing activists.

2023年07月13日 14時05分39秒 | 全般

Reissue! Moreover, the fellow who formed a scrum there was a notorious Japan-bashing activist.
Jul 13, 2023, 
Moreover, the fellow who formed a scrum there was a notorious Japan-bashing activist.
I found this chapter in Japanese sent from Goo guilty of obstructing searches.
The Internet is the largest and fastest library in human history.
Any company that has become one of the world's leading Internet companies must keep the Internet clean.
First, please identify the perpetrators of this case, file criminal charges against them, and punish them severely.

He reversed the standard order of events, typically requiring waiting for the Japanese side to respond to his claims and then waiting until it was time to report them to the UN. Immediately after returning to the US, he began unilaterally announcing his claims in public, condemning the Japanese government.
Moreover, his friends in the scrum were notorious Japan-bashing activists. 
On May 12, Mr. Kaya spoke at a public forum at his alma mater, the University of California, Irvine, titled "Threats to Japan's Freedom of Speech."
Moreover, Professor Alexis Dudden of the University of Connecticut joined him on the podium, who has continued to denounce Japan over the comfort women issue the longest and most vigorously in American academia.
Moreover, standing with him on stage was Professor Alexis Dudden of the University of Connecticut, who has been the longest and most vehement denouncer of Japan on the comfort women issue in American academia. 

The debate itself was co-sponsored by Kaya and Dudden. 
Speaking of Ms. Dudden, only those in the know, know, and she is also the foremost person to beat Abe on the US side.
She is a far-left female scholar who has attacked Japan by capturing all kinds of problems.  
In 2000, Ms. Dudden pursued the comfort women issue in a moot trial called the "Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery" in Tokyo. 
She played a leading role in convicting Emperor Showa.
She also criticized Japan's sovereignty claims over the Northern Territories, Takeshima, and the Senkaku Islands due to "expansionist ambitions." 
In particular, she has hurled such epithets as "rascal," "militarist-minded," and "king of the naked" at Mr. Shinzo Abe.
On the other hand, she maintains a close relationship with South Korea. 
She has a track record of consulting with the South Korean government on its policy toward the United States.  
In 2015, Ms. Dudden gathered many signatures from Western scholars of Japanese studies. 
She compiled a letter to the Japanese people, the government, and Prime Minister Abe criticizing Japan's attitude toward the comfort women issue as inappropriate. 
It also played a role. 
In short, she is also a flag-bearer for anti-Japanese political activities.  
The UN special rapporteur, Mr. Kaya, has actually been close to Mr. Dudden for a long time, and it was revealed in this public debate that they had formed a tag team in the investigation of Japan's press freedom.  
Some in the American academic community also say that Mr. Kaya's move is inappropriate.
Jason Morgan, a Japanese historian who received a doctorate from the University of Wisconsin, said:  
"Ms. Dudden is the most radical anti-Japanese faction in American academia and is also known as a political activist promoting South Korean interests. Mr. Kaya, who holds the title of UN Special Rapporteur, reveals his close cooperation with Ms. Dudden. It can say that the "Debate" showed the actual situation that the Abe-bashing forces in the American academic world are also using the United Nations for political purposes. It is impossible for Mr. Kaya, who obviously knows nothing about Japan or the Japanese language, to get a full picture of the Japanese press and politics after only a week in Japan, and this kind of condemnation of Japan is unfair and arrogant."

