文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If it were not so, the U.S. would not be a scientific or intelligent nation at all.

2021年09月10日 11時34分51秒 | 全般

The Sankei Shimbun is one of the most decent newspapers today, but not all of its reporters are the best journalists in the business. 
When Soviet espionage cases such as the Levchenko affair came to light, it also mentioned the names of Sankei employees.
For example, if the target is the media, it would be natural for those who conduct intelligence operations in the other country to cover all the major media.
However, the reporters who wrote about Ms. Takaichi's press conference yesterday should reflect hard on the fact that their article lacked the 5W1H, which is the basic principle for journalists.
Now that I have re-read yesterday's Sankei Shimbun on page 2 to write this article, I have just noticed that under the main headline, there was also an enormous paragraph that read, "Run for office announced, cautious about releasing treated water."
In the last part of the text, at the press conference on August 8, she said that the release of treated water from TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean "could spread harmful rumors. As long as there is that risk, we will not decide to release it.
When I read this, I had my doubts, thinking she was talking on the same level as Shinjiro Koizumi.

Yesterday, she appeared on the Internet program "Toranomon News," and viewers were able to learn that our fears were completely unfounded.
On the contrary, China and South Korea are the only two anti-Japanese countries globally, if not the only countries that continue to educate their people with Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education and mass-produce Nazis.
As you know, I have repeatedly mentioned the horseshit of the international community and the United Nations, represented by Germany, which continues to neglect the fact that these two countries continue to educate their people with Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education and continue to mass-produce Nazists.
What Ms. Takaichi, the former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, said yesterday must have been new to most Japanese people and me.
In other words, Japan's most important ally, the United States, is still not allowing imports of Fukushima products and products from the northern Kanto region and the rest of eastern Japan.
Ms. Takaichi said, "Like the people of Japan, I enjoy eating Fukushima products every day at the Diet cafeteria, etc., but our ally, the United States, is still restricting imports. We need to correct this first. As for the Dai-ichi plant, TEPCO and the engineers I checked with can put up a wall to block water from entering the site. They can also build a roof on the roof of the building to keep out the rainwater. The first thing we need to do is to get our allies, the U.S. and other import-restricted nations, to remove their import restrictions before the two years of oceanic release begins. That's what I'm going to do."
She told us the story of her time as Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications and made it clear that she was not saying that she would not release them.
After hearing her true story, I decided that Prime Minister Suga, who has decided to visit the U.S. to meet with President Biden at the end of this month, must make a resolute appeal to Biden to remove all restrictions on imports of Japanese products.
We don't need to examine the background of this foolishness on the part of our most important ally, the United States.
In other words, it is the result of the relentless anti-Japanese movement of Koreans and Chinese living in the U.S., who are far more numerous than Japanese.
If it were not so, the U.S. would not be a scientific or intelligent nation at all.

But Ms. Arimoto proved that she is the real deal by addressing the question in the first place.
[DHC] 2021/9/9 (Thu) Arimoto Ka, Taketa Tsuneyasu, Takaichi Sanae, Tagita Makiko [Toranomon News

This one revealed the lack of study and sloppiness of the people who call themselves reporters in the existing media.
You guys make a living as journalists, so work harder!


