文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is written, having praise to his "the explanation to the pro-Japanese group"

2016年04月01日 16時19分19秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The text emphasis except the title is me.

The newspaper which cannot write the truth is discontinuance.

There is Kim Wan-seop in one who understood the consideration which seems to be Japanese to keep the dignity of the other ethnic groups at the field in the minimum, dispatching a wagon.

It is written, having praise to his "the explanation to the pro-Japanese group".

As for Ikuhiko Hata, the number of the comfort women clarifies that the half was Japanese at 20,000.

The Korean kidnaping which the Asahi poured into, pairing with Yoshida Seiji, too, was denied by the question Korean.

The US military is doing also interviews of the question comfort women, in the record of in Burma front that Korean management who exploit prostitutes were expelled and, one day every week to rest and venereal disease inspection had been obliged, there is also a record of Korean prostitutes that have been sold in the debt of the parent has returned home to pay off the debt.

Asahi Shimbun took up a comfort woman problem in the new on paper about which it pronounced that it stopped a lie since April 1st.

The contents are uncommon and there is not a lie but don't hear why he told a lie while interviewing Mike Honda rarely and there is not even pointing-out of the negligence of his data.

It is unsatisfactory that will not be the envoy of the child, too.

It got a glimpse of the confusion not to know what it may write with not writing a lie.

If it isn't possible to write the truth, it is good to rather discontinue, too.

(May number, 2007)
