文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

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Repost!Illegal refugees are criminals who remain in the country illegally and work illegally.

2024年02月14日 15時08分53秒 | 全般

Illegal refugees are criminals who remain in the country illegally and work illegally.

The following is from a tweet from 🇯🇵+α🌸💕 that I just discovered.
Illegal refugees are criminals who remain in the country illegally and work illegally.
Since they have been arrested, it is only natural to be handcuffed and detained at the immigration office for deportation.
Currently, there are about 82,800 illegal aliens in Japan.
Three meals and medical care are included.
How much is taxpayer money being wasted?

Quote tweet
Aug 29, 2022.
It's called deportation because even if the person doesn't want to leave, they will leave.
The current law is inadequate in that if the person does not want to return, they must be detained indefinitely.
Furthermore, the government has given three opportunities to correct deficiencies in the application form (omissions, errors, etc.).
I hope it will pass the law quickly to give impetus to deportation.


2024/2/13 in Kyoto

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