文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Do you want to vote for Tamaki and serve such a China and become a slave of Xi Jinping?

2022年08月28日 23時10分01秒 | 全般

The following is a rough draft.
Even an elementary school-level brain can understand that Okinawa Prefecture is a strategic point for the defense of Japan.
That is why the Japanese government has provided hundreds of billions of yen in local subsidies to Okinawa, the largest among the 47 prefectures in Japan.
Okinawa Prefecture has the best infrastructure in Japan, unlike the countryside of mainland Japan, which has no infrastructure in place, even though it is the typhoon capital of Japan, even more so than mainland Japan.
Okinawa looks like a concrete fortress when viewed from the sky.
Since the time of Onaga, Okinawa Prefecture has been behaving in a genuinely outrageous manner, begging Japan for the above-mentioned vast sums of money but submitting to China at heart.
The Onaga faction should have asked China, to which they had submitted, to rebuild Shurijo Castle after it burned down in a suspicious fire.
After all, the Onaga faction went to the trouble of going to the United Nations to make speeches to undermine Japan.
They even joined the Chinese by making the Okinawans, unmistakably Japanese, feel like they were a minority.
This election chooses the governor between Tamaki = China and Sakima = Japan.
It is no exaggeration to say that Shimoji ran for office to favor Tamaki = China.
The turntable of civilization that is turning in Japan as the providence of God tells the Okinawans.
China has no intelligence, no freedom, no nothing.
There is no learning, no art, no nothing.
There is only the one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party.
Do you want to vote for Tamaki and serve such a China and become a slave of Xi Jinping?
It is long past time to get rid of the brainwashing of the Okinawa Times and the Ryukyu Shimpo, which are clearly under the manipulation of the only two anti-Japanese nations in the world, China and the Korean Peninsula.
In this election, will you choose Tamaki = China = anti-Japan, i.e., do you want to become Chinese or Sakima = Japan?
Will you choose Sakima = Japan? In other words, do you want to remain Japanese?
It is a choice between the two.

This article continues.




