文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

A country that changes the truth of its history and keeps forcing the people to lie...

2018年12月30日 13時30分42秒 | 日記

A friend is saying that he purchased the Mainichi newspaper by chance, it sent me the following articles.

"Mainichi Shimbun is also a strange newspaper, quite a while ago, even though the management crisis was always reported, it is not crushed ... where do they get money?

"Depending on the printing of Komei newspaper"

"Oh, that's right, print something certainly sort of flyer ..."

There was such a conversation.

Well, today's Mainichi Shimbun reported that the following Korean news reports also demonstrated that they are citizens of the country of unknown evil and mysterious lies,

Think about the same thing as ourselves

At the same time, as their characteristics,

the brain structure of fix on to the partner, too, possibility thinks of the thing the same as themselves,

It is also an article demonstrating that it is also.

They also demonstrate that it cannot be said that it is a democratic country because of the form of elections.

This country is not a democratic country etc., but proof of being a totalitarian state is overflowing.

No, it is a newspaper article that proves to be an 'ancient tyranny' which is the conclusion of Professor Hiroshi Furuta who is one of the best scholars of the world in the world best experts about Korean peninsula.

Most of the Japanese who read this article think that Korea is an astonished beyond words country.

At the same time, I notice that the tone of attacking the Abe administration and the opposition party politicians such as Asahi Shimbun and Kiyomi Tsujimoto attacking the Abe administration are totally together.

At the same time, I notice that the tone of attacking party politicians such as Asahi Shimbun and Kiyomi Tsujimoto attacking the Abe administration are totally together.




日本の対応については「安倍政権が支持率回復のため問題を利用しているのでは」との分析も出ている。 韓国は火器管制レーダーの照射を否定している。






* Korea listen to me...Japanese are completely not at all totalitarianism etc. that Syngman Rhee grew up in the Nazism named anti-Japanese education which began with the aim of justifying his administration,

In the 36 years that Japan annexed, women who had little surname and mostly owned Yangban were released for the first time by Japan since the history,

We built a school in your country that was one of the world's poorest countries in the world worst discrimination system, and established your compulsory education system for the first time in your country,

It is the Japanese citizens that it made infrastructure such as railway, harbor, dam etc. in your country at a stretch and made you modern state.

Every year in you, over 20% of the national budget of Japan was dropped for you for 36 years for regarding you as a country equivalent to Japan, we made you a modern state and enriched you,

The evidence is that the population of your country has exploded in these 36 years, that is, it became a free modern state free of identity discrimination system and enriched. ... That is the truth of history that your grandparents and grandmothers know.

A country that changes the truth of its history and keeps forcing the people to lie...

This is the empire of evil, Korea, it is your country.

So, at the time, you guys, especially women, gave each other a name of Japan ... because they became Japanese citizens ... they do not want to go back to Korea with a status system equal to a slave who does not have a surname anymore This is because the. ... Since the history, suddenly from the circumstances of the chronic disease in which they were placed, it is natural that the girls who were released at a stroke got together to name the Japanese name.

I am convinced that still Koreans who claim the Japanese overseas continue to know that they instinctively know such history.

You before the annex can only receive treatment from the world of a nation of the second rank, a nation of the third rank When you ride a train of an advanced country the first-class coach was never given.

Only Japanese was able to board the first-class coach as the first-class power in Asia at that time.

Therefore, it was natural that they tried to name the Japanese name,

Rather than you, in 1910, you suddenly became a Japanese citizen of exceptional treatment, so it was natural that you should name the Japanese name.

You did not get rid of that ... Except for 36 years when Japan annexed,

Although it was a dependency of the country of abysmal evil and plausible lies since history,

Speaking of my few real friendship experiences ... Koreans, the Chinese are not like those of you who are caught in abnormal anti-Japanese feelings ... they are denying the country rather ... they are It is a liar, a citizen who thinks that it is evil in the heart.

They are different from Korean guys who are totalitarianism living in the 21st century who were raised and built up by anti-Japanese education ...

The scenery which gathers junior high and high school girls in front of embassy and screaming for anti-Japanese is in contradiction to your idea,

To the world you cannot even notice that your country's abnormality, that your country is a country of Nazism,

You are a blind Nazism.

It is just covering a hat called Communism ... this is almost all thought of Chinese people.

It is an evident fact that the Korean Peninsula was a Chinese dependency since the history.

This draft continues.


