文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They overlook this situation, are not qualified to talk about truth, justice, human rights,

2023年04月12日 12時35分06秒 | 全般

Of course, Sweden is a country where children do not get Kawasaki disease caused by Chinese dust storms.
It is a chapter I sent on September 28, 2021.
The other day, Greta Thunberg reported that some German youths participated in an environmental awareness day in Germany. 
The Japanese TV media reported it as if it was a 100% correct action, without any criticism.

The young girl is a puppet of China, living in Sweden, a country far away from China, where she has never seen China's air pollution chart, nor is she frequently hit by China dust storms every year.
Of course, Sweden is a country where children do not get Kawasaki disease caused by China dust storms.

Even now, they don't even know that China is a country that produces over 30% of the world's carbon dioxide, which they have a problem with. (Whether they realize it or not, I don't know.)
In other words, a girl who seems to be a lump of hypocrisy herself is holding an event of ignorance and hypocrisy in Germany, arguably the most hypocritical country in the world.
When the early Beatles were on their German expedition, Hamburg was the most significant prostitution zone in the postwar world.
That Germany is now being used by China and South Korea, the only two anti-Japanese nations in the world, to maintain their respective regimes; South Korea's anti-Japanese education, which has continued since the end of the war until today, and China's Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, which started to distract the public from the Tiananmen Square incident.
In other words, China and South Korea are countries that have continued to educate their people to humiliate other peoples and incite their superiority for the same reasons and in the same manner as Hitler and the Nazis, and continue to mass produce Nazists even in the 21st century.
Germany, which has been feeding its anti-Japanese propaganda.
For what purpose?
To hide the crimes of the Nazis and to make Japan look like a country that committed the same crimes as the Nazis, Germany and the German people are incredibly hypocritical, with about half of the population having an anti-Japanese mindset along with them.
A country that is happy to televise the Nanking Massacre, the story of John Rabe, a former Nazi, and a liar, on TV every year at the end of the year.
The international community and the United Nations, which continue to overlook this situation, are not qualified to talk about truth, justice, human rights, etc.

The Japanese TV media, which is all about "an ulterior motive" and "pseudo-moralism," reported the event without any criticism.
When the possibility of having the first female prime minister in history is at its peak, the media is blatantly obstructive in its coverage to prevent her from becoming prime minister following China's wishes.
It is clear proof that their previous reports on the woman have only been used as material to criticize and attack the Japanese government.
If the TV media were sane, they would have commented, "If they don't go to China to do it, it won't mean anything."

2023/4/11, in Osaka
