文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Top 10 real-time searches 2021/10/04, 22:12

2021年10月04日 22時12分30秒 | 全般


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/10/04, 16:18




Lenin said very suggestively, 'They have come to sell themselves a rope to hang themselves.' 


Lenin dijo de manera muy sugerente: "Han venido a venderse una cuerda para ahorcarse".


Lenin disse in modo molto suggestivo: "Sono venuti per vendersi una corda per impiccarsi".




Lénine dit d'une manière très suggestive : « Ils sont venus se vendre une corde pour se pendre.


Ленин сказал очень многозначительно: «Они пришли продать себе веревку, чтобы повеситься».


Lenin disse muito sugestivamente: "Eles vieram se vender uma corda para se enforcar".


Lenin sa mycket suggestivt, 'De har kommit för att sälja sig ett rep för att hänga sig.'




Lenin sa mycket suggestivt, 'De har kommit för att sälja sig ett rep för att hänga sig.'

2021年10月04日 17時27分25秒 | 全般

Följande är från Masahiro Miyazakis bok med titeln WORLD RESET 2021, The World on the Verge of a Great Crash, publicerad den 1 juni 2021.
Masahiro Miyazaki fortsätter att publicera en kraftfull ström av oavbrutna, äkta artiklar.
Det är ingen överdrift att säga att han har överträffat Umesao Tadao när det gäller hans intellektuella produktion.
Denna bok är en måste-läs inte bara för det japanska folket utan också för människor över hela världen.
Betoningen i texten är min, förutom rubriken, p64-p66.
Kina har helt lurat västvärlden.
Lenin sa mycket suggestivt: 'De har kommit för att sälja sig ett rep för att hänga sig.'
Trots vissa förändringar i Trumps politik var Kinas exportöverskott till USA 419,5 miljarder dollar 2018. Det kommer bara att minska till 310,8 miljarder dollar 2020.
Kina lurade USA och Japan helt och hållet till att öppna upp sin teknik och spara inga ansträngningar för att hjälpa Kina att förbättra sin teknik.
Plötsligt insåg vi att Kina hade förvandlat allt detta till en förbättring av sin militära makt.
Kina är nu världens näst största BNP och den näst största militära makten efter Europa, USA och Ryssland.
Japan Steel Corporation gav Kina den mest avancerade stålplåttekniken (elektromagnetisk stålplåt).
Oavsett hur många produkter med högt mervärde som Japan utvecklat med goda avsikter, överförde det omedelbart tekniken till Kina.
Den kinesiska regeringens industrisubventionssystem fungerade effektivt och dumpning började, vilket gjorde Japans konkurrenskraft maktlös.
Bidrag i god tro är ett exempel på vad som måste göras med måtta.
Den japanska stålindustrin kommer att behöva stänga ner för att avkarbonisering ska kunna genomföras fullt ut.
Världens masugnsindustri talar nu om att använda väte istället för kol för att tillverka stål, men detta kommer att kräva enorma investeringar.
Kina har blivit världens första tillverkare av råstål när det gäller järn och ståltillverkning. Ändå trodde den att det skulle vara omöjligt att efterlikna Kinas högpresterande tillverkning av stålplåtar för bilar. Ändå har de negativa effekterna redan återhämtat sig och Toyota har börjat använda stålplåtar tillverkade i Kina.
Japans stålindustri, oavsett om det är i Kimitsu eller Fukuyama, minskar masugnar och säger upp ett stort antal arbetare. Situationen är nu allvarlig.
Under de senaste åren har den ekonomiska tillväxten varit baserad på att förlita sig på utlandet för produktion av varor, med tonvikt på tjänstebranschen.
Det är dock dags för nationen att byta fokus till livsmedelsproduktion och tillverkning och visa att den omkonfigurerar sin tillväxtmodell.


2021年10月04日 17時24分55秒 | 全般

以下出自宫崎正弘于2021年6月1日出版的《WORLD RESET 2021, The World on the Verge of a Great Crash》一书。
Masahiro Miyazaki 继续发布源源不断的真实文章。

레닌은 '그들은 스스로 목을 매기 위해 밧줄을 팔러 왔다'고 매우 암시적으로 말했습니다.

2021年10月04日 17時20分16秒 | 全般

다음은 2021년 6월 1일에 출판된 미야자키 마사히로의 책 WORLD RESET 2021, The World on the Verge of a Great Crash에서 발췌한 것입니다.
미야자키 마사히로(Masahiro Miyazaki)는 중단 없는 진짜 기사의 활발한 흐름을 계속해서 발행하고 있습니다.
지적 능력 면에서 타다오 우메사오를 능가했다고 해도 과언이 아니다.
이 책은 일본인뿐만 아니라 전 세계인이 반드시 읽어야 할 필독서입니다.
본문의 강조점은 p64-p66이라는 헤드라인을 제외하고는 제 것입니다.
중국은 서구를 완전히 속였다.
레닌은 '그들은 스스로 목을 매기 위해 밧줄을 팔러 왔다'고 매우 암시적으로 말했습니다.
트럼프 정책의 일부 변화에도 불구하고 중국의 대미 수출 흑자는 2018년 4,195억 달러였다. 2020년에는 3,108억 달러로 줄어들 것이다.
중국은 미국과 일본을 완전히 속여 기술을 공개하고 중국의 기술 향상을 돕기 위해 노력을 아끼지 않았습니다.
갑자기 우리는 중국이 이 모든 것을 군사력 향상으로 바꾸었다는 것을 깨달았습니다.
중국은 이제 유럽, 미국, 러시아에 이어 세계 2위의 GDP이자 군사력 2위 국가입니다.
Japan Steel Corporation은 중국에 가장 앞선 강판 기술(전자기 강판)을 제공했습니다.
일본이 아무리 선의로 개발한 고부가가치 제품이어도 곧바로 중국에 기술을 이전했다.
중국 정부의 산업보조금 제도가 제대로 작동하고 덤핑이 시작되면서 일본의 경쟁력은 약화됐다.
선의의 기여는 적당히 해야 하는 일의 한 예입니다.
탈탄소화가 완전히 시행되려면 일본 철강 산업이 문을 닫아야 합니다.
현재 세계의 고로 산업은 철강을 만들기 위해 석탄 대신 수소를 사용하는 것에 대해 이야기하고 있지만, 이는 막대한 자본 투자가 필요할 것입니다.
중국은 제철 및 제강 분야에서 세계 1위의 조강 생산국이 되었습니다. 그래도 중국의 고성능 자동차 강판 생산을 모방하는 것은 불가능하다고 생각했다. 그래도 역효과는 이미 반등했고 도요타는 중국산 자동차 강판을 사용하기 시작했다.
일본의 철강 산업은 Kimitsu 또는 Fukuyama에 관계없이 고로를 줄이고 많은 수의 근로자를 해고합니다. 지금 상황은 심각합니다.
최근 몇 년 동안 경제 성장은 서비스 산업을 강조하면서 상품 생산을 외국에 의존하는 데 기반을 두고 있습니다.
그러나 이제는 국가가 식품 생산과 제조업으로 초점을 전환하고 성장 모델을 재구성하고 있음을 보여줄 때입니다.

Ленин сказал очень многозначительно: «Они пришли продать себе веревку, чтобы повеситься».

2021年10月04日 17時19分03秒 | 全般

Следующее - из книги Масахиро Миядзаки под названием WORLD RESET 2021, Мир на грани великого краха, опубликованной 1 июня 2021 года.
Масахиро Миядзаки продолжает публиковать непрерывный поток подлинных статей.
Без преувеличения можно сказать, что он превзошел Умесао Тадао по интеллекту.
Эту книгу необходимо прочитать не только японцам, но и людям всего мира.
Акцент в тексте мой, за исключением заголовка p64-p66.
Китай полностью обманул Запад.
Ленин сказал очень многозначительно: «Они пришли продать себе веревку, чтобы повеситься».
Несмотря на некоторые изменения в политике Трампа, положительное сальдо экспорта Китая в США в 2018 году составило 419,5 миллиарда долларов. В 2020 году оно снизится только до 310,8 миллиарда долларов.
Китай полностью обманул США и Японию, заставив их открыть свои технологии и приложив все усилия, чтобы помочь Китаю улучшить свои технологии.
Внезапно мы поняли, что Китай превратил все это в улучшение своей военной мощи.
Сейчас Китай является вторым по величине ВВП в мире и второй по величине военной державой после Европы, США и России.
Japan Steel Corporation предоставила Китаю самую передовую технологию производства стальных листов (электромагнитный стальной лист).
Независимо от того, сколько продуктов с высокой добавленной стоимостью Япония разработала с добрыми намерениями, она немедленно передала технологию Китаю.
Система промышленных субсидий правительства Китая функционировала эффективно, и начался демпинг, в результате чего конкурентоспособность Японии оказалась бессильной.
Добросовестный вклад - это пример того, что нужно делать умеренно.
Японская сталелитейная промышленность должна быть закрыта, чтобы декарбонизация была полностью осуществлена.
Мировая доменная промышленность сейчас говорит об использовании водорода вместо угля для производства стали, но это потребует огромных капиталовложений.
Китай стал производителем нерафинированной стали №1 в мире с точки зрения выплавки чугуна и стали. Тем не менее, они думали, что будет невозможно имитировать производство высококачественной листовой автомобильной стали в Китае. Тем не менее, негативные последствия уже восстановились, и Toyota начала использовать листы автомобильной стали, произведенные в Китае.
Сталелитейная промышленность Японии, будь то в Кимицу или Фукуяме, сокращает количество доменных печей и увольняет большое количество рабочих. Ситуация сейчас серьезная.
В последние годы экономический рост основывался на опоре на зарубежные страны в производстве товаров с упором на сферу услуг.
Однако настало время для страны переключить свое внимание на производство и производство продуктов питания и показать, что она меняет свою модель роста.

Lenin disse muito sugestivamente: "Eles vieram se vender uma corda para se enforcar".

2021年10月04日 17時17分42秒 | 全般

O seguinte é do livro de Masahiro Miyazaki intitulado WORLD RESET 2021, O Mundo à Beira de um Grande Crash, publicado em 1 de junho de 2021.
Masahiro Miyazaki continua a publicar um fluxo vigoroso de artigos genuínos e ininterruptos.
Não é exagero dizer que ele superou Umesao Tadao em termos de produção intelectual.
Este livro é uma leitura obrigatória não apenas para o povo japonês, mas também para pessoas em todo o mundo.
A ênfase do texto é minha, exceto para o título, p64-p66.
A China enganou totalmente o Ocidente.
Lenin disse muito sugestivamente: "Eles vieram se vender uma corda para se enforcar".
Apesar de algumas mudanças nas políticas de Trump, o superávit de exportação da China para os EUA foi de US $ 419,5 bilhões em 2018. Ele só diminuirá para US $ 310,8 bilhões em 2020.
A China enganou completamente os EUA e o Japão para que abrissem sua tecnologia e não poupassem esforços para ajudar a China a melhorar sua tecnologia.
De repente, percebemos que a China havia transformado tudo isso em um aprimoramento de seu poderio militar.
A China é agora o segundo maior PIB do mundo e a segunda maior potência militar depois da Europa, Estados Unidos e Rússia.
A Japan Steel Corporation forneceu à China a mais avançada tecnologia de chapa de aço (chapa de aço eletromagnética).
Não importa quantos produtos de alto valor agregado o Japão desenvolveu com boas intenções, ele transferiu imediatamente a tecnologia para a China.
O sistema de subsídios industriais do governo chinês funcionou com eficácia e o dumping começou, tornando a competitividade do Japão impotente.
A contribuição de boa fé é um exemplo do que deve ser feito com moderação.
A indústria siderúrgica japonesa terá de fechar para que a descarbonização seja totalmente implementada.
A indústria de alto-forno mundial está agora falando sobre o uso de hidrogênio em vez de carvão para fazer aço, mas isso exigirá um grande investimento de capital.
A China se tornou o maior produtor mundial de aço bruto em termos de ferro e aço. Ainda assim, pensou que seria impossível imitar a produção de chapas de aço automotivas de alto desempenho da China. Ainda assim, os efeitos adversos já se recuperaram e a Toyota começou a usar chapas de aço automotivas produzidas na China.
A indústria siderúrgica do Japão, seja em Kimitsu ou Fukuyama, reduz os altos-fornos e dispensa um grande número de trabalhadores. A situação agora é séria.
Nos últimos anos, o crescimento econômico tem se baseado na dependência de países estrangeiros para a produção de bens, com ênfase na indústria de serviços.
No entanto, é hora de a nação mudar seu foco para a produção e manufatura de alimentos e mostrar que está reconfigurando seu modelo de crescimento.

Lénine dit d'une manière très suggestive : « Ils sont venus se vendre une corde pour se pendre.

2021年10月04日 17時17分21秒 | 全般

Ce qui suit est tiré du livre de Masahiro Miyazaki intitulé WORLD RESET 2021, The World on the Verge of a Great Crash, publié le 1er juin 2021.
Masahiro Miyazaki continue de publier un flux vigoureux d'articles authentiques et ininterrompus.
Il n'est pas exagéré de dire qu'il a dépassé Umesao Tadao en termes de production intellectuelle.
Ce livre est une lecture incontournable non seulement pour le peuple japonais mais aussi pour les gens du monde entier.
L'emphase dans le texte est de moi, à l'exception du titre, p64-p66.
La Chine a complètement trompé l'Occident.
Lénine dit d'une manière très suggestive : « Ils sont venus se vendre une corde pour se pendre.
Malgré quelques changements dans les politiques de Trump, l'excédent d'exportation de la Chine vers les États-Unis s'élevait à 419,5 milliards de dollars en 2018. Il ne diminuera qu'à 310,8 milliards de dollars en 2020.
La Chine a complètement dupé les États-Unis et le Japon pour qu'ils ouvrent leur technologie et n'épargnent aucun effort pour aider la Chine à améliorer sa technologie.
Soudain, nous avons réalisé que la Chine avait transformé tout cela en une amélioration de sa puissance militaire.
La Chine est désormais le deuxième PIB mondial et la deuxième puissance militaire après l'Europe, les États-Unis et la Russie.
Japan Steel Corporation a fourni à la Chine la technologie de tôle d'acier la plus avancée (tôle d'acier électromagnétique).
Peu importe le nombre de produits à haute valeur ajoutée que le Japon a développés avec de bonnes intentions, il a immédiatement transféré la technologie à la Chine.
Le système de subventions industrielles du gouvernement chinois a fonctionné efficacement et le dumping a commencé, rendant la compétitivité du Japon impuissante.
La contribution de bonne foi est un exemple de ce qui doit être fait avec modération.
L'industrie sidérurgique japonaise devra fermer si la décarbonation doit être pleinement mise en œuvre.
L'industrie mondiale des hauts fourneaux parle maintenant d'utiliser de l'hydrogène au lieu du charbon pour fabriquer de l'acier, mais cela nécessitera d'énormes investissements en capital.
La Chine est devenue le premier producteur mondial d'acier brut en termes de sidérurgie. Pourtant, il pensait qu'il serait impossible d'imiter la production chinoise de tôles d'acier automobile à haute performance. Pourtant, les effets négatifs ont déjà rebondi et Toyota a commencé à utiliser des tôles d'acier pour automobiles produites en Chine.
L'industrie sidérurgique japonaise, que ce soit à Kimitsu ou à Fukuyama, réduit les hauts fourneaux et licencie un grand nombre de travailleurs. La situation est désormais grave.
Ces dernières années, la croissance économique a été basée sur le recours à des pays étrangers pour la production de biens, en mettant l'accent sur l'industrie des services.
Cependant, il est temps pour la nation de se concentrer sur la production et la fabrication de produits alimentaires et de montrer qu'elle reconfigure son modèle de croissance.

Lenin dijo de manera muy sugerente: "Han venido a venderse una cuerda para ahorcarse".

2021年10月04日 17時12分49秒 | 全般

Lo siguiente es del libro de Masahiro Miyazaki titulado WORLD RESET 2021, The World on the Verge of a Great Crash, publicado el 1 de junio de 2021.
Masahiro Miyazaki continúa publicando una vigorosa corriente de artículos genuinos e ininterrumpidos.
No es exagerado decir que ha superado a Umesao Tadao en términos de producción intelectual.
Este libro es una lectura obligada no solo para los japoneses sino también para las personas de todo el mundo.
El énfasis en el texto es mío, a excepción del titular, p64-p66.
China ha engañado por completo a Occidente.
Lenin dijo de manera muy sugerente: "Han venido a venderse una cuerda para ahorcarse".
A pesar de algunos cambios en las políticas de Trump, el superávit de exportaciones de China a los EE. UU. Fue de $ 419.5 mil millones en 2018. Solo disminuirá a $ 310.8 mil millones en 2020.
China engañó por completo a EE. UU. Y Japón para que abrieran su tecnología y no escatimaran esfuerzos para ayudar a China a mejorar su tecnología.
De repente, nos dimos cuenta de que China había convertido todo esto en una mejora de su poder militar.
China es ahora el segundo PIB más grande del mundo y la segunda potencia militar más grande después de Europa, Estados Unidos y Rusia.
Japan Steel Corporation proporcionó a China la tecnología de chapa de acero más avanzada (chapa de acero electromagnética).
No importa cuántos productos de alto valor agregado haya desarrollado Japón con buenas intenciones, inmediatamente transfirió la tecnología a China.
El sistema de subsidios industriales del gobierno chino funcionó con eficacia y comenzó el dumping, lo que dejó impotente la competitividad de Japón.
La contribución de buena fe es un ejemplo de lo que debe hacerse con moderación.
La industria japonesa del acero tendrá que cerrar si se quiere implementar completamente la descarbonización.
La industria mundial de altos hornos ahora está hablando de usar hidrógeno en lugar de carbón para fabricar acero, pero esto requerirá una gran inversión de capital.
China se ha convertido en el primer productor mundial de acero bruto en términos de producción de hierro y acero. Aún así, pensó que sería imposible imitar la producción de láminas de acero para automóviles de alto rendimiento de China. Aún así, los efectos adversos ya se han recuperado y Toyota ha comenzado a utilizar láminas de acero para automóviles producidas en China.
La industria del acero de Japón, ya sea en Kimitsu o Fukuyama, reduce los altos hornos y despide a un gran número de trabajadores. La situación ahora es grave.
En los últimos años, el crecimiento económico se ha basado en la dependencia de países extranjeros para la producción de bienes, con énfasis en la industria de servicios.
Sin embargo, es hora de que la nación cambie su enfoque hacia la producción y fabricación de alimentos y demuestre que está reconfigurando su modelo de crecimiento.

Lenin disse in modo molto suggestivo: "Sono venuti per vendersi una corda per impiccarsi".

2021年10月04日 17時11分47秒 | 全般

Quanto segue è tratto dal libro di Masahiro Miyazaki intitolato WORLD RESET 2021, The World on the Verge of a Great Crash, pubblicato il 1 giugno 2021.
Masahiro Miyazaki continua a pubblicare un flusso vigoroso di articoli autentici e ininterrotti.
Non è esagerato dire che ha superato Umesao Tadao in termini di produzione intellettuale.
Questo libro è una lettura obbligata non solo per i giapponesi, ma anche per le persone di tutto il mondo.
L'enfasi nel testo è mia, ad eccezione del titolo, p64-p66.
La Cina ha completamente ingannato l'Occidente.
Lenin disse in modo molto suggestivo: "Sono venuti per vendersi una corda per impiccarsi".
Nonostante alcuni cambiamenti nelle politiche di Trump, l'eccedenza delle esportazioni della Cina negli Stati Uniti è stata di 419,5 miliardi di dollari nel 2018. Diminuirà solo a 310,8 miliardi di dollari nel 2020.
La Cina ha completamente ingannato gli Stati Uniti e il Giappone nell'aprire la loro tecnologia e senza lesinare sforzi per aiutare la Cina a migliorare la sua tecnologia.
Improvvisamente, ci siamo resi conto che la Cina aveva trasformato tutto questo in un miglioramento della sua potenza militare.
La Cina è ora il secondo PIL mondiale e la seconda potenza militare dopo Europa, Stati Uniti e Russia.
Japan Steel Corporation ha fornito alla Cina la tecnologia più avanzata per la lamiera d'acciaio (lamiera d'acciaio elettromagnetica).
Non importa quanti prodotti ad alto valore aggiunto il Giappone ha sviluppato con buone intenzioni, ha immediatamente trasferito la tecnologia in Cina.
Il sistema di sussidi industriali del governo cinese ha funzionato in modo efficace e sono iniziate le pratiche di dumping, rendendo impotente la competitività del Giappone.
Il contributo in buona fede è un esempio di ciò che deve essere fatto con moderazione.
L'industria siderurgica giapponese dovrà chiudere se si vuole attuare pienamente la decarbonizzazione.
L'industria mondiale degli altiforni sta ora parlando di utilizzare l'idrogeno invece del carbone per produrre acciaio, ma ciò richiederà enormi investimenti di capitale.
La Cina è diventata il primo produttore mondiale di acciaio grezzo in termini di produzione di ferro e acciaio. Tuttavia, pensava che sarebbe stato impossibile imitare la produzione cinese di lamiere d'acciaio per automobili ad alte prestazioni. Tuttavia, gli effetti negativi sono già rimbalzati e Toyota ha iniziato a utilizzare lamiere di acciaio per automobili prodotte in Cina.
L'industria siderurgica giapponese, sia a Kimitsu che a Fukuyama, riduce gli altiforni e licenzia un gran numero di lavoratori. La situazione ora è grave.
Negli ultimi anni, la crescita economica si è basata sull'affidarsi all'estero per la produzione di beni, con particolare attenzione al settore dei servizi.
Tuttavia, è tempo che la nazione rivolga la sua attenzione alla produzione e alla produzione alimentare e mostri che sta riconfigurando il suo modello di crescita.

Lenin said very suggestively, 'They have come to sell themselves a rope to hang themselves.' 

2021年10月04日 17時07分23秒 | 全般

The following is from Masahiro Miyazaki's book titled WORLD RESET 2021, The World on the Verge of a Great Crash, published on June 1, 2021.
Masahiro Miyazaki continues to publish a vigorous stream of uninterrupted, genuine articles.
It is no exaggeration to say that he has surpassed Umesao Tadao in terms of his intellectual output.
This book is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
The emphasis in the text is mine, except for the headline, p64-p66.
China has wholly deceived the West. 
Lenin said very suggestively, 'They have come to sell themselves a rope to hang themselves.' 
Despite some changes in Trump policies, China's export surplus to the U.S. was $419.5 billion in 2018. It will only decrease to $310.8 billion in 2020.
China completely fooled the U.S. and Japan into opening up their technology and sparing no effort to help China improve its technology.
Suddenly, we realized that China had turned all of this into an improvement in its military power.
China is now the world's second-largest GDP and the second-largest military power after Europe, the United States, and Russia. 
Japan Steel Corporation provided China with the most advanced steel sheet technology (electromagnetic steel sheet). 
No matter how many high-value-added products Japan developed with good intentions, it immediately transferred the technology to China. 
The Chinese government's industrial subsidy system functioned effectively, and dumping began, rendering Japan's competitiveness powerless. 
Contribution in good faith is an example of what must be done in moderation.
The Japanese steel industry will have to close down if decarbonization is to be fully implemented.
The world's blast furnace industry is now talking about using hydrogen instead of coal to make steel, but this will require huge capital investment. 
China has become the world's No. 1 producer of crude steel in terms of iron and steelmaking. Still, it thought it would be impossible to imitate China's high-performance automobile steel sheets production. Still, the adverse effects have already rebounded, and Toyota has started using automobile steel sheets produced in China. 
Japan's steel industry, whether in Kimitsu or Fukuyama, reduces blast furnaces and lays off large numbers of workers. The situation is now serious. 
In recent years, economic growth has been based on relying on foreign countries for the production of goods, with an emphasis on the service industry.
However, it is time for the nation to switch its focus to food production and manufacturing and show that it is reconfiguring its growth model.



2021年10月04日 16時46分35秒 | 全般

以下は、WORLD RESET 2021, 大暴落にむかう世界、と題して、2021/6/1に出版された宮崎正弘の著作からである。



Top 10 real-time searches 2021/10/04, 16:18

2021年10月04日 16時18分18秒 | 全般








Japanese people are close to morons when it comes to defense issues.


No respite from Mr. Kishida's pledge to make constitutional amendments


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It is a popular page yesterday on ameba 2021/10/3


Japanese people are close to morons when it comes to defense issues.

2021年10月04日 11時33分39秒 | 全般

The following is from a regular column by Yoshiko Sakurai that appeared on the front page of today's Sankei Shimbun.
This article also proves that she is a national treasure, a supreme national treasure defined by Saicho.
(Emphasis in the text, except for the headline, is mine.
No respite from Mr. Kishida's pledge to make constitutional amendments
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) President Fumio Kishida, elected prime minister on Oct. 4, said that he would seek constitutional amendments during his term.
Kishida has also declared that Japan may have the capability to maintain an enemy base attack capability to stop ballistic missiles targeting Japan within its territory as a deterrent. 
Considering the tradition of the Kōchikai (Kishida faction), the section from which Mr. Kishida hails, of leaning toward a non-military approach, his declaration of resolve is significant. 
With the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the international security system is shifting toward a coalition of nations that includes Japan.
However, Japan continues to confine the Self-Defense Forces within the framework of the Police Law and does not allow them to operate as a regular army.
It is unsustainable for Japan.
Mr. Kishida's pledge to revise the Constitution is not a moment too soon.
The responsibility for Japan's dire straits rests with the entire Japanese people. Still, the Kōchikai tradition originated with former Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, and the Kōchikai politicians are to blame. 
Eiichi Tatsumi, a former lieutenant general in the army who served as Yoshida's personal military advisor, often advised Yoshida on the need for rearmament and constitutional reform. 
When the National Police Reserve was established and recruited former military personnel, he tried especially hard to persuade him when the Self-Defense Forces Law was passed. 
Mr. Tatsumi's argument that it must amend Article 9 of the Constitution now that the Self-Defense Forces have been given the task of defending the nation makes sense. 
However, Mr. Yoshida, who insists on a non-military approach, refused to listen and forcefully argued that this was an "army without war potential.
"With the Constitution of Japan, which stipulates that Japan will not retain any military force, in mind, he developed a quibble to separate the Self-Defense Forces, which should be regarded as the national army, from the military. 
Mr.Tadae Takubo, professor emeritus at Kyorin University, points out that at that time, Mr. Yoshida placed a moratorium on Japan's defense capability, on constitutional reform, and on the values and ethics that should underlie the nation's existence. 
In November 1964, Mr. Yoshida bowed to Mr. Tatsumi, saying that he deeply regretted not listening to his advice after his retirement.
However,  it did not apply Mr. Yoshida's remorse after that. 
The next prime minister from Kōchikai who followed Mr. Yoshida was Hayato Ikeda.
It is unlike former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, who failed to revise the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty and then to amend the Constitution, Ikeda specialized in economic policy.
On a visit to Europe in 1962, Ikeda told Masaya Ito, who was close to him and served as his secretary to the prime minister.
"I wish Japan had military power. If Japan had military power, my words would probably be ten times as strong as today's." (Hayato Ikeda, Masaya Ito, Jiji Press) 
Mr. Ikeda compared Japan's denial of military power to that of a "eunuch.
Mr. Ito argues that it is a value peculiar to Japan that equates a commitment to democracy with the elimination of military power and that "Japanese people are close to morons when it comes to defense issues."
In the end, however, both Mr. Yoshida and Mr. Ikeda, while recognizing the national necessity of maintaining military power, failed to reflect this universal principle of the international community in their national politics.
It is Mr. Kishida's responsibility as the representative of Kōchikai to correct this double standard.  Is Mr. Kishida even aware of this? 
Since mid-September, North Korea has been launching new missiles, including hypersonic missiles that neither Japan nor the United States can intercept.
China has been flying dozens of fighter jets across the Taiwan Strait every day to show its firm stance against Taiwan and the pro-Taiwan policy of Japan and the United States. 
Many of Taiwan's national interests overlap with those of our own.
At the Japan-U.S. summit in April and the G7 summit in June, the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait was confirmed as a standard outline of the liberal camp.
Strengthening cooperation with the United States and building a stronger deterrent is essential to get through this tense situation by addressing the Chinese threat without it leading to conflict. 
This effort should also pave the way for Japan to become a legitimate independent nation.
What Mr. Kishida needs to do is to make a significant shift from the Kōchikai way of thinking, which avoids military affairs.
Kōchikai begins with self-denial that sees all of Japan's actions in the Greater East Asia War as evil, sinks into a mindset that denies Japan, and hates building Japan's military power.
It is time to change this way of thinking. It is time for Japan to believe in itself and strengthen its military cooperation with the United States. 
The U.S. has made it clear that the U.S. alone cannot face the threat of China, and it is now seeking the cooperation of its allies.
The U.S. military strategy is being rapidly realigned for the new situation. What should be watched closely is its strategy of maritime oppression.
The strategy is for the Marines and the Army to hold the line inside the first island chain and the Navy and Air Force to attack the Chinese Navy from far outside and push it back.
The Nansei Islands, which make up the first island chain, are Japanese territory. It is natural to cooperate with U.S. forces there. 
If the U.S. military were to propose the deployment of medium-range missiles on the first island chain, Kishida said, "We would not deny it at all. I appreciate this.
However, if the possibility of bringing nuclear weapons into the country arises, Mr. Kishida denied that the three non-nuclear principles of "not possessing, not producing, and not allowing the introduction of nuclear weapons" cannot be changed. 
The deployment of medium-range missiles, of course, and nuclear missiles would be essential for Japan's defense.
As long as both North Korea and China possess nuclear weapons and their missiles are within our country's range, Japan's rejection of U.S. nuclear weapons will not serve as a deterrent.
After Yoshida and Ikeda, Kōchikai produced Kiichi Miyazawa, Yohei Kono, and Koichi Kato.
In addition to absurdly and dishonorably undermining Japan's national interests through the comfort women issue and textbook problems, they have also turned their backs on constitutional reform.
It seems that they have no doubts about relying on other countries for national defense. 
Mr. Kishida, standing on a series of promises, has a responsibility to change his sense of values and his view of security, which is the source of his political power.
He has also pledged to maintain the nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear power generation for the stable supply of energy, which is the bedrock of the nation's power and ensures steady succession to the throne through the male line.
The people have not forgotten these promises.
In order to achieve this, in addition to the ability to listen, the ability to make decisions and execute is necessary.



No respite from Mr. Kishida's pledge to make constitutional amendments

2021年10月04日 11時28分51秒 | 全般

The following is from a regular column by Yoshiko Sakurai that appeared on the front page of today's Sankei Shimbun.
This article also proves that she is a national treasure, a supreme national treasure defined by Saicho.
(Emphasis in the text, except for the headline, is mine.
No respite from Mr. Kishida's pledge to make constitutional amendments
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) President Fumio Kishida, elected prime minister on Oct. 4, said that he would seek constitutional amendments during his term.
Kishida has also declared that Japan may have the capability to maintain an enemy base attack capability to stop ballistic missiles targeting Japan within its territory as a deterrent. 
Considering the tradition of the Kōchikai (Kishida faction), the section from which Mr. Kishida hails, of leaning toward a non-military approach, his declaration of resolve is significant. 
With the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the international security system is shifting toward a coalition of nations that includes Japan.
However, Japan continues to confine the Self-Defense Forces within the framework of the Police Law and does not allow them to operate as a regular army.
It is unsustainable for Japan.
Mr. Kishida's pledge to revise the Constitution is not a moment too soon.
The responsibility for Japan's dire straits rests with the entire Japanese people. Still, the Kōchikai tradition originated with former Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, and the Kōchikai politicians are to blame. 
Eiichi Tatsumi, a former lieutenant general in the army who served as Yoshida's personal military advisor, often advised Yoshida on the need for rearmament and constitutional reform. 
When the National Police Reserve was established and recruited former military personnel, he tried especially hard to persuade him when the Self-Defense Forces Law was passed. 
Mr. Tatsumi's argument that it must amend Article 9 of the Constitution now that the Self-Defense Forces have been given the task of defending the nation makes sense. 
However, Mr. Yoshida, who insists on a non-military approach, refused to listen and forcefully argued that this was an "army without war potential.
"With the Constitution of Japan, which stipulates that Japan will not retain any military force, in mind, he developed a quibble to separate the Self-Defense Forces, which should be regarded as the national army, from the military. 
Mr.Tadae Takubo, professor emeritus at Kyorin University, points out that at that time, Mr. Yoshida placed a moratorium on Japan's defense capability, on constitutional reform, and on the values and ethics that should underlie the nation's existence. 
In November 1964, Mr. Yoshida bowed to Mr. Tatsumi, saying that he deeply regretted not listening to his advice after his retirement.
However,  it did not apply Mr. Yoshida's remorse after that. 
The next prime minister from Kōchikai who followed Mr. Yoshida was Hayato Ikeda.
It is unlike former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, who failed to revise the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty and then to amend the Constitution, Ikeda specialized in economic policy.
On a visit to Europe in 1962, Ikeda told Masaya Ito, who was close to him and served as his secretary to the prime minister.
"I wish Japan had military power. If Japan had military power, my words would probably be ten times as strong as today's." (Hayato Ikeda, Masaya Ito, Jiji Press) 
Mr. Ikeda compared Japan's denial of military power to that of a "eunuch.
Mr. Ito argues that it is a value peculiar to Japan that equates a commitment to democracy with the elimination of military power and that "Japanese people are close to morons when it comes to defense issues."
In the end, however, both Mr. Yoshida and Mr. Ikeda, while recognizing the national necessity of maintaining military power, failed to reflect this universal principle of the international community in their national politics.
It is Mr. Kishida's responsibility as the representative of Kōchikai to correct this double standard.  Is Mr. Kishida even aware of this? 
Since mid-September, North Korea has been launching new missiles, including hypersonic missiles that neither Japan nor the United States can intercept.
China has been flying dozens of fighter jets across the Taiwan Strait every day to show its firm stance against Taiwan and the pro-Taiwan policy of Japan and the United States. 
Many of Taiwan's national interests overlap with those of our own.
At the Japan-U.S. summit in April and the G7 summit in June, the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait was confirmed as a standard outline of the liberal camp.
Strengthening cooperation with the United States and building a stronger deterrent is essential to get through this tense situation by addressing the Chinese threat without it leading to conflict. 
This effort should also pave the way for Japan to become a legitimate independent nation.
What Mr. Kishida needs to do is to make a significant shift from the Kōchikai way of thinking, which avoids military affairs.
Kōchikai begins with self-denial that sees all of Japan's actions in the Greater East Asia War as evil, sinks into a mindset that denies Japan, and hates building Japan's military power.
It is time to change this way of thinking. It is time for Japan to believe in itself and strengthen its military cooperation with the United States. 
The U.S. has made it clear that the U.S. alone cannot face the threat of China, and it is now seeking the cooperation of its allies.
The U.S. military strategy is being rapidly realigned for the new situation. What should be watched closely is its strategy of maritime oppression.
The strategy is for the Marines and the Army to hold the line inside the first island chain and the Navy and Air Force to attack the Chinese Navy from far outside and push it back.
The Nansei Islands, which make up the first island chain, are Japanese territory. It is natural to cooperate with U.S. forces there. 
If the U.S. military were to propose the deployment of medium-range missiles on the first island chain, Kishida said, "We would not deny it at all. I appreciate this.
However, if the possibility of bringing nuclear weapons into the country arises, Mr. Kishida denied that the three non-nuclear principles of "not possessing, not producing, and not allowing the introduction of nuclear weapons" cannot be changed. 
The deployment of medium-range missiles, of course, and nuclear missiles would be essential for Japan's defense.
As long as both North Korea and China possess nuclear weapons and their missiles are within our country's range, Japan's rejection of U.S. nuclear weapons will not serve as a deterrent.
After Yoshida and Ikeda, Kōchikai produced Kiichi Miyazawa, Yohei Kono, and Koichi Kato.
In addition to absurdly and dishonorably undermining Japan's national interests through the comfort women issue and textbook problems, they have also turned their backs on constitutional reform.
It seems that they have no doubts about relying on other countries for national defense. 
Mr. Kishida, standing on a series of promises, has a responsibility to change his sense of values and his view of security, which is the source of his political power.
He has also pledged to maintain the nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear power generation for the stable supply of energy, which is the bedrock of the nation's power and ensures steady succession to the throne through the male line.
The people have not forgotten these promises.
In order to achieve this, in addition to the ability to listen, the ability to make decisions and execute is necessary.




2021年10月04日 10時44分42秒 | 全般

岸田氏公約 改憲猶予なし