文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

During the bureaucracy, I am involved in the creation of laws that prohibit revolving doors.

2017年09月02日 23時20分45秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Mr. Maekawa, King of revolving door

Originally, Mr. Maekawa was "King of revolving door". Maekawa was mastering all the revolving door of MEXT.

During the bureaucracy, I am involved in the creation of laws that prohibit revolving doors.

The revolving door mediation of MEXT discovered in January this year has been objected to by this law.

Mr. Maekawa is a performer in the search report in MEXT.

That is, Mr. Maekawa, the mastermind of revolving door, was in violation of the law.

There is also a report saying "taking responsibility upon oneself and resign", but disciplinary dismissal is reasonable.

When he quits, with MEXT companion to arrange beforehand to tell the same story, furthermore, he has acquired retirement tens of millions of yen.

I cannot help being saying it is very malignant.

There are many revolving doors from MEXT to university.

For one thing, MEXT has the aspect that it holds the operating expenses of national universities.

The other is the authorization authority of many new faculties such as MEXT has.

If the university does not listen to MEXT’s opinion, it will be impossible to establish an undergraduate faculty and no subsidies will be received.

Therefore, they always accept revolving door.

This draft continues.

In addition, it was because they could not arrange teachers and facilities, so out of the question

2017年09月02日 23時00分21秒 | 日記

Although there was also a means to abolish the notice, the Cabinet Office made consideration / concession to the veterinarian society and said, "Let it apply for only one school in fiscal 2018".

This was announced in January 2017.

As a result, the agenda school was decided.

Mr. Maekawa continues useless resistance, avoiding the story of the notice dare to say, "It is unfair to narrow down only to one school", but it is like a loser of a loser.

Kake Gakuen has been applying for the past ten years.

Because Kyoto Sangyo University has only one year of preparation period, there is no reason to match Kake Gakuen.

In addition, it was because they could not arrange teachers and facilities, so out of the question.

From the point of view of the person who knows the circumstances,

it is only a story, which there are places it to me to apply a lot but there were veterinarian societies narrowing down to one school, so it became Kake Academy which was well prepared as a result.

Kyoto Sangyo University and the governor of Kyoto Prefecture, the parties who were regarded as rivals of Kake Gakuen, also mentioned this story at a press conference.

The press does not report such a press conference and continues to allege suspicions.

People who only see such reports, it seems that the alleged coverage seems to be lying to the government and other parties.

Knowing essence is a very simple story, but they do not know what the issue is, including the mass communication.

Even so, there is a memo written as "It is the intention of the prime minister" that there is no credibility, it is nothing more than a forgery to dare to say.

It may be an official document, but because the Cabinet Office has not checked it at all, it is obliged to say that credibility is very suspicious.

When officials write notes, it is common to say appropriately about the other ministries and agencies.

When I was enrolled in the Ministry of Finance, "Takahashi is a terrible guy", it was always written outrageous things (laugh)

It is the role of Mr. Maekawa, who is an executive, to check the notes that have generally come up from the bottom.

If I check it, I will you out that "that contents of your memo differs from the documents that the Cabinet Office and MEXT agreed to publish."

It can be said that Mr. Maekawa sabotage his job as a manager.

This draft continues.

does not Japanese people notice the evil of the Asahi newspaper unless the country is crushed?

2017年09月02日 22時34分37秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. * ~ * Is me.

Howling of a loser dog

If you know this trend, there is no need to pass the application with the intention of the Prime Minister.

"The competent authority has accountability, the MEXT could not be explained explicitly," it concludes.

The material of Mr. Maekawa this time is the material published only in MEXT.

It has not obtained any consent from the Cabinet Office.

That's why it's common to find outrageous content, and this MEXT document is typical of it.

The material that I comply with is the official minutes of MEXT.

If it is an official document, you cannot put it in the table unless you correct it, if there are inconvenient descriptions for the other person, look at both.

After amending, both MEXT and the Cabinet Office agreed upon.

There is no intention of the Prime Minister there.

Before the Prime Minister's intention comes out, the story is over.

Asahi Shimbun has still written an article saying that the remarks of attendees at Kake Gakuen are not on the official minutes and the details of the meeting are unknown.

This deal is deregulation, and the interaction between the regulating authorities and the government agencies that alleviate it is important.

Moreover, this time is whether or not we can approve the application for new faculties in Kake Gakuen, and Kake Gakuen itself is not important.

Because MEXT will do approval for new faculty development of Kake Gakuen, there is also a lack of necessity to call Kake Gakuen at the Special Zone Conference to discuss it.

For this reason, Kake Gakuen is an explanatory assistant and not an official member of the Special Zone Conference.

The Asahi Shimbun still does not know the essence of the problem.

* NHK's press department and Arima and Kuwako of its faithful spokesperson watch 9 (not limited to this matter but about the essence of almost all) do not know anything.

While doing that, they continued to comment that they were face-to-face like justice, not to be cleared of suspicion, and so on.

A country with a powerful intelligence agency, for example, South Korea and China, which have anti-Japan propaganda as its national policy... that the intelligence agencies of these countries are trying to manipulate Japanese citizens it is better for you to know.

Through Ozaki Hotsumi of the Asahi Newspaper, we are pleased to announce that we have led the Japan-China War to the Muddy War - the Japanese-American War, the "Travel in China" by Honda Katsuichi, successive reporters and editorials studying at Yonsei University in Korea Comfort women have been forged by the committee members.

In the meantime, does not Japanese people notice the evil of the Asahi newspaper unless the country is crushed? *

This draft continues.


2017年09月02日 17時45分50秒 | 日記





























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2017年09月02日 17時14分40秒 | 日記


















つまり、天下りの首謀者である前川さんは法律違反をしていたわけです。 「引責辞任」だという報道もありますが、懲戒免職処分が妥当でしょう

2017年09月02日 17時05分38秒 | 日記




















2017年09月02日 15時48分03秒 | 日記






















2017年09月02日 15時45分34秒 | 日記


























From me, I cannot help but say that this statement is "big fool", but the media does not understand

2017年09月02日 15時28分08秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

This time, with regard to detailed discussions between the government offices around here, the media that makes Mr. Maekawa’s opinion unconditional and correct, it does not know.

Mr. Maekawa asserted that "There were four conditions of Ishiba, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries did not regulatory reform."

In other words, "MEXT has no burden of proof and there is no accountability," he stated at a press conference.

From me, I cannot help but say that this statement is "big fool", but the media does not understand the importance of accountability.

For example, in the Diet deliberations, the questioner asked Prime Minister Abe, "You are in a friend relationship with the president of Kake Gakuen"

"That's the fact."

"Where would you have given him some convenience?"

Prime Minister Abe denies that he is "not drawing".

This is "proof of the devil", but what denies is the principle that there is no burden of proof.

In other words, there is no burden of proof for Abe's denying party.

Then, who is accountable to whom, it is necessary for a person who insists "to have convenience" to explain.

However, in this case, no matter how many times we deliberate, no firm evidence will come out.

Even if it does not come out, the media continues to blame Prime Minister Abe.

This is clearly a violation of the rules.

If you insist that "There is injustice", the media side is "There are third parties who are present at the day the two people met, the third party heard that which is asking Kake Gakuen side or Prime Minister Abe about ○ ○ ", the media side must present objective evidence such as.

There is no such discussion rule in the mass communication, just keep saying that there is just doubt.

However, because they kept saying it all the time, many people assume that "It was true that there was injustice".

This is said to be fake news.

Because you are a friend, it is only false accusation that there should have been fraud.

This draft continues.

Despite being tenacious, they could not explain it to the end.

2017年09月02日 15時24分58秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Actual condition of four conditions of Ishiba

If Ishiba knew at least a little about burden of proof, you probably noticed that imposing a high hurdle for the veterinarian society in this "four conditions" is a terrible mistake.

Another noteworthy thing is the date of four conditions of Ishiba.

It is written that "It will be considered by March 2016".

The subject is not clear because it is a government document, but it is clearly clear that MEXT, the regulatory agency, is the subject in recognition of officials.

The basic policy of the Special Zone also states that "the regulatory agency explains all."

Mr. Maekawa of former Administrative Vice - Minister of MEXT and former MEXT bureaucrat Terawaki Ken said clearly that "other ministries such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries are accountable, not MEXT", but it is wrong.

Notice will be revised unless MEXT certifies that Kake Gakuen cannot clear the conditions.

This was the actual condition of the four conditions.

Because "four conditions" were born from the background of the debate on accountability of the notification.

After all, MEXT could not explain what could not be cleared by March 2016.

That is why the notice has to be revised, but MEXT was tenacious until September.

Despite being tenacious, they could not explain it to the end.

This draft continues.

It made no progress, so Ishiba Shigeru intervened on the way and he said "On four conditions"

2017年09月02日 14時38分22秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Actual condition of Ishiba four conditions

However, MEXT cannot give a definite reply.

It made no progress, so Ishiba Shigeru intervened on the way and he said "On four conditions".

Specifically speaking, four conditions,

Consideration concerning the establishment of doctor training university / department

① Concept that the existing proposer does not train existing veterinarians

② Specific demand in areas that veterinarians such as life science should respond to are clear

③ If it is difficult for existing colleges / faculties to deal with it

④ Considering the trend of the demand of veterinarians in recent years, considering from the national perspective within this fiscal year (until March, 2006) ".

On 30th June 2015 when Ishiba was Minister of State for the Promotion of Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan,

Since it was decided by the Cabinet meeting, it is called "Ishiba Four Conditions"

Ishiba himself seems to dislike this name.

These four conditions are Ishiba was asked by the veterinarian society to make it,

The detailed process is written on "Sankei Shimbun" "Kake Gakuen, the administration was distorted (top)" (July 18th).

On 9th September 2015, Ishiba told Mr. Kitamura Naoto of the Japanese veterinarian political union chairman and Mr. Kurauchi Isao of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association chairman at his room of the House of Representatives' House, "The new terms of establishment of the faculty are Although I had a lot of difficulties, I made a wording that polish over polish, who in any form is actually difficult to enter.”

Ishiba was an advisor to the Veterinary Society, so both of them were acquired acquainted.

As Ishiba denies this interaction.

The important point here is that Ishiba did not understand whether "burden of proof" exists in the Cabinet Office or MEXT.

"Burden of proof" is the premise of discussion, which is responsible for it.

Cabinet Office, MEXT, which is the accountability of regulatory reform?

Actually, MEXT regulating is accountable.

This draft continues.

C'était une situation honteuse qui révèle que les Japonais n'ont aucun sens de l'économie

2017年09月02日 10時20分28秒 | 日記

Voici la suite du chapitre précédent

L'acquisition de Sharp par Hon Hai, une couverture irresponsable par les médias est vraiment terrible: «Cela ne peut pas être aidé parce que c'est une entreprise sans technologie», et le ton de l'article se propage, l'opinion publique a été avantageusement induite au côté chinois.

Comme vous pouvez le dire si vous faites l'expérience des fusions et acquisitions même une fois, vous n'avez pas de bonne volonté pour acquérir une entreprise sans valeur dans ce monde.

Sharp valait la peine, l'intervention des fonds du gouvernement allait se dérouler.

Cependant, à l'époque, la Commission du commerce équitable a annoncé «La politique de la concurrence en matière de soutien à la revitalisation publique», qui a entraîné une entrave à l'intervention du gouvernement et la vente de Sharp à Hon Hai.

La FTC était inexplicable en raison du marché était important et tout en vérifiant l'intervention du gouvernement, acte de saut d'armes à feu que Hon Hai viole évidemment la violation de la loi antitrust (action coopérative et échange d'informations entre les parties avant l'exécution de la combinaison) Indépendamment du fait que l'auteur a envoyé un document de «plainte d'opinion», il n'a même pas procédé à une enquête rapide, mais «Hon Hai n'est pas un problème» dans la mesure où il applique la loi avec le double standard.

Parce qu'il a été opposé par la FTC, il était impossible de prendre la meilleure politique de reconstruction nette par le gouvernement, parce que les gens ne comprenaient pas, selon les médias, l'opinion publique trompeuse.

Par conséquent, Sharp est passé à la main de Hon Hai à un prix inattendu bas.

C'était une situation honteuse qui révèle que les Japonais n'ont aucun sens de l'économie, ainsi que la fin du shogunat de Tokugawa, où «l'échange de l'argent et de l'or» était trop coûteux car il manquait de point de vue mondial.

Ce projet se poursuit.

Fue una situación vergonzosa que revela que los japoneses no tienen sentido de la economía

2017年09月02日 10時19分56秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior

Sharp adquisición por Hon Hai, la cobertura irresponsable por los medios de comunicación realmente es terrible, "No se puede ayudar porque es una empresa sin tecnología", y el tono del artículo empujar su camino, la opinión pública fue inducido ventajosamente a la parte china.

Como usted puede decir si usted experimenta el negocio de M & A incluso una vez, usted no tiene una buena voluntad para adquirir una empresa sin valor en este mundo.

Sharp valía la pena, la intervención por los fondos del gobierno estaba a punto de tener lugar.

Sin embargo, en ese momento, la Comisión de Comercio Justo anunció la "Política de Competencia Relativa al Apoyo a la Revitalización Pública", que llevó a obstaculizar la intervención gubernamental y vender Sharp a Hon Hai.

La FTC era inexplicable debido al mercado era importante y al comprobar la intervención del gobierno, el acto de salto de cañón que Hon Hai obviamente viola la violación de la Ley Antitrust (Acción cooperativa e intercambio de información entre las partes antes de la ejecución de la combinación) Independientemente del hecho de que el escritor envió un documento de "queja de opinión", ni siquiera llevó a cabo una investigación rápida, pero "Hon Hai no es ningún problema" en que aplicó la ley con el doble estándar.

Debido a que la FTC se opuso, era imposible tomar la mejor política de la reconstrucción aguda por el gobierno, porque la gente no entendía, dependiendo de los medios de comunicación, la opinión pública es engañosa.

Por lo tanto, Sharp ha pasado a la mano de Hon Hai a un precio inesperadamente bajo.

Fue una situación vergonzosa que revela que los japoneses no tienen sentido de la economía, así como el final del shogunato de Tokugawa, donde la "relación de intercambio de plata y oro" se hizo demasiado barato sin tener un punto de vista global.

Este proyecto continúa.