文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Being a company with the constitution which it is not worthy of the name of the journalist

2016年09月16日 22時37分06秒 | 日記

China investment nuclear power plant UK approves an establishment.

The UK government announced that it admitted that the Chinese state-owned enterprise proceeded with the nuclear power plant establishment plan in the United Kingdom to invest on the 15th.

May administration who was started in July was reinspecting a plan.

In the future, it makes sure that the UK government can intervene in the change of the investment relation of the nuclear power plant management main constituent by all nuclear power plant projects which the overseas company invests and it strengthens a watch from the viewpoint in case of security.

The plan to establish two nuclear reactors at the Hinkley Point nuclear power plant in UK southwest Somerset state about approving


Really small space of the bottom of the page 6.

Other than the man who is to peruse is located really quietly in a small space in a location that does not read anyone.

If seeing this state, as for the reader, my article to Asahi Shimbun, too, should re-recognize a completely right thing.

In other words Asahi Shimbun hide the article that is An Inconvenient Truth for them to have made with their own distorted thought.

Being a company with the constitution which it is not worthy of the name of the journalist.

Because this is the actual state, the fabrication big report of the military comfort woman, the coral reef case, Nanjing Massacre and so on, it should fully realize, saying the cool making of countless fabrication.

Like me, for many years, it doesn't know the actual state and the people who are in the guide layer in the various fields - each layer which it should have perused had better verify once for the Japanese people with Japan about whether it doesn't become a false moralist while you are not consciousness.

On the other hand, Nikkei Shimbun today, it catches into the eyes of anyone who turns over page 7.

It published by the big space and the big index.


2016年09月16日 22時01分33秒 | 日記




































In other words, it says that you weren't operated by them, your recognition is below the

2016年09月16日 14時08分14秒 | 日記

China General Nuclear Power Group released the comment of "it feels happy in the ratification of the project by the British Government. We want to provide the environmentally-friendly energy continuously in the United Kingdom in EDF" on the 15th.

With Naoto Kan, Masayoshi Son, Mizuho Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun, these 4 persons, with so-called men of culture who sided with this, so-called citizen group and so on, as it forgets never above-mentioned part, whole day today, in, many times, repeatedly, it is necessary to drum into the brain.

In addition, you are deeply impressed stated the above rhetoric, which was announced to the world by China is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party.

In other words, it says that you weren't operated by them, your recognition is below the Communist Party autarchic rulers, as for the fact of being a hopeless level, too, you must be be deeply impressed.

Then never again, don't stop the developing and dwarfing Japan w is the country which the turntable of civilization is turning around, it is another 170 years as well as the U.S.., it must head the world.

The big damage to have given Japan by continuing to make the policy of Japan be wrong, anyone of yours cannot be compensated to Japan and the we Japan people, the super huge big damage which reaches 50 trillion yen, that it must not give Japan and us, it is necessary to drum into the brain of the kindergartner level which was filled with the false moralism.

If adding the loss which was brought about from Japanese economy's stagnating big each time, as for the damage Japan suffered from them that hundreds trillion yen (an amount close to 1,000 trillion yen as possible) all of the Japanese people must not forget again.

that my article about the nuclear power plant opposition movement was completely right

2016年09月16日 11時27分58秒 | 日記

The article of Nikkei Shimbun page 7 today was proving that my article about the nuclear power plant opposition movement was completely right.

However, I re-recognize in gloomy thought but the Japanese people, too, must re-recognize in the same way.

In other words, the immediate all stop of the nuclear power plant, then, it is doing the antinuclear to continue to do which still persistently, the anti-nuclear movement that the people's liberation army describes, with Naoto Kan, Masayoshi Son, Mizuho Fukushima, Asahi Shimbun, these 4 persons who began this, with so-called men of culture who sided with this and them, the agencies such as the people's liberation army in China which Mr. Souma Masaru clarified by the paper which was released in SAPIO September, 2016 number are unpleasant, suspicion to have been operated by the CIA and FBI in Korea and so on, too, is thick, anyone should think that so-called citizen group and so on are exaggerated no longer even if it says that it is quislings.

* The career of Mr. Souma Masaru 

The birth in 1956 years. The Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Chinese subject graduation. Sankei Shimbun foreign news section reporters, Hong Kong bureau chief, through the Neiman special journalism researcher, etc. at Harvard University, left the company in 2010, to free. "People that were erased in the Chinese Communist Party," "Kayasawa Tsutomu" pseudonym in the "identity of Xi Jinping" (both published by Shogakukan) of the book and many others. "" Anti-Japanese "strategy of Xi Jinping" to the recent book (Shogakukan published).

The following is Nikkei Shimbun’s article.

The text emphasis is me.

Britain, nuclear power plant approval of China investment

Consideration to security, measures to put the brakes on China.

"London = Kotaki Mariko"

The UK government, in the 15th, national nuclear power generation major, China General Nuclear Power Group in China an establishment plan at the nuclear power plant to invest, it announced that it approved.

The omission

It is a nuclear power plant plan in the UK southwest Hinkley Point that the UK government approved and aims to operate in 2025.

It constructs two latest EPR (nuclear reactor) of French atomic energy major Areva and it caters for 7 % of United Kingdom's electricity demand.

Électricité de France (EDF) invests 2/3 of 18 billion pounds (about 2.4 trillion yen) of total operating expenses and China group such as China General Nuclear Power Group invest the remainder.

The nuclear power plant construction of UK is after about 20 years.

The Hinchley nuclear power plant, last autumn, when Xi Jinping in China visits the United Kingdom, with Cameron ex-prime minister, it agrees by Chinese company's taking part in the planning.

It was the centerpiece project to symbolize the close the UK and China relations.

It was the centerpiece project to symbolize the close the UK and China relations.

The omission

That Ms. May worries most is made a Bradwell nuclear power plant plan at the Hinchley nuclear power plant and in the southeastern area which was approved by the set under the former administration.

In the advanced, for the first time, in the plan to adopt the nuclear reactor which is made in China, China contemplates the expansion of the nuclear power plant exportation to the toehold in this.

Ms. May guards against the risk on the Security Treaty from the Home Secretary minister times.

This article continues

il est l'article qui est la preuve qu'il est le journal qui écrit que réellement.

2016年09月16日 11時12分04秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est de la sélection Sankei hier.
Le Sankei Shimbun maintenant, elle ne repose pas sur la pensée déformée et ainsi de suite, il est l'article qui est la preuve qu'il est le journal qui écrit que réellement.
l'accent de la peine et * ~ * sont moi.
Notre pays n'a pas été béni avec les pays voisins.
Corée du Nord qui est l'adepte de la puissance est le 9, il coupe la retenue de la communauté internationale tout à fait, qu'il est possible de ne dépendre que de la force, il appliqué l'essai nucléaire 5e.
Chine avec le rôle espéré gronder son nord, visent à la modification de la situation actuelle avec le pouvoir, il est lui-même comporte de mal élevé sur la mer de Chine méridionale et la mer de Chine orientale.
La Russie procède à rendre les îles Chishima qui contient les Territoires du Nord une base militaire.
La mission législative non partisane de régime en Corée a donné l'esprit, l'atterrissage à Takeshima (la ville de l'île dans la préfecture de Shimane Oki) en Août.
La phrase de la Constitution avec «les gens qui aiment la paix" ne semble être une plaisanterie espiègle.
Néanmoins, comme pour les Japonais, la méfiance à l'étranger est mince.
* Parce que la plupart des Japonais sont faits pour devenir un faux moraliste, en souscrivant à Asahi Shimbun depuis de nombreuses années par elle, dans le cas de l'être, j'affirme personnellement.
* Cet article continue.

È l'articolo che si sta rivelando che è il giornale che scrive solo in realtà.

2016年09月16日 11時11分38秒 | 日記

Di seguito è dalla selezione Sankei ieri.
Il Sankei Shimbun ora, non si basa sul pensiero distorto e così via, è l'articolo che si sta rivelando che è il giornale che scrive solo di fatto.
Frase enfasi e * ~ * me sono.
Il nostro paese non è benedetto con i paesi vicini.
Corea del Nord che è l'aderente della potenza è il 9, taglia la ritenuta della comunità internazionale totalmente, che è possibile dipendere solo come la forza, esso applicato il test nucleare 5a.
La Cina con il ruolo sperava di rimproverare suo nord, mirano allo stato attuale cambiamento situazione con il potere, si sta comportando in maleducato sul Mar Cinese Meridionale e il Mar Cinese Orientale.
Russia procede con fare le isole Chishima che contiene i Territori del Nord una base militare.
Il apartitica dieta missione legislativo in Corea ha dato lo spirito, atterrando a Takeshima (la città isola Prefettura di Shimane Oki) nel mese di agosto.
La frase della Costituzione con "le persone che amano la pace" sembra essere solo uno scherzo malizioso.
Tuttavia, come per i giapponesi, la diffidenza verso il paese estero è sottile.
* Poiché la maggior parte dei giapponesi sono fatti per diventare un falso moralista, la sottoscrizione di Asahi Shimbun per molti anni da essa, in caso di essere, asserisco personalmente.
* Questo articolo continua.

Es el artículo que está demostrando que es el periódico que escribe única realidad.

2016年09月16日 11時11分12秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la selección de Sankei ayer.
El Sankei Shimbun, en el momento, no se basa en la idea distorsionada y así sucesivamente, es el artículo que está demostrando que es el periódico que escribe única realidad.
énfasis sentencia y * ~ * son yo.
Nuestro país no ha sido bendecida con los países vecinos.
Corea del Norte, que es el adherente de la potencia es el día 9, se corta la moderación de la comunidad internacional por completo, que es posible depender únicamente de motor, se aplica la prueba nuclear 5ª.
China, con el papel esperado de regañar a su norte, apuntan al cambio actual situación con el poder, que se comporta en sí en mal educado en el Mar del Sur de China y el Mar de China Oriental.
Rusia parte con la fabricación de las Islas Chishima que contiene los Territorios del Norte una base militar.
La misión legislativa dieta no partidista en Corea dio espíritu, de aterrizar en Takeshima (la ciudad de la isla, en la prefectura de Shimane Oki) en agosto.
La frase de la Constitución con "las personas que aman la paz" sólo parece ser una broma maliciosa.
Sin embargo, como para los japoneses, la cautela al país extranjero es delgada.
* Debido a que la mayoría de los japoneses están hechos para convertirse en un moralista falsa, la suscripción a Asahi Shimbun durante muchos años por el mismo, en caso de ser, afirmo personalmente.
* Este artículo continúa.

es ist der Artikel, der, dass es die Zeitung erweist, die nur tatsächlich schreibt.

2016年09月16日 11時10分43秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist aus Sankei Auswahl gestern.
Die Sankei Shimbun in jetzt, wird es auf dem verzerrten Gedanken basiert nicht und so weiter, es ist der Artikel, die beweist, dass es die Zeitung, die nur tatsächlich schreibt.
Satz Betonung und * ~ * sind mir.
Unser Land ist mit den Nachbarländern nicht gesegnet.
Nordkorea, die die Anhänger der Macht ist, ist am 9., schneidet sie die Zurückhaltung der internationalen Gemeinschaft vollständig, dass es möglich ist, nur abhängen, wie die Kraft, den 5. Atomtest erzwungen.
China mit den erhofften Rolle seiner Norden zu schimpfen, zielen darauf ab, die derzeitige Situation ändern sich mit der Macht, es verhält sich in einem schlechten Manieren auf das Südchinesische Meer und das Ostchinesische Meer.
Russland geht mit der Herstellung der Chishima Inseln, die die nördlichen Territorien eine Militärbasis enthält.
Die überparteiliche Diät Gesetzgebungs Mission in Korea gab Geist, auf Takeshima (die Insel in der Stadt in der Präfektur Shimane Oki) Landung im August.
Die Formulierung der Verfassung mit "den Menschen, die den Frieden lieben" scheint nur ein boshafter Witz sein.
Dennoch, wie für die Japaner, die Behutsamkeit an das Ausland ist dünn.
* Da sind aus den meisten der Japaner ein falscher Moralist zu werden, indem sie es seit vielen Jahren zu Asahi Shimbun abonnieren, im Falle des Seins, behaupte ich persönlich.
* Dieser Artikel weiter.

É o artigo que está provando que é o jornal que grava somente na verdade.

2016年09月16日 11時10分15秒 | 日記

O que se segue é de seleção Sankei ontem.
O Sankei Shimbun agora, não se baseia no pensamento distorcido e assim por diante, é o artigo que está provando que é o jornal que grava somente na verdade.
ênfase frase e * ~ * são mim.
Nosso país não é abençoada com os países vizinhos.
A Coreia do Norte que é o adepto do poder é no dia 9, que corta a contenção da comunidade internacional completamente, que é possível a depender apenas como a força, é aplicada ao teste nuclear quinta.
China, com o papel esperado para repreender seu norte, visam a presente situação mudou com o poder, ele está se comportando-se em mal-educado no Mar da China Meridional e no Mar da China Oriental.
Rússia prossegue com a tomada das Ilhas Chishima que contém os Territórios do Norte uma base militar.
A missão legislativa não partidária Dieta na Coreia deu espírito, o desembarque em Takeshima (a cidade-ilha em Shimane Prefecture Oki) em agosto.
A frase da Constituição com "as pessoas que amam a paz" parece apenas ser uma piada maliciosa.
No entanto, como para os japoneses, a cautela para o país estrangeiro é fina.
* Porque a maioria dos japoneses são feitos para tornar-se um falso moralista, assinando Asahi Shimbun, durante muitos anos por isso, em caso de ser, eu afirmo pessoalmente.
* Este artigo continua.


2016年09月16日 11時09分47秒 | 日記



2016年09月16日 11時09分21秒 | 日記



2016年09月16日 11時08分51秒 | 日記

다음은 산케이 선택에서 어제입니다.
지금의 산케이, 그것은 왜곡 사상에 기초하지 않으며 그래서, 그것은 실제로 기록 신문임을 증명하는 문서이다.
문장을 강조하고 * ~ * 날입니다.
우리 나라는 이웃 국가들과 축복되지 않습니다.
전원의 부착 인 북한은, 그것은 5 핵 실험을 시행에만 힘으로 의존 할 수있다, 완전히 국제 사회의 구속을 잘라, 9 일입니다.
북쪽을 꾸짖하는 기대 역할과 중국이 남중국해와 동중국 해에 나쁜 매너 자체를 작동하고, 전력과 현재의 상황 변화를 목표로하고 있습니다.
러시아는 북방 영토를 군사 기지가 들어있는 Chishima 제도를 만들기로 진행된다.
한국의 무소속 국회 입법 임무는 8 월에 다케시마 (시마네 현 오키의 섬 도시)에 착륙, 정신을했다.
"평화를 사랑하는 사람들"과 헌법의 문구는 장난 농담 것 같다.
그럼에도 불구하고, 일본 용으로, 외국에 경계심이 얇다.
일본의 대부분이 존재하는 경우에, 그것에 의해 몇 년 동안 아사히 신문 구독, 허위 도덕 주의자가 만들어집니다 때문에 *, 나는 개인적으로 주장한다.
*이 글은 계속됩니다.


2016年09月16日 11時08分25秒 | 日記

Ниже от выбора Sankei вчера.
Sankei Shimbun сейчас, оно не основано на искаженной мысли и так далее, это статья, которая доказывает, что это газета, которая пишет только на самом деле.
Приговор внимание и * ~ * это я.
Наша страна не благословил с соседними странами.
Северная Корея, которая является приверженцем власти находится на 9-ом, он разрезает сдержанность международного сообщества полностью, что можно полагаться только как сила, оно исполнено 5-е ядерные испытания.
Китай с ролью надеялся ругать его на север, направлены на изменение ситуации нынешней с властью, она ведет себя в себя плохо воспитанным на Южно-Китайском море и Восточно-Китайского моря.
Россия приступает к делая Тисима острова, который содержит северные территории военной базы.
Беспартийная Диета законодательная миссия в Корее дал дух, посадка на Такэсима (остров город в префектуре Симанэ Оки) в августе.
Фраза Конституции с "людей, которые любят мир" только кажется озорная шутка.
Тем не менее, как и для японцев, настороженность к чужой стране тонкий.
* Поскольку большинство японцев сделаны, чтобы стать ложным моралист, подписавшись на Асахи симбун в течение многих лет им, если есть, я утверждаю лично.
* Эта статья продолжается.

este articolul care se dovedește că acesta este ziarul care scrie doar de fapt.

2016年09月16日 11時07分58秒 | 日記

Ceea ce urmează este de selecție Sankei ieri.
Sankei Shimbun, în prezent, nu se bazează pe gândirea distorsionată și așa mai departe, este articolul care se dovedește că acesta este ziarul care scrie doar de fapt.
Teză și accentul * ~ * sunt eu.
Țara noastră nu este binecuvântat cu țările vecine.
Coreea de Nord, care este aderent al puterii este pe 9, se taie restringerea comunității internaționale complet, că este posibil să depindă numai ca forță, ea a aplicat testul nuclear cincea.
China, cu rolul de a sperat să mustre nord sale, vizează în prezent schimbarea situației cu puterea, ea se comportă în sine în rău manierată pe Marea Chinei de Sud și Marea Chinei de Est.
Rusia continuă cu ceea ce face din Insulele Chishima care cuprinde teritoriile nordice o bază militară.
Nepartizana misiune legislativă Dieta în Coreea a dat spirit, aterizare la Takeshima (oraș insulă în Shimane Prefectura Oki), în luna august.
Sintagma din Constituție cu "cei care iubesc pacea" pare să fie doar o glumă răutăcios.
Cu toate acestea, ca și pentru japonezi, circumspectie la țară străină este subțire.
* Deoarece cele mai multe dintre japonezi sunt făcute pentru a deveni un moralist fals, abonarea la Asahi Shimbun timp de mai mulți ani de către aceasta, în cazul ființei, eu afirm personal.
* Acest articol continuă.

ji yra gaminys, kuris yra įrodžiusi, kad ji yra laikraštis, kuris rašo tik iš tikrųjų.

2016年09月16日 11時07分28秒 | 日記

Toliau nuo Sankei atrankos vakar.
Sankei Shimbun "dabar, tai nėra pagrįsta iškreipto mąstymo ir tt, tai yra gaminys, kuris įrodė, kad ji yra laikraštis, kuris rašo tik realiai.
Sakinys dėmesys ir * ~ * yra man.
Mūsų šalis yra ne błogosławiony su kaimyninėmis šalimis.
Šiaurės Korėja, kuri yra visa viršijanti jėgos prilipusios yra dėl 9, jis pjauna tarptautinės bendruomenės atramą visiškai, kad ji yra įmanoma, kad priklauso tik kaip jėga,, ji vykdomas 5-branduolinį bandymą.
Kinija su tikėjosi vaidmenį koneveikti savo šiaurę, siekiama, kad dabartinė situacija kaita su galia, ji elgiasi pati blogai manierų nuo Pietų Kinijos jūroje ir Rytų Kinijos jūroje.
Rusija tęsia priėmimo į Kurilų salas kuriame yra šiaurinių teritorijų karinę bazę.
Nepriklausomos Dieta teisėkūros misija Korėjoje davė dvasią, iškrovimo metu Takešima (sala miestas Shimane prefektūra Oki) rugpjūčio mėn.
Konstitucijos frazė su "žmonių, kurie mėgsta ramybę", atrodo, tik būti išdykęs pokštas.
Nepaisant to, kaip ir japonai, atsargumas į užsienio šalį yra plonas.
* Kadangi dauguma japonų yra pagaminti tapti klaidinga moralistas, pritardamas Asahi Shimbun daugelį metų ji, jei būties, aš teigti asmeniškai.
* Šis straipsnis tęsiasi.