

Central Park West でのくらし 2

2015年09月05日 | 
New Yorkに行く前に今回の旅行について親戚のMとメールでやりとりをしました。性格がunpredictable(予測不可能)であるのと講演旅行などで外国にいることが多いため会えるかどうかがまず問題でした。運よくNYにいたのでお世話になることができました。そのやりとりのメールの一部をご紹介します。家が散らかっているのよ~と付け足してあったところです。女性としてすごくわかる感じがしませんか?

"Sorry, but the house is in extraordinary disarray. We recently came back from CA, where I had to send several shipments of boxes from my mom’s house....

The boxes are now arriving via FED EX, but I don’t have full time to deal with all the disparate contents., they are in the hallway, half opened, slowly dealing with it when there is the time. I am now busy preparing for teaching a course at Columbia University in the Fall, and some other ongoing projects...."

"No worries at all about the boxes in the house, my mother is actually in the same situation!
My grandmother sent us boxes of things just before we left, and we need to have them sorted out.

We understand that it is THE busy time of the academic year for the professors, so we are thankful that we can stay with you.
I hope we won't bother you too much during our stay while you need to focus on your course preparations and projects - though we are also looking forward to seeing your professor's life at Columbia university :),,,"
"Like A(my daughter) wrote I'm battling with my mom's huge amount of old clothes (actually non wore new clothes she bought long time ago! hahaha) so never mind, we are in the same boat...."

"Looking forward to seeing you both!
Also, our house is really messy with OTHER stuff than the boxes! Please be forewarned!"

メールのオチは散らかっているのは実家からの段ボールだけでなく" OHTHER stuff"というところです。please be forewarned(前もって伝えておくわね、覚悟しておいてね!)この表現使えそうですね。たまたま母の身辺整理の影響がこちらにもということは先月のブログにも書きました。Mの物の多さは天下一品でした。我々のために活けてくれた花も本やモノで見えないくらい!

