


2017-09-07 | アメリカ事情



そんな今朝、就業前の短い間、思わず聞いたのは、Janice Kapp Perryの歌、The Testである。この歌はYou Tubeでお聞きいただける。ここを右クリックで別タブページへ。

Tell me friend, why are you blind?
Why doesn't he who worked the miracles 
send light into your eyes
Tell me friend if you understand.
Why doesn't he with power to raise the dead just make 
you whole again?
It would be so easy for him.
I watch you and in sorrow question why.
Then you my friend in perfect faith reply.

Didn't he say he sent us to be tested?
Didn't he say the way would not be sure?
But didn't he say that we could live with him
Forever more, well and whole,
If we but patiently endure?
After the trial we would be blessed
But this life is the test.

Tell me friend, I see your pain.
Why when you pray in faith for healing does the 
crippling thorn remain?
Help me see if you understand.
Why doesn't he who healed the lame man 
come with healing in his wings?
It would be so easy for him. 
I watch you and in sorrow question why
Then you my friend in perfect faith reply

Didn't he say he sent us to be tested?
Didn't he say the way would not be sure?
But didn't he say that we could live with him 
Forever more, well and whole,
If we but patiently endure?
After the trial
We would be blessed.
But this life is the test.

Tell me love why must you die?
Why must your loved ones stand with empty arms and ask 
the question why?
Help me know so I can go on.
How when your love in faith sustained me,
Can the precious gift be gone?
From the depths of sorrow I cry.
Though pangs of grief within my soul arise,
The whisperings of the spirit still my cries.

Didn't he say he sent us to be tested?
Didn't he say the way would not be sure?
But didn't he say we could live with him 
Forever more, well and whole,
If we but patiently endure?
After the trial we would be blessed.
But this life is the test.


双子のように育って仲のよかった弟を急なガンで亡くした時、この歌を、詞をどれだけ繰り返聞き、読んだことだろうか。キリスト教徒として、福音も教義も私は知っている。それでも人生はカーブボールをよこし、こんなはずじゃなかったのに、というこころの呟きを、弱音を、吐きたくなる時がある。そんな時、The Testは私をレールの上に戻してくれる。

天父も、キリストも、誰も、この世がたやすいものである、とはおっしゃらなかった。試しの世であるとおっしゃったのを都合よく忘れている時、この歌は優しく思い出させてくれる。ナルニア物語の著者C. S. Lewisは、言った。「試練というものは、神が私たちを見捨てられたことではない。そういうことでは決してない。それは私たちを引き戻される神の愛である。」


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