犬 猫によりよい飼育環境を

2016-10-30 13:51:47 | 本・雑誌等
日本では子犬や子猫をペットショップで買いますが、アメリカのいくつかの都市では犬 猫 の生体展示販売は禁止されていて、ブリダーから直接買います。
There was an interesting article in the newspaper two days ago. It was about a new regulation with regards to selling kittens and puppies. Unlike the US or Europe, Japan has no regulations about selling of kittens and puppies. It is a usual sight to see kittens and puppies in small cages being sold at pet shops and they are not even old enough to be weaned from their mothers. The dealers can do anything to make a handsome profit and maltreat these animals.
Many Japanese animal lovers are against it. The government has started conducting a survey paving the way to the creation of regulations. I will be rejoicing if the situation would change soon.
Incidentally, today’s Rarejob’s Daily News Article is about the protection of dolphins from sightseers.
Not only cats and dogs are in small pet houses but also birds in small cages and goldfish in miserable plastic containers.
They say it is like a prison in a developing country.


2 コメント

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Unknown (alohadream)
2016-10-31 12:36:21
Unknown ()
2016-11-01 05:38:46
