
2015-02-27 13:53:02 | 本・雑誌等


最近は日本でも車の四輪のように 読み 書き 聞き 話す 4技能の学習が重要視されてきました。

In this week's issue of AERA Magazine, they talked about one big topic of Philippine English revolution. I am so interested with this topic because 2 years and six months ago, I started learning English from Filipino teachers online using skype. Here are some trivia about the Philippines: Do you know that it takes only 5 hours to travel by air from Japan to Philippines and Filipinos speak English. It is one of the listed top countries for retirement because of its reasonable cost of living. There are also lots of Korean students who go to the Philippines to learn the English language. They think that it is a good way to learn English. Recently some Japanese enterprises are eyeing on getting English skills training there too.

Many years ago, an American teacher from the Northwest area recommended that we, Japanese should learn English.
It was believed that they spoke standard English. At present, we need many teachers from various English speaking countries to help Japanese become good in conversational English. This is because of increasing numbers of Japanese who are interested to be proficient in both oral and written English. Now it's time to learn English from the Philippines.