

The ways to diagnose BMW

2012-10-19 09:39:52 | 日記
All modern BMW models using various diagnostic systems. Access to all the people who need specialized hardware. You want to engage in a system can be difficult or access to a scanner or EDC16 ECU Flasher hard and expensive. Second-generation onboard diagnostic scanner is the most common, it is easy to find. Other systems, such as air bag Supplemental Restraint System, readily available to the general consumers. No critical systems, the retrieval code and arrival diagnosis process is similar.

Open the door of the driver's side of the BMW. Dashboard below legroom. Where you will find a 16-pin receiving data link connector. The DLC export characteristics in different locations, according to BMW models your work. Some people may be very easy to see, but others may be concealed behind an access panel. If you encounter problems BMW, DLC export, an online application to help.

Export diagnosis PDAs DLC. For most devices, this is a similar process. Usually from a scanner or a code reader 16-pin plug and cable diagnostics. Connect the cable to the device, and plug-ins cable DLC exports.

Turn on your device. Then sliding your BMW vehicle ignition key is inserted. Switch to the "ON". This will activate the electrical array of ELM327. Depending on the equipment and the system you are using, you may also need active engine. If this is the case, at this time, start the engine of the automobile.

Wait a few seconds to a minute. Your equipment and vehicle diagnostic system to establish a connection. Some means, upon detecting the incoming data stream, will be automatically retrieved active fault code. If you do so do not have a pre-programmed devices, please consult your device's manual. Different brands and types of diagnostic a handheld button layout and overall layout. Detailed and accurate description of your device manual how to enter code retrieval commands.

You take a look at the code on the display screen of your device. The code also depends on the equipment you use. The OBD-II code is alphanumeric and the first letter of the fault code of the specified the crux of the problem. The anti-lock brake code is often purely digital. Many devices will also distinguish between the state of the code. The code is listed as "pending" a rare failure, these problems did not start your BMW warning lights.

Active fault code into a separate piece of paper. If you are using more than Autoboss V30 and failure to exclude multiple diagnostic systems, ensure you list are classified. The column is a useful method,organization fault code. This is also true of the OBD-II diagnostic, as an umbrella for many types of code. For example, P-code override the BMW powertrain, while B, C and U, covers the body, chassis and network communication system.

Look in the each code from Po Mara. Some devices manual will contain a definition of the encoding. OBD-II scanner, for example, provides a list of common coding for all vehicles after 1996. However, you will have to go online BMW added OBD-II code. As a general rule, a vehicle owner's manual does not contain a definition of any diagnostic system encoding. However, the fault code can be easily found online.

Copy the corresponding fault code definition. Please read all the definitions and make a decision. If you have mechanical experience, you can try to the DIY fix some problems.
However, some of the diagnostic system, ABS brakes, is very complex, should be postponed to a trained mechanic.

You put your code list, if you decide to Consult VCS Vehicle certified mechanic. This will save you money in the diagnostic costs.
Most scanners can only read a diagnostic system. For example, some of the OBD-II scanner can not translate the ABS the code. With the advancement of technology, some new types of diagnosis become multi-functional. At the moment,the cost of this equipment is far more than a simple system code reader.