
The breeze gently waves Moook's beard.

(2008/5) 沼津御用邸

2010-05-08 | Moook in 2008
(2008年5月)Moook 1歳9ヶ月
This is an article for which is made to arrange an old photograph to the album.

Imperial Villa Park (Goyotei Kinen Koen)


Imperial Villa Park (Goyotei Kinen Koen)
The Numazu Imperial Villa was constructed in 1893 (Meiji 26) as a vacation house for the prince (the later Emperor Taisho) and has been used over three generations: Meiji, Taisho and Showa eras.
In 1969 (Showa 44), Numazu Imperial Villa was bestowed on Numazu city, and it has been familiar with many people since it opened to the public as the “Imperial Villa Park”.

  父ちゃん: 「この日は暑かったね 」Daddy "It was hot on this day. "
  Moook:  「うん、今思い出しても汗が出るよ」 Moook "Yes, the sweat comes out even if it recalls it now. "


Moook is looking at the inside from the outside of the gate.
The dog is an entrance prohibition.


This gate door is quite splendid.


Passage to the sea between the east mansion and the west mansion.


The direction of the right hand of the photograph is Imperial Villa Park .


At that time.
The hair had shortened.

Thank you for your time.

「シュナウザーは入場できなかった 」 by Moook

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