臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Phone Call

2012-01-08 | Script
Bye-bye! (I'll) Talk to you soon!
Now where were we?
Oh yes, we are going to have a Caillou's story.
Now let's see what Caillou'd do today?
It's a story called, "Caillou's phone call."

I think I could be there, but I have to check my diary.
Mommy, Rosie did something....
Caillou, I'm on the phone. You're interrupting a little, just have to wait.
It's seem to Caillou that his mommy didn't have any time for him,
because she'd been on the phone all morning!
Okay. Yes, please phone back right away.
Bye! I'll be waiting for your call.

Now what was it you wanted to tell me, honey?
Rosie tore our book. You have to come and see!
Just a second, Caillou.
Ah, yes. I've been expecting your call.
A just second. I'm really really busy, honey.
Why don't you go and play now?
And I'll talk to you later, okay?

Look at my drawing, Mommy!
Okay, that'll be fine. Bye now!

Hi, honey! Let's see.
I'm sorry, Caillou.
I'm very busy on the phone this morning,
but I'll be finished soon, okay?

Caillou really wanted to talk to his mommy,
so he decided to phone her.

Mommy, Mommy, I phoned you when your phone ring!
Why don't you answer this time?
Hi, it's me, Caillou!
Caillou loved answering the phone.
It made him feel very grown-up.
It's Grandma, Mommy. It's Grandma!
Ask how she is!
Hi, Grandma! How are you?
I'm fine, Caillou. How are you?
I'm fine.
I was calling to ask if you'd like to come and see me this afternoon.
Wow, yes!

Come on in! Hello, Caillou!
You remember my friend's puppy, don't you, Caillou?
Yes, Grandma!
Why don't you and Rosie play with the puppy while Grandma and I have a chat?
Grandma, look at the dog! He's jumping!
Don't run, Rosie! He's getting too excited. Just gentle!
Okay, Grandma!

Oh-oh! I'm sorry, I can't talk right now.
I have to call you back.
This little puppy does that every time the phone rings.
He's afraid of forget all about him when I'm talking to someone else on the phone.
That sounds a bit like the little puppy I know.
What are you laughing about?
It's a funny story, but I think I'll let Caillou tell you.
It's a very funny story, Grandma!

