臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Grandpa's Friend

2014-11-23 | Script
Caillou was waiting for his grandpa to arrive.
They were going to the park today.

Caillou and Grandpa decided to ride a bus to the park.
Don't you have to pay, Grandpa?
No, I have a bus pass to ride for free just like you.
Caillou loved riding the bus. It was so big and there were new people getting on or off at every stop.

Caillou had never seen this park before. He couldn't see any swings or slides.
He wondered what they could play in the park like this.

Hey, kid!
My name is Caillou.
This is my friend, George. He calls me 'kid' because he is older than I am.
I met your grandpa many many years ago in this very park.
He was only about this tall that then.
Even Rosie is bigger than that.
Come on, I'm just finished setting up.
I hope you like riddles, Caillou.

What are these for?
We are going to play croquet. You and I could be a team.
Caillou didn't know how to play croquet and he was too embarrassed to ask.
He felt a little shy around Grandpa's friend, George.
Hey, Caillou. Do you like riddles?
Ho-ho, here we go.
What animal can jump higher than a house? Any animal. Houses can't jump!
I know a riddle! What kind of fish chases a mouse? A catfish!
That's a good one!
Would you like an apple, Caillou?
This is Rexy. He is a dinosaur.
Caillou didn't feel so shy after all. He thought Grandpa's friend was a lot like his friends. Only older.

After lunch they began their game of croquet. Grandpa showed Caillou what to do.
Just swing the mallet and cup the ball.
Caillou wondered how far he can hit the ball if he swung really really hard.


Just tap it! We don't wanna send it all the way timber to.
I missed!
Oh, that's okay. You can do it over. Special beginners rule.
Umm. That's pretty good, Caillou. You're natural.
I think there is something wrong with your ball.
I think so, too.
Hey, this isn't my ball!
It's an apple.
Ah, you're just like your grandpa. He was always playing tricks on me when he was little.
Caillou loved the idea that he and Grandpa were like, but he still couldn't imagine Grandpa as a little boy.
Still I didn't tap your ball! My play.

There it goes, Kid! Right into the pond again!
We lost our ball!
That's okay. We can get it back. Come on!

Why did George say it fell in the pond again?
He was talking about the first time we ever played croquet together.
Boy, that takes me back. It was right here in this park.
I must have been about ten years old and about this tall.
I knocked my ball too hard and it bounced all the way into the pond.
Just like our ball, Grandpa!
Yap. When I tried to get it back, I lost my balance and fell in the pond.
Maybe you wanted to go swimming but you just didn't know it.
I've never thought of that. Maybe I did.
George said Caillou was just like Grandpa but now Caillou thought Grandpa was just like him too.
Yeah. That means we can keep playing.
That's right, Caillou.

We found the ball!
Then Kid didn't fall in again, did he?
All we have to do to win is knock the ball through the last hoop and try to hit that wooden pin.
Very impressive, Caillou! Are you sure you've never played croquet before?
I won! That was a close game.
I thought for sure you'd beat me, Caillou.
I like croquet. It's fun.
Soon it was time to go back home.

