臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。


2020-03-27 | 中国語
四声 1→ 2 3↳ 4
2 4
4 123
一 +動詞+就(…するとすぐ)
地=に で って
地 [de] (他の語句の後につけて、連用修飾語(動詞・形容詞を修飾)を形成する)
→正确地理解 正確に理解する
→自觉地学习 自ら進んで勉強する
简单地说 簡単に言う
→生气地走开了 怒って歩いて行った
→不好意思的说 恥ずかしそうに言った
a o e i u ü
例外 iu だけ uにつく
都は也の複数形 =too
我 也很好。
I'm fine, too.
We're fine, too.

get to

2020-03-25 | 学習メモ

I got to meet the teacher./ Did you get to talk to Zenjiro? / I don't get to make deliveries so often.

got to 機会があった =have the opportunity 


He got go home  early. / He gets to work from home. / Why does she get to take the day off?

got to 許された = allow = have the privilege to 



I'm slowly getting to know her./ I got to understand the importance of health as I grew older.

get to [know/ realize/ understand /see / feel / appreciate ] 〜になる  



He really gets to me./ This humid weather is really starting to get to me. / Don't let it get to you.  

get to イライラする =annoying =bother



GAFA ガーファ Big Tech

2020-03-24 | Diary of a saucy kid

The five biggest American IT companies, Google Apple Facebook Amazon are named GAFA.

covid-19 コービットナインティーン

2020-03-18 | Diary of a saucy kid

WHO named the corona virus spread in this year, "coved-192".

随便 どれでもいいよ

2020-02-14 | 中国語


随便 スイビエン どれでもいいよ

intimidating 上から目線

2020-02-08 | Diary of a saucy kid

Gordon is very intimidating.



2020-02-08 | Subjects

ASAP [Abbreviation]エイセップ as soon as possible

Attagirl Attaboy

2020-02-07 | Subjects

Attagirl Attaboy


2020-02-07 | Subjects

phrasal verb 

transitive verb 他動詞 must use an object with it

non-separable phrasal verb 分離できない句動詞

auxiliary verb 助動詞  =is

it’s a no-brainer.

2020-02-07 | Subjects

It's a no-brainer.



English 生理

2020-02-06 | Subjects

As always, いつもと同じように

Let's take a look at 

I'm on my period

I'm on my rag

Science ; Fleming’s Rules

2020-01-28 | Subjects


2020-01-26 | Subjects

separable verb 他動詞

transitive verb 自動詞

phrasal verb  句動詞

D-chan the cleaner made a mess!

2020-01-24 | Diary of a saucy kid

D-chan is a robot cleaner who is a helpful cute guy.

He memorizes the layout of a room with bumping his head each time.

When I moved some furniture, he sometimes halts and he looks like saying "What's happing? Why has the wall vanished? "  like a dog or something.  

Such an adorable boy did make a mess few days ago. 

When I mended the laundry, I smelled funny....

Then  I figured out that he pushed a compact heater to the trash bin, which got melted the plastic, and made a big hole on it.

What a naughty robot he is!

I should have turned off the heater.

By the way, if I were the manufacturer of a robot cleaners, I would design them to be able to come and clean there when the owner call them, "Come here, boy! "   


2020-01-21 | Subjects

take place = happen

carry out = do = achieve = accomplish 


kitchen scale   spring balance 


Kinetic energy ↔︎ Potential gravitational energy


electrolyte [noun]エレクトライト 電解液