臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Puppet Show

2015-02-01 | Script
One morning at playschool, Caillou and his friends were having fun doing crafts.
Caillou was making a finger puppet but he wasn't the only one with that idea.
Hi, Caillou!
Hi, Jason! I like your puppet.
The spots were by accident. Jeffrey kept bumping me while I was drawing the face.
It has spots, like a cow.
Yeah. It's a cow puppet. Moo!
You can be a cow and I'll be the farmer.

Come on, Mr. Cow. It's bed time. Time to go in the barn.
Can I play, too?
We're playing farm. You can be a cow, too.
No, I'm gonna be a chicken.
Would you like some food, Mr. Chicken?

What wonderful puppets! You should put on a puppet show for everybody tomorrow.
And you can use the puppet theater.
Let's do it right now!
It's time to go home right now. You can do it tomorrow.

I'm gonna show Rosie my puppet.
Wait, Caillou! Rosie isn't feeling very well.

Hi, Rosie! Are you feeling sick, Rosie?
Rosie sick.
Rosie's sick with the Flu.
The Boo?
No, Flu. It's short for Influenza.
She's gotta stay in bed for few days, but she'll be better soon.
Here we go sweetie. Poor Rosie's got a fever.

Sometimes when you're sick, if you feel hot, that's called a fever.
You have to stay out of Rosie's room until she's well again, or you might catch the Flu too. All right?
Okay, Mommy.

Caillou felt sorry for Rosie. He didn't wanna get sick, too, so he stayed out of her room for the rest of the day.

The next morning, Caillou woke up feeling kind of funny. He felt ache.
Caillou felt hurt when he was coughing and he knew what that meant. He had a flu, just like Rosie.
Caillou knew Mommy would make him stay home from playschool if she found out he was sick.
And today was the puppet show day. He didn't wanna miss the puppet show.
Caillou had to make sure (that) Mommy didn't know he had a flu.

Good morning, Caillou. How are you today?
Good! I feel good!
Feels like a fever to me. You'd better go back to bed, sweetie. You've got a Flu.

But I have to go to playschool. We're having a puppet show.
If you go to playschool with the flu, you make all your friends sick, too, and you don't want that, do you?
Now go up to your room and I'll bring you some juice.

Caillou stayed in bed all morning. He wondered what his friends were doing at playschool today.
They were probably having more fun than he was.

Caillou sick?
Yap. Wanna see a puppet show, Rosie?

This is farmer Caillou and he lives on a farm with lots of animals.

Thank you!
Oh, hello!
Thank you! Oh!
Good morning!

Hey, Gilbert!
I think You should take a look out of your window, Caillou.
Your friends all want you to get well soon.
And Jason and Jeffrey still wanna put on a puppet show.
Caillou was confused how could they have their puppet show, when he was sick.

So Caillou and the twins had their puppet show just they had planned even though Caillou was sick.

Happy Day

It's a happy day, it's a happy day, it's a happy day,
I feel okay, and it's a happy day!

But there are times we don't feel like best
Mommy all just need a little rest
And with some help before you know
We'll be back on our feet and ready to go!

It's a happy day, it's a happy day, it's a happy day,
I feel okay, it's a happy day!

And if you have to stay inside
there's so much to do you decide
You can put on a puppet show
Use your imagination, let's go!

It's a happy day, it's a happy day, it's a happy day,
I feel okay, it's a happy day!

