臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou the Police Officer

2014-11-16 | Script
One day, Caillou and mommy were on the way to school and Caillou was helping mommy drive.
That means turn, mommy.
Thank you, Caillou.
Red light, Mommy. That means stop.
Right you are, Caillou.
Green menas go.
The lights aren't on.
They must be broken and those workers are going to fix them.
What's the policeman doing?
He is showing the cars when to stop and when to go since the lights can't do it.
Now they have to stop and we can go.

Don't you wanna play with the others, Caillou?
Uh-uh, I'm watching the policeman directing traffic.
Oh, I see.
I thought policemen just cought bad guys.
Oh no. They help people in lots of other ways.
Oh yes. They make sure the people drive their cars safely, so no one gets hurt.
They can help drivers who are lost find where they're going and if any children are lost, they can help them find their way home again.
Caillou decided he liked to help people like police officers do.

This looks like a job for Police officer Caillou.
Don't cry. Did you loose your mommy and daddy?
Well, don't worry. We'll find them.
Over here! Over my day's work.
Officer Caillou, we need you at main street and 10th.
I'm on my way.

Caillou wanted to help people, but especially he wanted to direct traffic.
And he knew just what he needed for that.


I'm Officer Caillou and you have to stop.
We're playing.
Try to catch me!
Ummm. They were supposed to stop.
They were playing a game before you came along.
You know you could only help people when they want some help.
And that whistle is very loud.
You must be more careful and not blow it in anybody's ear or could hurt them.
Why are you chasing Leo?
He is a bad guy. He just robbed the bank.
A bad guy? Well, I'm a policeman. Gatcha!
Oh, no!
Now he's gonna put you in jail.
Yeah. Come on, bank robber.
How long do I have to stay in here?
A hundred years!
Okay, you can come out if you promise you won't do it again.
I promise.

That afternoon Caillou helped clean up after snack time.

Since it's such a nice day, why don't we have story time out side?

The workers had finished fixing the traffic lights.
Caillou wandered where the placeman was.
The police officer looked very hot. Caillou thought he might be thirsty.
Ms Martin, can I give some juice to the policeman?
That's a very good idea, Caillou. Go ahead!

Hello. Would you like some juice?
Hello, there. Yes, please. It sure is hot out here. Thank you.
Why did you give that car a ticket?
Because it's not supposed be here. It's blocking the fire hydrant and if there was a fire, the fire-fighters wouldn't be able to hook up their hoses.
That's another way you help people. Hmmm.
Where is your police-car?
I don't have one. I have this.
A bike? You ride a bike just like I do?
That's right. Thanks for the drink. Uh..
My name is Caillou.
Well, thank you very much, Caillou. It was very nice to meet you.
And now, I think you'd better join your friends. Looks like you're missing out on a story.
Oops! I've gatta go. Bye!
Caillou was glad (that) he made a new friend and he couldn't wait to go home and tell his mommy and daddy that he had helped a police officer.

A Helping hand

Caillou, there are people who help us everyday like doctors, police officers, fire-fighters, and teachers.
But you know what? We can also help each other.

If someone has a problem, and things are looked so grand
Just reach out to, the best you can, give them a helping hand
Just give'em a hand, give'em a hand, give them a helping hand
Give'em a hand, give'em a hand, give them a helping hand

It's neighbours helping neighbours
A friend helping a friend
You help me and I'll help you
Then we both win in the end
Just give'em a hand, give'em a hand, give them a helping hand
Give'em a hand, give'em a hand, give them a helping hand

Caillou, I've gonna move this box. Can you help me?
Sure, Grandpa. I'll give you a hand!

