臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

D-chan the cleaner made a mess!

2020-01-24 | Diary of a saucy kid

D-chan is a robot cleaner who is a helpful cute guy.

He memorizes the layout of a room with bumping his head each time.

When I moved some furniture, he sometimes halts and he looks like saying "What's happing? Why has the wall vanished? "  like a dog or something.  

Such an adorable boy did make a mess few days ago. 

When I mended the laundry, I smelled funny....

Then  I figured out that he pushed a compact heater to the trash bin, which got melted the plastic, and made a big hole on it.

What a naughty robot he is!

I should have turned off the heater.

By the way, if I were the manufacturer of a robot cleaners, I would design them to be able to come and clean there when the owner call them, "Come here, boy! "   

World History; Indus / China

2020-01-19 | Diary of a saucy kid

Shang Dynasty [China] 殷(いん)王朝

Harappan[Indus] The two greatest cities, Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, emerged circa 2600 BC along the Indus River valley in Punjab and Sindh.

Surya [Indus]

Rig Veda [Indus]is an ancient Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns.


mercenary [noun] マーセナリー 傭兵

worship [verb] ワーシップ 崇拝する

veneration[noun]ベネレイション 崇拝

via [preposition]バイヤ 介して

distinction[noun] ディスティンクション 区別

Animism [noun]アニミズム 精霊信仰

veneration [noun]ベネレイション 崇拝

interaction [noun]インタラクション 相互作用

rite [noun] ライト 儀式

Baffle [verb] バッフル 困惑させる

wield [verb] ウィールド 握る

slayer [noun] スレイヤー 虐殺者



The Sign of the Beaver ; Lexile 770L

2020-01-11 | Diary of a saucy kid

The Sign of the Beaver is a story of a friendship between a settler and the native Indians in America.

The protagonist named Matt is only 12 years old. He servived with help Atten and his Indian tribe in the wildness. 

It was an old time story, but the native American looks like Japanese of today in the population declining.    

Atten hated white men though, he must learn English due to equaly contracts.


During this winter holiday, RyuTanMan and I have been reading English books.

In Japan, the comprehension of students declined and this is a big issue.

At the international school where my son attended, the teachers measured the comprehension by Lexile. 

The students are required over 400 Lexile points in grade 3 to understand the class. If not, they should have ELS class.

The planning of reading skills can improve comprehen well.

All they have to do is to read neither too difficult nor too easy, but the just right books.

desirable environment 理想的な環境 2

2020-01-10 | Diary of a saucy kid

I was really jealous of families who had mixed race children, since they could learn both languages from the parents without so much money, when RyuTan Man was an infant.

However, recently, I realized that these children can't listen to the perfect native language at home.

For instance, if a father is British and a mother is Japanese and the family talk in English at home, their kids can't listen to perfect conversation as both native speakers from their parents.

In case the kids going to the international school, the parents don't need teach English them.

All they have to do is rather have their children listen to their perfect conversation as Japanese native speakers.

Of course, before going to primary school, the parents talk to their kids in English and have them familiarize with it.  

When the children go to Japanese school, the parents should talk in English at home, and vice versa.

When I declared we should grow our child as bilingual, my husband said like, "That's impossible, 'cause we are both Japanese." 

I really appreciate his tolerant that he always loves us and supports my education policy. 

Violin Player

2020-01-09 | Diary of a saucy kid

I love Jazz, so I have been wanted RyuTanMan to play the saxophone for some time.

But, nevertheless, it was more amazing than I had imagined.

He got the oppotunity to play the violin during his junior-high school days.

I had never thought he would be able to become to play the violin so well.

That wasn't such a afterschool program, but one of main subjects.

The music teacher was Ms. K who has a passion like a flame for her orchestra.

She is a very strict teacher but good at joking as well.

My son and his all classmates liked her class so much.

Unfortunately, she will leave from the school soon.

She started her orchestra when my son had transferred to the school and almost every students went back to home countries last academic year end.

I guess the passion has burned itself out in her.

RyuTan Man enjoy playing the violin in between studies.

A big appriciate her dedicated teaching! 

IV Day 抗がん剤の日

2020-01-08 | Diary of a saucy kid

It was another IV day of anticancer treatment today.

After the New Year's Day, the hospital was so crowded, but luckily, my doctor took a reservation of me, 'couse my IV took at least 6 hours. The other patients had to stand in a long queue.

When I told my doctor that I've gained weight about 5kg for this 3 months after surgery.

He said like, "That's great! During this treatment, usually it's hard to take fat." 


desirable environment 理想的な環境 1

2020-01-07 | Diary of a saucy kid

When RyuTanMan was born, I declared to my husband that he should be bilingual in English and Japanese.  

My husband was laughing and said like, "Are you serious? There is no way he can be, 'cause we are both Japanese."

Maybe most of people believe that the better way is one of parents is English speaker and the other one is Japanese speaker.

However, recently, I realized that it is more desirable environment for growing bilingual that the parents are the same language speakers.

During my boy was an infant, Dad and I tried to talk to him in English priority, so that he accepted English naturally.

I considered that as long as living in Japan, he would learn Japanese sooner or later.

Of course, he participated in certain English conversation school when he was half and 1 year-old to get enough English, even though he could not speak at all.

A nice surprise was that my son took to the European teachers, and was never shy.

He never took to Japanese neighbors, and cried loudly everywhere.

You know, many babies of that age, have the term of shyness.    

Might be it was affected by my husband appearance that looks like half European....

(To be continued)

Returnees 帰国子女2

2020-01-06 | Diary of a saucy kid

This is the latter half. 

By the time he entered an elementary school, he became to be able to speak/listen/read/write English, and thanks to KUMON, he was good at Math as well.

Then, he passed the examination, skipped kinder and enrolled the 1st grade of an international school.

At that time, they didn't have ESL class. All of his classmates were native English speakers or students who had been learning English since their preschool.

He made his friends soon.

The international school is a Singaporean school style, so that the studies were very difficult and there were tons of works they had to do.  

By the way, if you want your child to be bilingual, it's better to do KUMON as soon as he/she can speak.  

Many people mention that returnees are not smart because some of returnees are not good at comprehension of Japanese.

To master of 2 languages takes twice as long as monolingual. 

KUMON gives them the base of the all education they'll learn at school, so during the classmates are struggling Maths or Science, my son could have time to study them in Japanese, too. 


 returnee [noun] リタニー 帰国子女

A twice as long as B [grammar] AはBの2倍かかる

Returnees 帰国子女1

2020-01-05 | Diary of a saucy kid

My blog's title means that, "If you keep learning hard something, you will be able to find the better way of the study." 

It's true. Bilingual is not that hard to be, if the mom starts early.

I started having my son study when he was 1 and half year old. 

He could understand the alphabet and sing the ABC song around 2. 

When he was 3, he was so lucky because I found a preschool that teaught the kids in English, where was a 15 minutes ride by bicycle. 

He could read books in Phonics and speak daily conversation in English by 4 years old.

We, parents were supposed to let him go to a Japanese elementary school at that time.


But this just tops all of that! 

2 years later, we moved to Shanghai and he had learned at Japanese school for 4 months.

At first, I thought learning Japanese was waste of time, since my husband and I are Japanese, so we can teach him.

However it was wrong. Kids need to experience kids' conversation.  

Now, I really appreciate that he got the opportunity.  

His Japanese skills grew so much.  

Bilingual defines the person who can speak 2 languages as native.   

(To be continued on the latter half)


have O regular-verb [Causative Verb] させる

have O past-verb [Causative Verb]してもらう

Housewife vs Career

2020-01-04 | Diary of a saucy kid

It's difficult to fulfil the dual role of housewife and career.

The birth rate is declining in Japan year after year, so labor shortage is a big issue nowadays. 

Despite Japanese government welcoming rather cheaper labor of foreigners, the workers are far from enough.   

Therefore the government promotes that all the mothers have to work once they bears babies as soon as possible.

They're flattering like this, if women quit housewives and go to work, the women will be shining in the society.  

All the daycare centers also became free now, and almost of all young women, from careers to part time job workers, go to work leaving their newborn babies there from dawn to dusk. 

All the young couples are exhausted and impose housework and childcare each other.

Due to the arguments never stop, 1/4 couples divorce after all.  

Silly Billy.....


impose [verb] インポーズ 押し付ける

D-chan has come! お掃除ロボット

2020-01-03 | Diary of a saucy kid

Because the points of an airplane company were filled up, so I bought a robot cleaner using the points.

The robot was made by a company whose name was started with the letter, D, so RyuTanMan named him "D-chan."  

He measures the distance while he is bump his head around the furniture and makes a map of the room.  

Since sometimes the furniture changes the places, it makes D-chan confused.   

He works so hard but looks a bit silly & cute.

I wish he could come to me when I call him, "Come on, boy! Clean here!"

If so, people would be more fond of him.