臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Collection

2015-02-08 | Script
Caillou and his family were on a picnic in the park.
Caillou was having great fun playing in the stream when he spotted something very special.
Wow! Treasure! More treasure.

Come on, Caillou. Time to go home.
Caillou didn't want to leave his new found treasures behind.
Let's go, Caillou!
My pockets aren't big enough.
Caillou thought of a perfect way to get all his stones back home.

Woo, this basket seems a lot heavier than when we left.
Oh, that's because I put on my stones in there.
Wow, that explains it.
That one is the shiniest. I think it's pirates' treasure.
Shiny rock.
I think it's bath time for you, sweetie. We'll make you clean and shiny, too.
Caillou, <color=green>you're up next, okay?
That's quite collection you've got there.
A collection?
Uh-ha. A collection is when you gather a whole bunch of interesting similar things and organize them like my stamp collection.
I don't think the kitchen table is the right place for your collection, Caillou.
You'd better find somewhere else to put your rocks.
So Caillou gathered up his rocks and went to find a perfect place for his collection.

Good night, sweetie.
What's this? You've got rocks under your pillow.
Daddy told me to find a good place for my rock collection.
I don't think your bed is such a good place for your rocks.
Can you think of somewhere else to put them?
Um-hm. That's perfect!

All done!
Now you can help me change the sheets on your bed.

The white ones go here and black ones go here.
The next day, they had a surprise visitor.
Hi, Grandpa. Look! I have a rock collection.
Well,look at that! (It's) Very impressive!
I've got lots of rocks, too, in my yard.
Only they're really big.
You bet.
I'm making a path with them but I have to go out to get some more.
I could use the rock expert like you.
Would you like to come along?

Grandpa took Caillou to a quarry, a place where big people go to find big rocks.
Wow! Red rocks! White rocks! Invisible rocks! Wow!
This rock is bigger than I am.
It sure is and look over there.
This must be the biggest rocks in the world!
Would you like to see how they break big rocks into small ones?

Caillou was very excited to watch the man breaking up rocks.
He imagined what it would be like to do that himself.
Yahoo! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Would you like to pick one out for your collection?
Yes, please.

This is my most favorite rock ever.
Because it's brand new?
Nope! Because it's smiling. Look!
Oh my goodness. So it is! Well, you have a talent for spotting special rocks, Caillou.
Caillou had such a fan time today with Grandpa that he wanted it to take him.
You can have it, Grandpa. It's a present.
Oh, thank you. I'm gonna add this to my rock garden.
Grandpa, rocks don't grow in gardens.
No, come on! I'll show you.

This is the rock garden. The rocks don't grow there, but it does look nice, don't you think?
Then Caillou had a great idea about what he should do with his rock collection.

Look, Grandpa and I made a path.
Very nice, such lovely stones!
But that's not all. Come on!
See, we made a rock garden.
Wow! It's a great one of the nicest (that)<color=purple>I've ever seen!
Thanks Rosie, now my rock garden will grow big and strong!

