臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Promise

2013-03-24 | Script
Rosie, don't! Mommy!
Mommy, I don't want Rosie to play in my sandbox.
Okay, you two, that's enough. Caillou, you have to play nicely with your little sister.
The sandbox is for both of you.
No buts! I have to go out now and I want you to promise me that you'll let Rosie play with you.
Caillou was upset because he didn't think Mommy was being fair. After all Rosie had started it.

Bye, honey! Have a nice day!
Bye! Oh, (will you) do me a favor and clean up the kitchen? Promise?
I promise.
See you later.

Well, I'd better get to it. Do you wanna help me wash them, Caillou?
Gilbert! No cats on a table!
Why don't you let Gilbert outside?
Come on, Gilbert!

Now that Caillou was alone. He thought it would be a good time to play with his cars.

All set! (Are) You ready to wash, Caillou? Where did he go, Rosie?

Caillou, didn't you want me to help me wash the dishes?
I'm playing and I don't want Rosie to play in the sandbox with me.
Well, do you remember the promise that you made to Mommy? You have to share the sandbox with Rosie, right?
It's very important not to break a promise, Caillou.
Why don't we let Rosie play a while and we can do the dishes?
Rosie play!
Okay, Rosie. You can play for a little while.

Caillou was having a lot of fun helping Daddy even though he was mostly only playing with the bubbles!
Looks like you need to be dried off too. There! Now that the job's done! What do you say we go to the park?

Caillou was very happy to be playing with his friends in the sandbox.
He was especially happy that Rosie wasn't there to destroy everything.
Vroom! Vroom! Beep! Beep!
We're going to the circus today.
The circus?
Yeah. Our mommy's taking us after lunch.
Caillou loved going to the circus. He hadn't been to the circus in a very long time.
There is a big tent! And an elephant. It's huge!
Are you going to the circus too?
Caillou didn't know if his parents were going to bring him to the circus.
But he sure hope they would.

Daddy, can we go to the circus too?
What circus, Caillou?
Jason and Jeffrey are going to the circus. They said there is a big tent and an elephant.
I'm sorry, Caillou. I wasn't aware there was a circus in town.
But we can't go today. Maybe another day, okay?
Can we go tomorrow?
When Mommy gets home, I promise to ask her what she thinks about all of us going together, okay?

My daddy promised to take me tomorrow.
You can come with us today.
Caillou thought that was a great idea. Going to the circus with the twins today was much better than having to wait until tomorrow.
But we have to ask our mommy.
Bye, Caillou! See you later!
Caillou was very excited he was sure he was going to the circus today with Jason and Jeffrey.

Caillou, slow down. You're eating too quickly.
I have to hurry. Jason and Jeffrey are coming to get me.
Caillou, please don't talk with your mouth full.
I have to hurry. Jason and Jeffrey are coming to get me.
They are?
They invited me to go to the circus today.
Me too.
No, Rosie. They are my friends and you're not coming.
Caillou, that's not very nice and the boys' mother didn't say anything to me at the park, so I don't think you'll be going with them.
But they promised.

Caillou was very upset. He was sure that the twins would bring him to the circus. He didn't understand why they would promise to take him and then not do it.
You are very upset, aren't you, Caillou?
They promised, Daddy.
And I told you that it's important not to break a promise, didn't I?
Well, I think the boys promise something a little too quickly. I think they forgot to ask their mommy first.
We all forget sometimes, besides they are your friends. I'm sure they were really wanted to bring you with them.
But I want to go to the circus.
I know you do and we will.

Maybe that's them!
Hi, Caillou!
He was disappointed that wasn't the twins coming to get him.
Caillou, why the long face? Did you know that a circus was in town? I saw the big tent (that) they put up on the way home.
Caillou knows about it.
Did you guys have a nice day?
Yes, Caillou helped me with the dishes.
And I let Rosie play in the sandbox just like I promised.
I know, let's go to the circus.
Really? Now? Rosie, come on. We're going to the circus!
Caillou was very happy that he was going to the circus, and that he didn't have to wait until tomorrow after all.

