臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Shoo, Shoo Bird, Fly Away!

2014-10-19 | Script
Caillou loved playing in the dirt. He was finding all sorts of interesting things.
Look what I found! Can I keep it, Mommy?
Why don't you help me plant some tomato seeds?
Good job!
Hi, birdie!
Shoo! Go away! Shoo!
Why did you do that?
If the birds eat the seeds (that) we're planting, there won't be any vegetables.
I thought birds eat worms.
They eat worms and seeds.

We need the sign for the tomato. Can I make one?
Of course.

When Caillou saw Rosie, she looked very funny.
Rosie, you're all white!
Rosie baking.
Oh, is that what's going in here?
Yap! Believe it or not, this will all result in that delicious apple pie.
How's the gardening coming along?
I planted tomato seeds, and now I'm going to make a sign for the tomatoes. See?

Here you go, Caillou.
Thank you.
Caillou was proud to have made the sign all by himself.
I'm going to put it in the garden.

Caillou was in a big hurry to put his brand-new sign in the garden.
The birds ate our seeds!
Let's make a scarecrow to keep the birds away.
What's a scarecrow?
Come on, I'll show you.

Mommy had found some old clothes. That's what perfect for their scarecrow.
What is a scarecrow?
A scarecrow is a man made out of sticks with a hat and clothes, and it stands up in the garden.
How will that keep the birds away?
If you were a bird, and saw a strange person in the garden wearing all those funny clothes, wouldn't you fly away?

Good pick! Now we need some pants.
He needs a face.
Can you draw scary face?
Yeah, scary like this.
Caillou thought he could be an excellent scarecrow himself!

Stay away, birds! Stay away, birds!
Hey! Boo!
It worked! I'm a good scarecrow!
Shoo! Shoo!
That was a big bird!
Wow! Shoo! Shoo!
That was the biggest bird of all!

Look Mommy, a scary scarecrow face!
That's very good, Caillou. Now let's go put all scarecrow together.
Caillou couldn't wait to see their finish scarecrow.

I can help.
Thank you, honey.
Birdies, birdies, birdies!
Caillou couldn't believe his eyes. That scarecrow looked like a real person, but there was still a few things missing.
You know, Rosie. Your pie plates could help the scarecrow make noise.

I think we're almost done.
And I think something else is almost done.
Apple pie!

Oh, look the birds are coming back.
It works! The scarecrow scared them away!
Good. That means our carrots and tomatoes will grow.
They're gonna grow really really tall, up over my head.
Really? That big?
Yap. The tomatoes will be this big and the carrots will be as big as our car!
We could put wheels on it and drive around in our carrot car!
And then we can eat it.
Mmm. These tires are chewing.
This steering wheels delicious!

