臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] A House In The Sky

2015-02-22 | Script
It was a beautiful summer day and Caillou the explorer had found an ant hill.
Rosie, come see what I found!
Don't be scared, Rosie.
Don't you see little ants? Ants can't hurt you, can they, Daddy?
Well, some ants bite, but the ants (that) we have here don't. They are perfectly safe.
Oopsy daisy! Wee!

Caillou wondered what would be like to be really, really small, like an ant.

I'll get it.
Hello. Yes, it is. Who is this? Really?
It's a nice to hear your voice again.
Where have you been?

Can I take a look?
Sure. They're really small, so you have to use this.
They tickle!
Me too!

That was Carol. Remember Carol from high school?
Well, she's moved to the city, and wants me to come over tomorrow.
She has a little boy, Caillou. His name is Kevin and he is four.
I'm four too. Can I come with you, Mommy?
Of course you can, but it's a long car ride. You have to bring some books to look at.

It was a very very long trip.
Are we there yet, Mommy?
No, Caillou, but we're getting close.
Caillou knew he should be patient to wait but he was starting to think they would never get there.
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Caillou was bored.
Are we there yet?
Yes, we are.

Where is Kevin's house, Mommy?
Kevin lives in this apartment building, way way up on the 17th floor.
Tall buildings like this are called skyscrapers, Caillou. Can you guess why?
Because they go so high up to scrape the sky.
Right. Would you like to go up and meet Kevin now?
Caillou had never met anyone who lived in a sky before.
He could hardly wait to go inside.

Thank you!
You're welcome.

Can I press the button?
We're going to seventeenth. One, seven.
Mommy, my tummy feels funny.

Bye! Thanks for the ride!
Why are there so many doors?
Each door leaves to a different apartment or different family lives.
How does Kevin know which one is his door?
Each door has a number on it, see? Kevin lives at the number 10.
Woo! Eight, nine. Here it is, number ten!

Oh, hello, there!
Carol! So good see you and this must be Kevin!
Hi, Kevin. This is Caillou.
Hi, want to see my room?

Can we go play in your backyard?
I don't have a backyard, but I have a park that I go to everyday.
Me too! With swings and a big slide.
Do you want to see my park?
Yeah. Can I press the button in the elevator?
Caillou didn't know what Kevin was doing. He thought he was going to show him the park.
Caillou couldn't believe his eyes. He had never seen a view like this before.
Everything looked so small.
See, over there? That's my park.
We're up in the sky with the birds!
Look, you have ants in your backyard too.
Caillou thought the people down below looked like little ants just like the ones in his backyard!
I'm making a skyscraper that goes all the way up to the clouds.
Can I help?

Okay, Caillou. Time to go home. Oh my goodness! You two have been busy.
We made a skyscraper, Mommy. See?
It's very impressive.
Can Kevin come and play at our house someday?
Of course. Kevin and his mom can come for a visit anytime.
When you come, be sure to bring lots of books for the car ride. Because it's a long long way way!

Did you and Kevin have fun?
Uh-ha. Kevin's home sure is different from ours, isn't is, Mommy?
Yes, it is, but I bet yours and Kevin's still have a lot of things in common.
We sure do! We both have ants in our backyards.

