臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou's April Fool

2015-01-18 | Script
One morning at breakfast, Daddy was something funny.
Daddy, what are you doing?
I'm playing a little joke on Mommy. Shh!
Good morning, everyone!
Good morning!
Thanks. Oh my goodness! It's 9 o'clock already? I was sure it was eight. That is strange.
April Fools!
Daddy changed the clock's.
It's only eight o'clock, not nine!
Oh! That was a good April Fool's Joke. You really hag me going.
Mommy, what is April Fools?
Today is April Fools Day.
It's a special day when you play funny jokes and tricks on people.
As long as they are good fun and don't hurt anybody's feelings.
Can I play jokes, too?
Of course, you can, but that also means that someone can play a joke on you.
Well, I'd better get started planting the spring bulbs.
What are spring bulbs?
They are big flower seeds of only growing the spring time,
so in about a month, we'll have beautiful flowers in our yard.
I'm gonna get you back!
You can always try!

Caillou wanted to play an April Fool's trick on Rosie,
but he didn't know what kind of a joke would make her smile.
Then Caillou had a great idea something he was sure that would make Rosie laugh.
Rosie will be so surprised!
Quick over, Gilbert. We have to hide!
April Fools, Rosie!
Dollie wrong.
Yeah, I dressed your dollie. It's a joke.
Caillou play dollie?
Okay, I'll play dollie with you.
Caillou was disappointed that Rosie didn't laugh at his trick.

Caillou, there is a phone call for you!
Who is it, Caillou?
I don't know. It sounds like a dinosaur.
April Fools! Roar!
That was a good joke, Mommy.
Then, it's your turn to play a joke on me!
Caillou wanted to think up a really good joke to play on Mommy.

April Fools!
Then Caillou had even better idea for tricking Mommy.
That's strange. I know my slippers around here somewhere.
How about carrots? There you go! You're all set.
April Fools!

Hi, Caillou! What are you up to?
I'm playing a joke on Mommy. Don't tell her, okay?
I won't. I promise.
No, Gilbert. Don't!
Oh, Caillou. You've found my slippers. I've been looking all over for them.
Nice try, Caillou.
Hey! Every other page in the newspapers is upside-down!
April Fools!
You got me!
Caillou was determined to play a good joke on someone today.
Then he had a very good idea.

Oh, my!
April Fools!
Did I trick you?
You sure did! For a moment then I thought a real dinosaur was in our fridge.
That's silly. Now I want to trick Daddy. Can you help me, Mommy?
Sure, I'll help you. What do you have in mind?

Daddy, Daddy, come quick! Your flowers have already grown big! You didn't have to wait.

Wow! Those bulbs must have been magic bulbs!
April Fools!
Hey! Those aren't real flowers. They're plastic! Caillou, you tricked me!
Yeah, and I tricked Gilbert, too. April Fools, Gilbert!

