臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

♪Blue Mountain Mystery

2013-02-23 | THOMAS & FRIENDS
Blue Mountain Mystery

Everyday down in the quarry
work, work, work so hard
Haul that load, careful don't hurry
everyone plays a part
But deep inside the old tunnels
someone hides away
Too scared to come out and see us
and too scared to say his name.

Come on, sing along!
Blue Mountain Mystery
Blue Mountain Mystery
The secret in the hills!

Come on, sing along!
Blue Mountain Mystery
Blue Mountain Mystery
The secret in the hills!

All the narrow gauge engines
decide to tell a friend
about the little green engine
from start, to very end
So Thomas wants to be useful
give Luke a helping hand
to find that old yellow engine
get the answer if he can.

Come on, sing along!
Blue Mountain Mystery
Blue Mountain Mystery
The secret in the hills!

Come on, sing along!
Blue Mountain Mystery
Blue Mountain Mystery
The secret in the hills!

Come on, sing along!
Blue Mountain Mystery
Blue Mountain Mystery
The secret in the hills!

Come on, sing along!
Blue Mountain Mystery
Blue Mountain Mystery
The secret in the hills!

♪The Snow Song

2013-02-19 | THOMAS & FRIENDS

You wake to the silence the bright afterglow
Now there's a surprise for what do you know
It's snowing
Look, it's snowing

Little Jack Frost has been busy last night
The Island of Sodor is a blanket of white
'Cause it's snowing
Yes, it's snowing

White winter wonderland
Beautiful day
Snow, snow, snow, snow
Snow, snow, snow, snow

There in the valley someone you'll know
The little blue train finds his way to the snow
Whistle blowing
Yes, it's snowing

It's a beautiful world; It's a lovely day
Cherish this moment, remember this day
'Cause it's snowing
Yes, it's snowing

White winter wonderland
Beautiful day
Snow, snow, snow, snow

White winter wonderland
Beautiful day
Snow, snow, snow, snow
Snow, snow, snow, snow
Stay, stay, please stay

■ cherish ■verb[]:〈子供・ものを〉(愛情をこめて)大事にする,かわいがる,大事にする 〈望み・信仰・恨みなどを〉心に抱く.

♪ Winter Wonderland

2013-02-19 | THOMAS & FRIENDS

This is the story of Thomas' winter wonderland.

It's a winter wonderland

See the snow lay all around

Bells are ringing; Ding-a-ling-a-ling, Ding, dong

Sleigh bells jingle

Home for the holiday we go

Rushing to our winter wonderland

It's a winter wonderland

Little engine working hard

His snowplow heaving; Chug-a-chug-a-chug, Chug Choo

Bother this silly snow!

Don't haul be up, please don't delay

Must get to my winter wonderland

It's Thomas' winter wonderland

Climb aboard and join us if you can

See main line engines rushing to and fro

Festive decorations, people rushing home

Branch line engines shovel through the snow

Firesides glaze through winter haze

Happy holidays

Look, everybody! Here's Thomas.

And Percy.

And James and Gordon and Henry.

And look! Edward and Toby, too.

Home for the holiday we go

Rushing to our winter wonderland

It's Thomas' winter wonderland

Climb aboard and join us if you can

See Terence Tractor clear away the snow

Bertie Bus is wonderful; Just look at him go

Seasons greetings; Happy Holidays

Close your eyes, dream your dreams

See how the magic stays

It's a winter wonderland

See the snow lay all around

Bells are ringing; Ding-a-ling-a-ling, Ding, dong

Children singing

Home for the holiday we go

Rushing to our winter wonderland

Our winter wonderland

Our winter wonderland

The Great Discovery ♪Thomas, You're The Leader!

2013-02-19 | THOMAS & FRIENDS

It's Thomas (Thomas),
You're the leader (leader).

They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight,
Shunting trucks and hauling freight.
Red and green and brown and blue,
They're the useful crew (that's who).
All with different roles to play
'Round Tidmouth Sheds and far away.
Now Stanley's joined this friendly pack,
But who's this coming down the track?


Thomas, he's my number one,
Shining in the morning sun,
Working hard but having fun,
Thomas, you're the leader.
Thomas, you're the leader.

Thomas has so many friends,
The list is long, it never ends.
James and Percy huff and puff,
And Emily, she knows her stuff,
Henry, Edward, what a pair,
Toby, like I say he's square.
Gordon thunders down the line.
Everyone's a friend of mine.
(That's right)


Let's not forget the narrow gauge,
Where small and strong is all the rage.
Sir Handel, Rusty, Mighty Mac (whoa),
Fearless Freddie at the back.
Rheneas, and then Peter Sam,
Skarloey, Duncan, he's my man.
With Mr. Percival in charge,
No work's too hard, no job's too large.


Jeremy and Harold, Rocky, Harvey too,
Salty, Mavis, Bertie, the Really Useful crew.
It's not just engines full of steam,
There's Jack and all his building team.
Tipping stones and digging roads,
Filling trucks and loading loads.
Sir Topham Hatt, he keeps an eye
On every engine passing by.
Everything is tickety boo,
'Coz out in front is you-know-who.

(chorus x2)


2013-02-18 | THOMAS & FRIENDS

7歳になり、すっかり NinjyaGO でしか遊ばなくなった りゅうタンまんでしたが、
He is back! He is back!

Please and Thank you

2013-02-09 | THOMAS & FRIENDS
The island of Sodor is surrounded by beautiful blue sea.
It has fields of green and sandy yellow beaches.
There are rivers, streams and lots of trees where the birds sing.
There are windmills and a coal mine, and docks where visitors to the island arrive.
The island also has lots and lots of railway lines.
Who's that puffing down the track?
It's Thomas! Hello Thomas.
"Hello everybody, welcome to the island of Sodor."

It was springtime on the island of Sodor.
The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
All the engines loved this time of the year.
To Emily, the island had never looked more beautiful.


But that night, there was a big and blustery storm. →blustery:[ADJ]〈天候が〉荒れ狂う
High winds swept across Sodor.
Trees were blown down. A water tower fell over.

(Crash! Clatter!)

And the roof blew right off Farmer McColl's barn.
Emily was pleased to be safe and warm in her cosy shed.

(Howling wind)

She could hear the wind outside.

But the next morning, Emily could not believe her eyes.
The storm had made a terrible mess.

Farmer Mccall looked at the damaged barn.
"The baby calves will be cold at night. I must fix the roof!"
But Farmer McColl didn7t have any timber for the roof,
so he telephoned the Fat Controller.

The Fat Controller came to see Emily.
"The storm blew the roof off Farmer McColl's barn," he said.
"You must take some timber so it can be fixed."
"Yes, Sir!" said Emily.
Emily steamed over to the timber yards.

She buffered up to the timber wagon and raced off to Farmer McColl's as fast as she could.
But the storm had caused lots of damage to the lines.
Workmen and lorries cleaned branches from the tracks.
Emily wanted to go quickly, but she couldn't go at all!
"Bother!" said Emily crossly.

Trevor and the workmen were trying to move the tree,
but moving it was taking a long time.
"Hurry up!" Emily puffed. "You must work harder."
and she blew her whistle.

Trevor was working as hard as he could.
At last, he pulled the tree off the track,
but Emily didn't say thank you to Trevor.
All she said was, "About time!" →(遅れていたことなどが実現して)やれやれやっとだ

Every time she came across workmen on the track,
she blew her whistle and whooshed steam.
This made the workmen cross, but Emily thought it made them work harder.

Then Emily came across a fallen water tower.
It had crashed onto her line.
"Oh, no!" she cried.

Elisabeth was helping the men push the tower off the track.
The tower was very heavy. Emily decided to boss Elisabeth, too.
"Hurry up!" she whooshed and she blew her whistle as laud as she could!

"Not if you ask like that!" sniffed Elisabeth crossly.
"I've got an urgent delivery!" said Emily.
But Elisabeth didn't listen. She simply went back to work.


Emily blew her whistle again, but the more she blew it, the slower Elisabeth went.
Emily thought she would never get to Farmer McColl's.

The skies were darkening and night was on its way.
→the skies [複数形]: a blue sky = blue skies ①blueのようにskyの前に形容詞が付く場合は a blue sky が良い ②天気を指す場合は skies の方が良い 

Thomas arrived with more supplies.
"Hello!" Thomas tooted. Emily complained about Elisabeth.
"She won't do a thing I tell her!"
"That's because you're a big, bossy boiler!" laughed Thomas.
"You should try asking nicely for a change!"

Emily didn't like being called a bossy boiler
and didn't want to ask nicely, but it would be night soon
and the baby calves still didn't have a roof over their heads,
so Emily took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry I was rude, but can you help me get this timber to Farmer McColl's?"
"Please? It's to help the baby calves."

Elisabeth smiled.
"Why, Certainly," she puffed. "I'll clear your track in no time!"

Emily was surprised!
Thomas was right. Asking nicely was just like magic.

Elisabeth pushed with all her puff.
The tower was heavy but with a mighty heave, the track was clear.

"Thank you!" cried Emily, and steamed on as fast as she could.

It was nearly bedtime. Emily knew the calves would be cold.
So whenever there was something on the track,
she took a deep breath and said "please" and "thank you".

At last, Emily arrived at Farmer McColl's
and the timber was unloaded.

The barn was soon repaired and the calves snuggled down on their nice, soft hay.
(Calves moo happily)

"Thank you, Emily," said Farmer McColl. "The calves will be nice and warm now."
Emily was pleased. She had arrived on time.
Asking nicely was all she had had to do.

Patience is a Virtue

Patience is a virtue, so it never hurts to take a little time to see
Sir Topham Hatt has taught you, and you know you ought to
Be as patient as can be
Happy waiting patiently

Don't get too excited, just try staying calm
Thinking for a minute saves you so much harm
Everything around you is rushing here and there
Life can be so simple if you make time to spare

Patience is a virtue, so it never hurts to take a little time to see
Sir Topham Hatt has taught you, and you know you ought to
Be as patient as can be
Happy waiting patiently

If you're in a hurry, take the time to think
What's the point of rushing if you're on the brink
Go a little slower, someone else can lead
Take the time to rest, that's what engines need

Patience is a virtue, so it never hurts to take a little time to see
Sir Topham Hatt has taught you, and you know you ought to
Be as patient as can be

Happy waiting patiently

Patience is a virtue, so it never hurts to take a little time to see
Sir Topham Hatt has taught you, and you know you ought to
Be as patient as can be
Happy waiting patiently

Edward エドワード : My Thomas Story Library 17

2013-01-10 | THOMAS & FRIENDS
すっかりトーマスは下火になってしまった りゅうタンまんですが、
やはり THOMAS & FRIENDS は、物語りとしても、英語を勉強する者にとって素晴らしい読み物です



 The big engines called him names,
call 人 names ■IDM[子供]悪いあだ名で呼ぶ

cattle ■noun[]牛

 They twitched their tails and run!
twitch ■[]ぐいっとひく (身体の一部を)ビクッとさせる

 Silly Old Iron! Fancy allowing cows to break his train!
   They wouldn't dare do that to me.
fancy doing ■[]~するなんて(考えてみろよ 驚きだ)
dare ■AUX[]あえて~する 思い切って(恐れずに 生意気にも)~する

 Be off!

 "Moo!" bellowed Bluebell
bellow ■verb[]牛が大声で鳴く

 "Yes, Gordon," said Edward, solemnly.
solemnly ■adv.[ソレメリ]重々しく 落ち着いた様子で

 James's Driver felt unwell.
   His Fireman was ringing for a relief Driver
feel unwell ■[]気分が悪い
relief ■[]交換

 The Signalman had to halt the other trains to make sure there wasn't an accident.
halt A ■verb[]Aを停止させる

 He had made a noose out of the rope and tied it to the end of the pole.
noose ■noun[](引くと輪が締まるようになっている)輪縄 引き結び
  →lasso 投げ縄

 The engines swayed and lurched,
sway ■verb[](前後 左右に)ゆすぶる 振り動かす
lurch ■verb[](船 車などが)急に傾くこと

♪Down by the Docks

2013-01-09 | THOMAS & FRIENDS

Down by the Docks

Down by the docks, that's the place to be
Down by the docks, gateway to the sea
Down by the dockside, we are the team
Working together just like a family
Down by the docks, you're never on your own
Down by the docks, it's really home from home
Down by the dockside, down by the dockside
Down by the dockside, is where we want to be

Chief Diesel at the docks
He's the tough guy, he's the one who sorts the trucks
He's the one to see, in emergencies
He's the one to see
Tirelessly working, never complaining
Part of the dockside team

Looking down on everyone
Always working, lifting cargo by the ton
And he's up so high he can reach the sky
Part of the dockside team
Whatever the weather, you'll see him out there
Part of the dockside team


Who have crossed the seven seas
Sailing homeward, bringing all and sundry
And the trade winds blow their ships back home
Safely to the shore
We are the workers, stoking the boilers
Of Sodor's industry

Down by the dockside, down by the dockside
Down by the dockside, is where we want to be

♪Really Useful Engine

2013-01-08 | THOMAS & FRIENDS
Really Useful Engine

He's a really useful engine, you know
All the other engines they'll tell you so
He huffs and puffs and whistles
Rushing to and fro
He's the really useful engine we adore

He's the one, he's the one
He's the really useful engine that we adore
He's the one, he's the number one
Thomas the Tank Engine

He's a really useful engine, you know
'Cause the Fat Controller, he told him so
Now he's got a branch line to call his very own
He's the really useful engine we adore


Little blue train, he's always there
Whenever you need a hand
If you need help with a situation
Who comes into mind


He's a really useful engine, you know
Maybe little, but he's never slow
Stand back in amazement
Just you watch him go
He's the really useful engine we adore

He's the really useful engine we adore

♪Let's Have a Race

2013-01-04 | THOMAS & FRIENDS

Let's Have a Race

A lesson that's worth learning one you never should forget
Is the art of friendly rivalry It's not always about winning
You must learn that from the start
Enjoy yourself, remember what counts is taking part

Let's have a race, have a race, have a race
Let's see who is the quickest
Who can be the fastest
On your marks, now get set, go!
Let's set a pace, set a pace, set a pace
Let's see if you can catch me
Let's see if you can match me, so
Let's have a race, have a race

Thomas challenged Bertie to a friendly race one day
Their drivers said, "Get ready, but be careful on the way"
The friends lined up together Enjoying the fun
The stationmaster called out, "Are you ready to begin?"


Bertie Bus was winning He sped along the way
Thomas tried so hard to catch up on the way
Eventually he passed him And Bertie had to say
"To pass you on that hill, Thomas,
I'd need wings like an aeroplane"


Let's have a race, have a race, have a race
Let's see who is the quickest
Who can be the fastest Ready, set, go!
Let's set a pace, set a pace, set a pace
Let's see if you can catch me
Let's see if you can match me, so
Let's have a race, have a race
Let's have a race Let's have a race Right now!

The island of Sodor is surrounded by beautiful blue sea.

2012-05-01 | THOMAS & FRIENDS
The island of Sodor is surrounded by beautiful blue sea.

It has fields of green and sandy yellow beaches.

There are rivers, streams and lots of trees where the birds sing.

There are windmills and a coal mine, and docks where visitors to the island arrive.

The island also has lots and lots of railway lines.

Who's that puffing down the track ?

It's Thomas! Hello Thomas.

"Hello everybody, welcome to the island of Sodor."

♪ Donald's Duck

2011-09-10 | THOMAS & FRIENDS
Donald's Duck

I found a quacker in my tender,
She was very, very tame
But she quacked all night and through the day
She was driving me insane
My driver and my fireman
Tried everything they know
To shoo the quacker away from me
But she did not want to go

The quacker clearly loves me
Was impossible to nab
So now we have befriended her
She rides inside my cab
She quacks in stations big and small
She quacks at people too
Now everyone calls her Donald's Duck
But I call her my Quackeroo!

She makes me so happy, with her little ways
So happy, it's true
Now everyone calls her Donald's Duck
But I call her my Quackeroo!
Quacking here, quacking there
She is quacking everywhere
Quack, quack, choo choo choo
She's my little Quackeroo
She's quacking here and there
She's quacking everywhere
Quack quack, shoo shoo shoo
She's my Quackeroo

Now everybody loves her
They love to hear her quack
And when we have to say goodbye
They ask when she'll be back
She's captured everybody's heart
She knows just what to do
Now everyone calls her Donald's Duck
But she's my Quackeroo!

*** repeat

She's my Quackeroo
She's my Quackeroo

♪ Come for the Ride

2011-08-13 | THOMAS & FRIENDS
Come for the Ride

All your friends on the railway would like you all to see
Just how much fun rockin' on the railway can be
So won't you come along and join them for the ride
Just hang on tight, catch your breath, and come for the ride

Rockin', rockin' on the railway, Rollin', rollin' on the railway
Movin', movin' down the line, Swingin', sway from side to side
They'll be rockin' an' a-rollin' won't you come for the ride of your life

Watch Duncan go, he can really rock'n'roll
He can slip, he can slide, he can sway from side to side
So when you hear him coming nd you hear his whistle blow
You'd better step aside 'cause he can go go go!

*** repeat

Now we're really moving, movin' to an' fro
Everyone around shouting "More! More! More!"
Can't get enough, can't get enough of these thrills
And just when you think you can't take anymore
You'd better hang on tight 'cause here we go again
Slip slide come for the ride!

*** repeat

Now Gordon's in a hurry, 'cause Thomas made him wait
We'll have to go much faster, we really can't be late
Soon the coach was rockin', it swayed from side to side
The bath water spillin' and a-splashin' inside
Rockin', rockin' on the railway, Rollin', rollin' on the railway
Movin', movin' down the line, Swingin', sway from side to side
They'll be rockin' an' a-rollin' an' a-reelin' on the railway tonight

*** repeat

They'll be rockin' an' a-rollin' won't you come for the ride of your life
They'll be rockin' an' a-rollin' won't you come for the ride of your life
Come for the ride!

更新 : You Tube で遊ぼう!

2011-07-16 | THOMAS & FRIENDS
Misty Island Rescue!

りゅうタンまんが最近お気に入りの YouTube ごっこです



