臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Next Stop Fun

2012-04-22 | Script
Caillou was very excited because he was about to take a long trip on a train for the very first time.
When is the train coming, Mommy?
It shouldn't be much longer, sweetie.
Phew! These weigh a ton.
We're only going away for 2 weeks, but we packed in that for the entire summer.
Daddy, Daddy! I hear the train. It's coming.
Caillou was very excited, but as he watched the train getting closer, he began to feel a little scared.
It's very big, isn't it?
Caillou couldn't believe how big the train was.
The noise frightened him.
I don't want to go.
There is nothing to be afraid of.
Come on, it's time to get on board.
Are you two coming on board?
Yes, we are.
Well, then maybe someone should help your dad with those bags.

There you go!
Are you folks traveling far?
We're on the train for 2 days.
Really? And what's your name?
Well, Caillou, have you ever slept on a train before?
You're gonna love it. You'll see, it'll rock you straight asleep.
Uh, where are the beds?
That's the best part. They magically appear when it's dark.
Say "sleep" three times and clap your hands and I bet you they'll show up.
Really. But first, I'm gonna need your tickets.
Thank you.
We should be leaving any minute now.
I'll see you later, Caillou.

Daddy, it looks like the train station is moving.
It's really the train is moving, Caillou.
It just looks like the other way around.

Why don't we go exploring while Mommy put Rosie down for her nap?
Caillou was so excited about exploring the train that he had hard time keeping quiet.
It's kind of hard walking in the train, isn't it?
Caillou thought walking on the train was like being on a ride at the amusement park.
Where is the bathroom?
I'm not sure, but can't be far.
Can we find one now?

Caillou had never seen such a small bathroom before.
He wasn't sure how anything worked.
Are you okay in there?
I don't know how it works, Daddy.
Hey, it's just your size!
Here, you press the button on the wall to flush and don't forget wash your hands.
Caillou thought it was funny to be in such a small bathroom.
It was much smaller than the one of home.

Oh, hello there! And what's your name?
What do you think of my kitchen?
We have a kitchen, too, but it's a lot bigger than yours.
Well, maybe it is, but does your kitchen travel to far away places?
No, can't say that it does. Could you tell us where the restaurant is?
There's a restaurant, too?

Hi, Caillou! Boy, that looks good.
So, have you been on the grand tour?
Let's see, the bathroom, the kitchen and now the restaurant.
I call that a grand tour.
You mean you haven't been to the dome-car yet?
That's the best part!
Caillou was having so many wonderful new adventures that he couldn't imagine what could be better than his triple brownie sandy.
What's a dome car?
Oh, the dome car is wonderful place! You climb up some stairs, and suddenly it's like you're flying in a plane.
A plane on a train?
Next stop's the dome-car!
Wow! Slow down, Caillou! You won't wanna get a stomachache and not be able to go flying, would you?

Go on up, Caillou!
Caillou really wondered how a plane could set on the train.
How do we fly on the train, Daddy?
Stanly was comparing it to a plane because were above the ground and train goes fast.
Come on, you'll see.
Wow! Caillou, this is beautiful!
Now do you see why Stanly says it's like being in a plane?
Caillou pretended he was flying his very own plane.
He loved watching the passing clouds out of the glass roof.

Come on, Caillou, it's time for bed.
I don't want to go to bed.
Caillou loved being on the train so much that he wasn't quite ready for bed yet.
Come in!
Stanly, Mommy says it's bed time, but the beds aren't here yet.
That's strange. Is dark outside? Did you brush your teeth?
Well, then I think it's time for the magic words.
Do you remember what we have to do, Caillou?
Say "sleep" three times and clap my hands.
Sleep! Sleep!
Rosie, wait! I'm not ready.
Now, you and Rosie have to shut your eyes real tight, Okay?
Are you ready? Now not a peek!
Okay, Caillou now slowly say the three magic words.
Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!
Okay, Caillou. You can look now.
Good night! Sweet dreams!
Good night, Stanly!
Caillou was gently rocked to sleep by the sound of the train, rolling through the night.

