臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

get to

2020-03-25 | 学習メモ

I got to meet the teacher./ Did you get to talk to Zenjiro? / I don't get to make deliveries so often.

got to 機会があった =have the opportunity 


He got go home  early. / He gets to work from home. / Why does she get to take the day off?

got to 許された = allow = have the privilege to 



I'm slowly getting to know her./ I got to understand the importance of health as I grew older.

get to [know/ realize/ understand /see / feel / appreciate ] 〜になる  



He really gets to me./ This humid weather is really starting to get to me. / Don't let it get to you.  

get to イライラする =annoying =bother




2017-06-16 | 学習メモ

I said myself I'd try to exercise this year.


I've been really wanting to go for a few years now, but have always put it off.

ずっと行きたかった いつも延期になってた


Are you getting off at Waterloo?

How many more stops to Waterloo?


Two more stops.

Follow the yellow arrows and they'll lead you out.



Here we have some things that might interest you.

I think they make perfect survanias.


This should clear this up in a few days.


Where would you recomend?


I think something more relaxing would be better.


In that case, how about Kamakura?



I'd like 200 dollars, so how much in yen is that?

At our rate today, that will be 26000 yen.


This must have cost a fortune!


Well, that's a great thing.


This stereo reduced in price.


I was walking past Dixons. 


I'd like it to be taken care of.


Plese fill out this form.



2017-05-11 | 学習メモ

I'll keep it on mind!

Must put it on my list.

I could do with going out. 出かけてもいいかなと思ってる

I know what you mean. 

Two wrongs do not make a right.

I can't sit back. 傍観してられない

There's no good outcome from here. なんの解決にもならない

To top of it off,  おまけに

Hang on sec. ちょっと待って

I foolishly left my unbrella at the restaurant.

What's this party all about? 一体全体何なのか?

We are getting together. 集まることになってる

I seem to have lost my purse. 財布無くしたようなんです

You're in luck.

That's a relief! ほっとした

How does it go? どうやるのかな?

Clever boy!

Your badge isn't on straight.

Now go along with them. 付いてゆけ

come along with me わたしについてきて


Once every other week 隔週で

No wonder you're a good chef.

Do you wanna a hand?

On three, One, Two, Three!


I've got three-two hour journeys 3 days in the row.

Rather you than me. わたしじゃなくてよかった

I'm all set!

The facilities there are outstanding.


The weather forecast wasn't too promising earlier on. 確約できない 

70 odd number 70歳ちょっと 


I was wondering if you could help me.

Afterwards, そのあと

It's the best if you buy one-day travel card.

That sounds like a good deal.

That's for one


I later realized I wasn't good at drawing.



2017-05-09 | 学習メモ

What are you going to do for this holiday?

Any plans?


One concerned about is gaining weight.

It's hard to quit, but not that hard.


Do you need anything?

Let me know if you do.


I'm still at the bank.


I was going to call you.

Be at Daniel's by 7:30.


I'm still not sure.

Try no to drop it.


What would you've done?

I would have to told her to leave after a week.


Pour some honey over

Put the slice cheese on top


What a lucky break!


Turn down the TV a little, please!


You go on-line with the modem.


I'd make a good Journalist.= I can become

I'm too impatient.


I could double the money in a day.

You've got a point there!


You shouldn't go by yourself.

You ought to go with someone.


It opens at 9AM.


retail 販売(小売り)

I hate working on weekends.


She couldn't make it.


I'm doing great.


Are you doing anything on Saturday night?

I won't be able to make it.


Have you decided on your appetizer, yet?

I'll have the snail, please.


I don't know for sure. はっきりわからない


You must be excited!

I am.


I'm planning to go fishing at the lake.

It may rain a little this afternoon.


I mean if you'd rather I didn't.

It doesn't matter to me whether you smoke or not.


Is there anything in particular, I can help you find.

I'm afraid we don't have anymore fountain pen in stock,

but  we expect some in very soon.


Can I pour myself a glass of this juice?

Help yourself!


Don't get me wrong. 悪く思わないでね 気を悪くしないでね

I wouldn't be so sure.


bandaged up 包帯で巻かれてること

The batteries died . 電池がきれる

My foot was killing me. すごく痛い


On cold days, icecream is good.

I prefer sorbet personally.

What's your least favorite food?

I can't stand celery for some reason.




2017-01-17 | 学習メモ
Monday is a special day for students in America. It’s a day off from school! But it’s also an important day for the whole country. January 16 is a national holiday called Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Martin Luther King Jr. became famous for being a civil rights leader in the 1960s. He worked for equal voting rights, education, and pay for all Americans, no matter their race, gender, or religion. King traveled the country, standing up against discrimination.

Leo, age 10, said King made the world a better place. “Without him, we would not have as much peace as we have now,” the reader explained in the News Room. Foo, age 9, added that King helped “let all men be created equal.”

King gave a famous speech in Washington, D.C., in 1963. Called “I Have a Dream,” it inspired many Americans. “I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls,” he said.

“Even though I’m not African American, I still have African American friends,” said Estella, age 9. “They are awesome. So Martin Luther King Jr. is amazing for letting me have those friends!”

King died in 1968. Today, people still remember him for the love and peace he spread through America. They continue to honor him for making the country better. “He was a very strong guy. We should appreciate having someone like that in our world,” said Cecilia, age 11. “He is also a great person to follow and look up to. Appreciate this day.”

Updated January 12, 2017, 5:02 P.M. (ET)
By Liz Lane

Dino's Feathers Found!

2016-12-17 | 学習メモ

Dino's Feathers Found!
Scientists discover ancient feathers inside of amber.

Not all dinosaurs were scaly creatures that walked the earth. Some had soft feathers on their bodies! Recently, scientists found dino feathers inside a fossil. They say it’s 99 million years old!

A team of scientists published the report on December 8. They found the feathers inside of amber. That’s what tree sap becomes when it gets very old. The ancient dino’s tail was trapped in the amber. This is the first dinosaur skeleton ever found in the hardened tree liquid.

Chinese paleontologist Lida Xing studied the fossil. He and his team tried to figure out the species. They first thought it was a bird. But the tail had individual vertebrae. Bird tails have just one solid bone. Now, they think it is a type of dino called a coelurosaur. (That’s it on the cover.)

Xing bought the fossil in Myitkyina, Myanmar. That area has tons of ancient amber! But there is also a terrible war going on there. Xing hopes the war will end soon so he can find more fossils. “Maybe we can find a complete dinosaur,” he told National Geographic.

Surely there are more dino parts where those feathers came from!

Updated December 9, 2016, 5:02 P.M. (ET)
By Ryan Cramer


2016-11-15 | 学習メモ
Leonard Cohen had a way with words. He was a singer, a songwriter, and a poet. The artist had a long and successful career that inspired many top musicians. On Monday, Cohen died at 82 years old.

Cohen began his career as a writer. He wrote novels and poems before he decided to put his words to music. The artist released his first album, Songs of Leonard Cohen, in 1967. He went on to record 14 albums over the next 50 years.

Musician Nick Cave called Cohen “the greatest songwriter of them all.” Cohen wrote many hits, including “So Long, Marianne” and “Suzanne.” Perhaps his most famous song is “Hallelujah.” (Listen to it in the Video!) Artists such as Justin Timberlake and Jeff Buckley have performed covers of the hit. It was even in the animated film Shrek!

Celebrities and leaders around the world took time to remember Cohen. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, “Canada and the world will miss him.” (Cohen was born in Montreal, Canada, in 1934.) Musician Elton John spoke out too. “Leonard Cohen was unique,” he said. “A giant of a man and a brilliant songwriter.”

There will be a memorial service for Cohen in Los Angeles, California, where he lived. Many of Cohen’s fans are using his own words to remember his talent and his life. He sang:

I did my best. It wasn’t much.
I couldn’t feel, so I tried to touch.
I’ve told the truth. I didn’t come to fool ya.
And even though it all went wrong,
I’ll stand before the lord of song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah.

Updated November 11, 2016, 7:02 P.M. (ET)
By Ashley Morgan