臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] A House In The Sky

2015-02-22 | Script
It was a beautiful summer day and Caillou the explorer had found an ant hill.
Rosie, come see what I found!
Don't be scared, Rosie.
Don't you see little ants? Ants can't hurt you, can they, Daddy?
Well, some ants bite, but the ants (that) we have here don't. They are perfectly safe.
Oopsy daisy! Wee!

Caillou wondered what would be like to be really, really small, like an ant.

I'll get it.
Hello. Yes, it is. Who is this? Really?
It's a nice to hear your voice again.
Where have you been?

Can I take a look?
Sure. They're really small, so you have to use this.
They tickle!
Me too!

That was Carol. Remember Carol from high school?
Well, she's moved to the city, and wants me to come over tomorrow.
She has a little boy, Caillou. His name is Kevin and he is four.
I'm four too. Can I come with you, Mommy?
Of course you can, but it's a long car ride. You have to bring some books to look at.

It was a very very long trip.
Are we there yet, Mommy?
No, Caillou, but we're getting close.
Caillou knew he should be patient to wait but he was starting to think they would never get there.
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Caillou was bored.
Are we there yet?
Yes, we are.

Where is Kevin's house, Mommy?
Kevin lives in this apartment building, way way up on the 17th floor.
Tall buildings like this are called skyscrapers, Caillou. Can you guess why?
Because they go so high up to scrape the sky.
Right. Would you like to go up and meet Kevin now?
Caillou had never met anyone who lived in a sky before.
He could hardly wait to go inside.

Thank you!
You're welcome.

Can I press the button?
We're going to seventeenth. One, seven.
Mommy, my tummy feels funny.

Bye! Thanks for the ride!
Why are there so many doors?
Each door leaves to a different apartment or different family lives.
How does Kevin know which one is his door?
Each door has a number on it, see? Kevin lives at the number 10.
Woo! Eight, nine. Here it is, number ten!

Oh, hello, there!
Carol! So good see you and this must be Kevin!
Hi, Kevin. This is Caillou.
Hi, want to see my room?

Can we go play in your backyard?
I don't have a backyard, but I have a park that I go to everyday.
Me too! With swings and a big slide.
Do you want to see my park?
Yeah. Can I press the button in the elevator?
Caillou didn't know what Kevin was doing. He thought he was going to show him the park.
Caillou couldn't believe his eyes. He had never seen a view like this before.
Everything looked so small.
See, over there? That's my park.
We're up in the sky with the birds!
Look, you have ants in your backyard too.
Caillou thought the people down below looked like little ants just like the ones in his backyard!
I'm making a skyscraper that goes all the way up to the clouds.
Can I help?

Okay, Caillou. Time to go home. Oh my goodness! You two have been busy.
We made a skyscraper, Mommy. See?
It's very impressive.
Can Kevin come and play at our house someday?
Of course. Kevin and his mom can come for a visit anytime.
When you come, be sure to bring lots of books for the car ride. Because it's a long long way way!

Did you and Kevin have fun?
Uh-ha. Kevin's home sure is different from ours, isn't is, Mommy?
Yes, it is, but I bet yours and Kevin's still have a lot of things in common.
We sure do! We both have ants in our backyards.

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Building Adventure

2015-02-15 | Script
Mommy, can we make jam sandwiches, too? They are my favourite.
Okay, Caillou.
Caillou loved helping his mommy and today they were making lots of sandwiches.
I can do it.
All done!
That's great! Here, let me cut it into half.
See? I'm gonna cut it into two.
Two triangles!
Uh-uh-uh, you have to wait until lunchtime.
That looks like a strawberry Jam Caillou's special.
Do you want Daddy to put it into the box for you?
Oh, boy!
We'd better get going. They're gonna need a lot of helpers to build their house.
Can I come, too? I wanna help with the house.
Sorry, Caillou.
We'll be really busy working and there is nothing for you to play with over there.
You've already been a great help by making those sandwiches for the workers.
Caillou still wanted very much to go with Daddy and Grandpa and help build the house.
What if Caillou [went] for a quick visit with you?
I'll drop Rosie off at Grandma's and Caillou can come home with me when I bring everybody's lunch.
Sounds like a good plan to me.
Yeah! Let's go!

Daddy and Grandpa were helping a lot of other people build the house [for a family that didn't have one.]
Caillou was very excited. He couldn't wait to see what everyone was doing.
Just a minute, Caillou. Safety is very important here. That's why we wear work boots to protect our feet.
I've got my boots on.
Good for you!
We also need hard heads to protect our heads.
Which one would you like?
I can help!
How about helping me by a..... carry these nails.
This place can be dangerous, Caillou. You have to pay attention and be very careful, okay?
Well, you don't wanna get in anybody's way where they're working. Just stay close to Grandpa and me, alright?

Caillou was a little scared but he felt safe because he was staying right by his Grandpa and Daddy.
Caillou loved to watch people working.

Hello! Let me give you a hand there! See you later!

Hi, Sam. This is my son, Caillou.
Pleased to meet you, Caillou. Say I can use some of those nails? I just run out.
Oh, here you go!
Thank you. I just need [a couple] to finish this wall. Then we can put it up!
Caillou didn't think this look much like a wall at all.
Wanna help, Caillou?
Count three for us so we'll all lift it at the same time.
One, two, three, lift!
Wow! It is wall, with lots of holes.
We'll fix that real soon. With everybody helping, our house will be finished in no time.
Sam's family is going to live in this house when it's done.
That's his son right over there. Why don't you see if you want him to play?
Hi, I'm Caillou.
I'm Franky.
Wanna help?

Caillou was very proud that he could help. He felt like a real house builder.

Caillou, I think we've got enough gravel for the moment. Thanks for all your hard work.
In this really gonna be a house?
Yap. We live in an apartment now, but when our house is ready, I'm gonna have my very own room. Wanna see it?
Daddy, can I go look at Franky's new room, please?
Sure, but I'll come with you. Remember, we have to be careful around here.

This is it! My room. Yepee!
It's big!
This is going to be my window. I can see the whole street from here.
This is going to be a great room, Franky.
Mommy's here!
You know what that means? Lunchtime!

Thank you! Jam! That's my favourite!
Mine, too.
Caillou liked his new friend, Franky.
It looks wet.
It's soft, too. Look!
Well, what do we have here?
I've gotta an idea.
You're both helping to build this house, so why don't you leave your mark?
How about a hand print?
Okay, Caillou. It's time to go.
Look, Mommy, I left my mark.
Bey, Caillou. Come and visit me my new house when it's done.
Okay, bye!
Caillou couldn't wait to see Rosie and Grandma and tell them all about his great building adventure.

♪Working together♪
Hey, Leo. Do you wanna help me build a castle?
Sure, Caillou.
Working together we can build anything
Like a real big castle that is fit for a king
If we take our time and work as one
Work on step by step till we get the job done
We need the right equipment, we need the right clothes

A tractor to move things
And a truck to Bulldozer
Let's draw up a plan then clear the site
We can move beech trees to the left to the right
Let's use our shovels and start to dig
'Cause we want our castle to be very big
To build it high up to the sky
And keep out the water so castle is dry
Now I here, there is a dragon so we must build it big
So make sure you measure make sure that is straight
Now we're almost done let's close the door.
Shh, quiet! I think I hear a roar!
Everybody run! It's the dragon!
Working together we can build anything!

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Collection

2015-02-08 | Script
Caillou and his family were on a picnic in the park.
Caillou was having great fun playing in the stream when he spotted something very special.
Wow! Treasure! More treasure.

Come on, Caillou. Time to go home.
Caillou didn't want to leave his new found treasures behind.
Let's go, Caillou!
My pockets aren't big enough.
Caillou thought of a perfect way to get all his stones back home.

Woo, this basket seems a lot heavier than when we left.
Oh, that's because I put on my stones in there.
Wow, that explains it.
That one is the shiniest. I think it's pirates' treasure.
Shiny rock.
I think it's bath time for you, sweetie. We'll make you clean and shiny, too.
Caillou, <color=green>you're up next, okay?
That's quite collection you've got there.
A collection?
Uh-ha. A collection is when you gather a whole bunch of interesting similar things and organize them like my stamp collection.
I don't think the kitchen table is the right place for your collection, Caillou.
You'd better find somewhere else to put your rocks.
So Caillou gathered up his rocks and went to find a perfect place for his collection.

Good night, sweetie.
What's this? You've got rocks under your pillow.
Daddy told me to find a good place for my rock collection.
I don't think your bed is such a good place for your rocks.
Can you think of somewhere else to put them?
Um-hm. That's perfect!

All done!
Now you can help me change the sheets on your bed.

The white ones go here and black ones go here.
The next day, they had a surprise visitor.
Hi, Grandpa. Look! I have a rock collection.
Well,look at that! (It's) Very impressive!
I've got lots of rocks, too, in my yard.
Only they're really big.
You bet.
I'm making a path with them but I have to go out to get some more.
I could use the rock expert like you.
Would you like to come along?

Grandpa took Caillou to a quarry, a place where big people go to find big rocks.
Wow! Red rocks! White rocks! Invisible rocks! Wow!
This rock is bigger than I am.
It sure is and look over there.
This must be the biggest rocks in the world!
Would you like to see how they break big rocks into small ones?

Caillou was very excited to watch the man breaking up rocks.
He imagined what it would be like to do that himself.
Yahoo! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Would you like to pick one out for your collection?
Yes, please.

This is my most favorite rock ever.
Because it's brand new?
Nope! Because it's smiling. Look!
Oh my goodness. So it is! Well, you have a talent for spotting special rocks, Caillou.
Caillou had such a fan time today with Grandpa that he wanted it to take him.
You can have it, Grandpa. It's a present.
Oh, thank you. I'm gonna add this to my rock garden.
Grandpa, rocks don't grow in gardens.
No, come on! I'll show you.

This is the rock garden. The rocks don't grow there, but it does look nice, don't you think?
Then Caillou had a great idea about what he should do with his rock collection.

Look, Grandpa and I made a path.
Very nice, such lovely stones!
But that's not all. Come on!
See, we made a rock garden.
Wow! It's a great one of the nicest (that)<color=purple>I've ever seen!
Thanks Rosie, now my rock garden will grow big and strong!

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Puppet Show

2015-02-01 | Script
One morning at playschool, Caillou and his friends were having fun doing crafts.
Caillou was making a finger puppet but he wasn't the only one with that idea.
Hi, Caillou!
Hi, Jason! I like your puppet.
The spots were by accident. Jeffrey kept bumping me while I was drawing the face.
It has spots, like a cow.
Yeah. It's a cow puppet. Moo!
You can be a cow and I'll be the farmer.

Come on, Mr. Cow. It's bed time. Time to go in the barn.
Can I play, too?
We're playing farm. You can be a cow, too.
No, I'm gonna be a chicken.
Would you like some food, Mr. Chicken?

What wonderful puppets! You should put on a puppet show for everybody tomorrow.
And you can use the puppet theater.
Let's do it right now!
It's time to go home right now. You can do it tomorrow.

I'm gonna show Rosie my puppet.
Wait, Caillou! Rosie isn't feeling very well.

Hi, Rosie! Are you feeling sick, Rosie?
Rosie sick.
Rosie's sick with the Flu.
The Boo?
No, Flu. It's short for Influenza.
She's gotta stay in bed for few days, but she'll be better soon.
Here we go sweetie. Poor Rosie's got a fever.

Sometimes when you're sick, if you feel hot, that's called a fever.
You have to stay out of Rosie's room until she's well again, or you might catch the Flu too. All right?
Okay, Mommy.

Caillou felt sorry for Rosie. He didn't wanna get sick, too, so he stayed out of her room for the rest of the day.

The next morning, Caillou woke up feeling kind of funny. He felt ache.
Caillou felt hurt when he was coughing and he knew what that meant. He had a flu, just like Rosie.
Caillou knew Mommy would make him stay home from playschool if she found out he was sick.
And today was the puppet show day. He didn't wanna miss the puppet show.
Caillou had to make sure (that) Mommy didn't know he had a flu.

Good morning, Caillou. How are you today?
Good! I feel good!
Feels like a fever to me. You'd better go back to bed, sweetie. You've got a Flu.

But I have to go to playschool. We're having a puppet show.
If you go to playschool with the flu, you make all your friends sick, too, and you don't want that, do you?
Now go up to your room and I'll bring you some juice.

Caillou stayed in bed all morning. He wondered what his friends were doing at playschool today.
They were probably having more fun than he was.

Caillou sick?
Yap. Wanna see a puppet show, Rosie?

This is farmer Caillou and he lives on a farm with lots of animals.

Thank you!
Oh, hello!
Thank you! Oh!
Good morning!

Hey, Gilbert!
I think You should take a look out of your window, Caillou.
Your friends all want you to get well soon.
And Jason and Jeffrey still wanna put on a puppet show.
Caillou was confused how could they have their puppet show, when he was sick.

So Caillou and the twins had their puppet show just they had planned even though Caillou was sick.

Happy Day

It's a happy day, it's a happy day, it's a happy day,
I feel okay, and it's a happy day!

But there are times we don't feel like best
Mommy all just need a little rest
And with some help before you know
We'll be back on our feet and ready to go!

It's a happy day, it's a happy day, it's a happy day,
I feel okay, it's a happy day!

And if you have to stay inside
there's so much to do you decide
You can put on a puppet show
Use your imagination, let's go!

It's a happy day, it's a happy day, it's a happy day,
I feel okay, it's a happy day!

[SCRIPT] A Sweet and Sour Day

2015-01-25 | Script
Caillou was on his way to Grandma and Grandpa's house and he was very eager to get there.
Hello, Caillou!
Huh? Hi, Grandma!
Hi, we're here!
Look at my new truck!
Isn't that nice.
I'll be back in a little while to pick you up. Have fun!
I'm doing some work in the garden. Would you like to help me?
I think these flowers could use a drink.
I can water them.
Thank you.

Caillou liked helping Grandma. It made him feel like a big boy.
Caillou pretended he was driving a big water truck.
Looks like you need a drink.
Here some water for Mr. tree!
One shower coming up!

Grandma, Look!
He's come to use the bird bath.
Why didn't he want to take a bath?
I think I know why. There is no water.
Can I put some water in?
There is no water left.
You can fill it up at the faucet over there.

Caillou was afraid he had broken the faucet and he didn't know what to do.
Grandma, help!
Oh, dear. I haven't got around to fixing that. It falls off all the time. There you go.
Caillou was determined to carry the water all by himself.

Oh, no!
Here, birdie, birdie!
Good work, Caillou!
Now, how about we head inside for a snack and dry those feet off?

I can't find the juice, Grandma.
Oh, dear. Looks like we're out. Why don't we make our own juice?
Caillou was very curious. He had never made juice before.
Grapefruits and lemons, perfect!
They're cold!
Can we use oranges, too?
Absolutely. First, I'll cut the fruit in half.
One, two lemons, one, two oranges, and one, two grapefruits.
Thank you, my assistant.
It's easy to remember what colour oranges are because oranges are orange.
That's right.
Yummy! I like orange juice.
Grapefruit juice isn't as sweet as orange juice, is it?
Nope. Now you making lemonade. I love lemonade!
Yeww! It doesn't taste very good.
It's really sour, isn't it?
It's not ready to drink until we put in the secret ingredient.
Then it'll be delicious.
Here, why don't you try making some juice?
Caillou and Grandma worked very hard and squeeze juice out of all the fruits.
I'm finished, Grandma!
Good job, caillou.
Now it's time for the final secret ingredient.
What is it?
Here, close your eyes. Can you guess what it is?
Caillou was worried that would taste sour like the lemon juice did.
Umm. it's sugar!
That's right. We can make the sour juice sweet by adding just a little sugar.
Do you wanna put it in? Now give it a stir.

Hello, I'm back!
I made juice with Grandma. Want some?
Yes, please.
Caillou was a big help in the garden. He watered all my flowers and filled the bird-bath.
<color=purple>You've suddenly been busy. Umm, this tastes great.
It's made of orange juice, grapefruit juice, lemon juice and a secret ingredient, sugar!
Close your eyes. I have another surprise.
Okay, you can look now!

[SCRIPT] Caillou's April Fool

2015-01-18 | Script
One morning at breakfast, Daddy was something funny.
Daddy, what are you doing?
I'm playing a little joke on Mommy. Shh!
Good morning, everyone!
Good morning!
Thanks. Oh my goodness! It's 9 o'clock already? I was sure it was eight. That is strange.
April Fools!
Daddy changed the clock's.
It's only eight o'clock, not nine!
Oh! That was a good April Fool's Joke. You really hag me going.
Mommy, what is April Fools?
Today is April Fools Day.
It's a special day when you play funny jokes and tricks on people.
As long as they are good fun and don't hurt anybody's feelings.
Can I play jokes, too?
Of course, you can, but that also means that someone can play a joke on you.
Well, I'd better get started planting the spring bulbs.
What are spring bulbs?
They are big flower seeds of only growing the spring time,
so in about a month, we'll have beautiful flowers in our yard.
I'm gonna get you back!
You can always try!

Caillou wanted to play an April Fool's trick on Rosie,
but he didn't know what kind of a joke would make her smile.
Then Caillou had a great idea something he was sure that would make Rosie laugh.
Rosie will be so surprised!
Quick over, Gilbert. We have to hide!
April Fools, Rosie!
Dollie wrong.
Yeah, I dressed your dollie. It's a joke.
Caillou play dollie?
Okay, I'll play dollie with you.
Caillou was disappointed that Rosie didn't laugh at his trick.

Caillou, there is a phone call for you!
Who is it, Caillou?
I don't know. It sounds like a dinosaur.
April Fools! Roar!
That was a good joke, Mommy.
Then, it's your turn to play a joke on me!
Caillou wanted to think up a really good joke to play on Mommy.

April Fools!
Then Caillou had even better idea for tricking Mommy.
That's strange. I know my slippers around here somewhere.
How about carrots? There you go! You're all set.
April Fools!

Hi, Caillou! What are you up to?
I'm playing a joke on Mommy. Don't tell her, okay?
I won't. I promise.
No, Gilbert. Don't!
Oh, Caillou. You've found my slippers. I've been looking all over for them.
Nice try, Caillou.
Hey! Every other page in the newspapers is upside-down!
April Fools!
You got me!
Caillou was determined to play a good joke on someone today.
Then he had a very good idea.

Oh, my!
April Fools!
Did I trick you?
You sure did! For a moment then I thought a real dinosaur was in our fridge.
That's silly. Now I want to trick Daddy. Can you help me, Mommy?
Sure, I'll help you. What do you have in mind?

Daddy, Daddy, come quick! Your flowers have already grown big! You didn't have to wait.

Wow! Those bulbs must have been magic bulbs!
April Fools!
Hey! Those aren't real flowers. They're plastic! Caillou, you tricked me!
Yeah, and I tricked Gilbert, too. April Fools, Gilbert!

[SCRIPT] Hello Spring!

2015-01-11 | Script
Winter was almost over, spring was on its way and the snow was melting.
Caillou's snowman was starting to melt, too.
Caillou decided to fix him up again.
You look much better now, Mr. Snowman!
Caillou, it's lunch time.
Coming! I'll be back after lunch.

After lunch Caillou was ready to play in the snow some more,
but there was a big surprise waiting for him.
Oh, no!
Caillou was sad about all the snow melting. He really liked playing in it.
Oh, no!

Hello, sweetheart! What's wrong?
My snowman melted. The snow is almost all gone.
That's too bad, honey, but you know what that means, spring is coming.
I don't like spring. I like winter.
Oh, but there're lots of nice things about spring time. The weather is warmer, the days are longer, the flowers start coming up.
Pretty flowers!
Hum. Why don't you take off your coat, honey?
I'm putting away all our winter clothes.
You won't be needing them again until next winter.
But Caillou didn't want to put his coat away. He didn't want winter to be over.
No, I'm gonna play in the snow some more.
Thanks, sweetie.

The sun shine was nice and warm. It felt good.
What's up, sport!
My snowman melted. All the snow is melting.
That's what happens when spring time comes.
I don't want spring to come. I wanted to be winter all year.
Oh, spring is not so bad. Can you give me a hand and hold the bag?
The leaves are yucky.
Yap. That's why I'm cleaning the place up so it looks nice and in a few weeks, we can plant flowers.
Can we plant the vegetable garden, too?
You bet.
Caillou remembered how much fun it was to plant vegetables last year.
He was looking forward to do it again.

Are you putting them in the garbage?
This isn't a garbage can. It's a composter.
We put all leaves and plants and vegetable food in here and after a while, it turns into nice dirt (that) we can put in the garden to help the plants grow.
Caillou was very surprised. He thought the leaves turning into dart was just like magic.

Now that I'm all done. Why don't you and I go for a walk? We could go to the park.
Only let's get your rider jacket. You don't need your big winter coat anymore.

So Caillou put on his spring jacket and he went with Daddy to the park.
It's felt good not to wear his stick winter coat and his mittens and his big scarf anymore.
That's a robin!
Right. I didn't know you're a bird expert.
Robins have red tummies. We learned that in playschool. He's looking for worms to eat.
Worms? Humm! Yummy!
Hey, Daddy!
Canada geese!
Ms. Martin says that all the birds that run away for the winter come back again in the spring.
That's right. And the animals that sleep through the winter wake up.
Like bears!
You bet!
Caillou was glad (that) the birds were coming back and the animals were waking up.
The snow's gone from the sandbox. Wee!
Caillou liked playing in the sandbox.
He started thinking of all the other things he could do now that the snow was gone.

My bike! Wee!
Hi, Caillou! Come on in!

Summer comes right after spring, right Daddy?
Yap. Summer then fall, and after that it'll be winter again.
I like spring.
Me, too.

When they arrived back home, there was another spring surprise waiting for Caillou.
Caillou remembered how much Rosie and Mommy liked pretty flowers.
Mommy, Rosie, come quick!

Look, flowers!
Aren't they pretty? Those are called croccass. They are the first flowers of spring.
Good work, Caillou!
Caillou was very proud to have spotted to the first flowers of spring.
I'm glad spring is here! Now I can ride my bike and play soccer, and play in the sandbox, and go on the slides and swings, and play baseball, and go swimming, and play croquet.....

It's Spring

It's spring, it's spring, we're really glad it's spring
The flowers where there's no more snow, we're really glad it's spring
It's spring, it's spring, it's time to laugh and sing
Let's go outside, I'll run, you hide! We're really glad it's spring

It's fun things we can do
A treasure hunter, BBQ
Fly kite, go to the zoo, we're really glad it's spring

It's spring, it's spring, I'll push you on the swing
To return green, it's time to clean, we're really glad it's spring

It's season how something to do
It's season how something us to do
We like spring. How about you? We're really glad it's spring

Hiking, biking, playing ball
Young or old, big or small
I like summer! I like fall!
But we like spring the best of all!

It's spring, it's spring, finally it's spring
Here comes the sunlight, has some power, we're really glad it's spring

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Valentines

2014-11-30 | Script
One fine morning, Mommy made Caillou and Rosie an extra special breakfast.
Here you go, enjoy!
Thanks, Mommy!
Look, Rosie, hearts!
That's right, Caillou. It's a very special day today.
Oh, thank you. They are beautiful.
Is it your birthday, Mommy?
No, Caillou. It's Valentine's day.
Caillou remember Valentine's day. He had gone to a Valentine's party last year at Leo's.
It's the day when people tell others how much they care about them.
But you tell Mommy that all the time.
Yes, but sometimes it's nice to show it too, with flowers or cards.
We have something for you and Rosie, too.
Happy Valentine's day! Now you each have your very own Valentine.
Thanks, Mommy.
Thank you.
Caillou liked his stickers very much but he was curious about the little boy with the arrow.
Who is this, Daddy?
That's Cupid. It's his job to fly around delivering love to people using his bow and arrow.
Perhaps we'd better put away the stickers for now and finish our breakfast.
Good idea and Caillou, you don't wanna be late for playschool.
I hear Ms Martin has a special Valentine's day planned.
She does? Oh, boy!

Can anyone tell me what today is? Yes, Caillou.
It's Valentine's day.
That's right, and today we're going to make special Valentine's cards for all our playschool friends.
You'll all get to decorate some cards so you can give one to each of your play mates.
When we're all done, we'll deliver them to these mailboxes, and then everyone can take theirs home with them.

Caillou was having a lot of fun making Valentine cards.
He wished every day could be Valentine's day.
Mine is for my very best friend.
Hey, mine, too.
Nice picture, Leo!
Suddenly, Caillou's Valentine's didn't seem quite so special anymore.
I really like yours.
Knowing Leo liked the Valentine made Caillou feel much better.
Especially since the Valentine was for him.
Wonderful. When you're all finished, we can start delivering them.
I'm done!
Me too!

One for Emma, now Leo's mailbox, and you're done! Good Job!
It's your turn, Caillou.
Do you need any help?
No thanks, Ms Martin. I can do it myself.

Happy, Valentine's day, Clementine!
A big heart for you, Emma!
Now for my very best friend, Leo.

Oh, no!
Leo's was a very last mailbox and Caillou had run out of cards.
He couldn't find the card (that) he made for Leo anywhere.
Is something the matter, Caillou?
I can't find Leo's Valentine. I think I lost it.
Oh, dear. Tell you what, why don't we have a snack now and while the class is eating, you can have a look for it?
But what if I can't find it. Leo is my best friend. I have to give him a Valentine.
We can always make him another one.
Yeah. Can you help me, Ms Martin?
Of course I can. Let me get a class seated for their snack and we'll work together on it.

Ms. Martin had special Valentine cookies for everyone but Caillou was too busy to eat.
That's beautiful, Caillou!
Thanks, but I still want to add something else.
Sure. I can help you with that.
L for Leo. I'm sure he'll love it.

Open yours, Leo.
That one's from me! Do you like it?
Yeah, L for Leo. Thanks, Caillou.
Happy Valentine's day, Leo.
Happy Valentine's day, Caillou.

[SCRIPT] Grandpa's Friend

2014-11-23 | Script
Caillou was waiting for his grandpa to arrive.
They were going to the park today.

Caillou and Grandpa decided to ride a bus to the park.
Don't you have to pay, Grandpa?
No, I have a bus pass to ride for free just like you.
Caillou loved riding the bus. It was so big and there were new people getting on or off at every stop.

Caillou had never seen this park before. He couldn't see any swings or slides.
He wondered what they could play in the park like this.

Hey, kid!
My name is Caillou.
This is my friend, George. He calls me 'kid' because he is older than I am.
I met your grandpa many many years ago in this very park.
He was only about this tall that then.
Even Rosie is bigger than that.
Come on, I'm just finished setting up.
I hope you like riddles, Caillou.

What are these for?
We are going to play croquet. You and I could be a team.
Caillou didn't know how to play croquet and he was too embarrassed to ask.
He felt a little shy around Grandpa's friend, George.
Hey, Caillou. Do you like riddles?
Ho-ho, here we go.
What animal can jump higher than a house? Any animal. Houses can't jump!
I know a riddle! What kind of fish chases a mouse? A catfish!
That's a good one!
Would you like an apple, Caillou?
This is Rexy. He is a dinosaur.
Caillou didn't feel so shy after all. He thought Grandpa's friend was a lot like his friends. Only older.

After lunch they began their game of croquet. Grandpa showed Caillou what to do.
Just swing the mallet and cup the ball.
Caillou wondered how far he can hit the ball if he swung really really hard.


Just tap it! We don't wanna send it all the way timber to.
I missed!
Oh, that's okay. You can do it over. Special beginners rule.
Umm. That's pretty good, Caillou. You're natural.
I think there is something wrong with your ball.
I think so, too.
Hey, this isn't my ball!
It's an apple.
Ah, you're just like your grandpa. He was always playing tricks on me when he was little.
Caillou loved the idea that he and Grandpa were like, but he still couldn't imagine Grandpa as a little boy.
Still I didn't tap your ball! My play.

There it goes, Kid! Right into the pond again!
We lost our ball!
That's okay. We can get it back. Come on!

Why did George say it fell in the pond again?
He was talking about the first time we ever played croquet together.
Boy, that takes me back. It was right here in this park.
I must have been about ten years old and about this tall.
I knocked my ball too hard and it bounced all the way into the pond.
Just like our ball, Grandpa!
Yap. When I tried to get it back, I lost my balance and fell in the pond.
Maybe you wanted to go swimming but you just didn't know it.
I've never thought of that. Maybe I did.
George said Caillou was just like Grandpa but now Caillou thought Grandpa was just like him too.
Yeah. That means we can keep playing.
That's right, Caillou.

We found the ball!
Then Kid didn't fall in again, did he?
All we have to do to win is knock the ball through the last hoop and try to hit that wooden pin.
Very impressive, Caillou! Are you sure you've never played croquet before?
I won! That was a close game.
I thought for sure you'd beat me, Caillou.
I like croquet. It's fun.
Soon it was time to go back home.

[SCRIPT] Caillou the Police Officer

2014-11-16 | Script
One day, Caillou and mommy were on the way to school and Caillou was helping mommy drive.
That means turn, mommy.
Thank you, Caillou.
Red light, Mommy. That means stop.
Right you are, Caillou.
Green menas go.
The lights aren't on.
They must be broken and those workers are going to fix them.
What's the policeman doing?
He is showing the cars when to stop and when to go since the lights can't do it.
Now they have to stop and we can go.

Don't you wanna play with the others, Caillou?
Uh-uh, I'm watching the policeman directing traffic.
Oh, I see.
I thought policemen just cought bad guys.
Oh no. They help people in lots of other ways.
Oh yes. They make sure the people drive their cars safely, so no one gets hurt.
They can help drivers who are lost find where they're going and if any children are lost, they can help them find their way home again.
Caillou decided he liked to help people like police officers do.

This looks like a job for Police officer Caillou.
Don't cry. Did you loose your mommy and daddy?
Well, don't worry. We'll find them.
Over here! Over my day's work.
Officer Caillou, we need you at main street and 10th.
I'm on my way.

Caillou wanted to help people, but especially he wanted to direct traffic.
And he knew just what he needed for that.


I'm Officer Caillou and you have to stop.
We're playing.
Try to catch me!
Ummm. They were supposed to stop.
They were playing a game before you came along.
You know you could only help people when they want some help.
And that whistle is very loud.
You must be more careful and not blow it in anybody's ear or could hurt them.
Why are you chasing Leo?
He is a bad guy. He just robbed the bank.
A bad guy? Well, I'm a policeman. Gatcha!
Oh, no!
Now he's gonna put you in jail.
Yeah. Come on, bank robber.
How long do I have to stay in here?
A hundred years!
Okay, you can come out if you promise you won't do it again.
I promise.

That afternoon Caillou helped clean up after snack time.

Since it's such a nice day, why don't we have story time out side?

The workers had finished fixing the traffic lights.
Caillou wandered where the placeman was.
The police officer looked very hot. Caillou thought he might be thirsty.
Ms Martin, can I give some juice to the policeman?
That's a very good idea, Caillou. Go ahead!

Hello. Would you like some juice?
Hello, there. Yes, please. It sure is hot out here. Thank you.
Why did you give that car a ticket?
Because it's not supposed be here. It's blocking the fire hydrant and if there was a fire, the fire-fighters wouldn't be able to hook up their hoses.
That's another way you help people. Hmmm.
Where is your police-car?
I don't have one. I have this.
A bike? You ride a bike just like I do?
That's right. Thanks for the drink. Uh..
My name is Caillou.
Well, thank you very much, Caillou. It was very nice to meet you.
And now, I think you'd better join your friends. Looks like you're missing out on a story.
Oops! I've gatta go. Bye!
Caillou was glad (that) he made a new friend and he couldn't wait to go home and tell his mommy and daddy that he had helped a police officer.

A Helping hand

Caillou, there are people who help us everyday like doctors, police officers, fire-fighters, and teachers.
But you know what? We can also help each other.

If someone has a problem, and things are looked so grand
Just reach out to, the best you can, give them a helping hand
Just give'em a hand, give'em a hand, give them a helping hand
Give'em a hand, give'em a hand, give them a helping hand

It's neighbours helping neighbours
A friend helping a friend
You help me and I'll help you
Then we both win in the end
Just give'em a hand, give'em a hand, give them a helping hand
Give'em a hand, give'em a hand, give them a helping hand

Caillou, I've gonna move this box. Can you help me?
Sure, Grandpa. I'll give you a hand!

[SCRIPT] Caillou the Patient

2014-11-09 | Script
It was a beautiful day and Caillou, Mommy and Rosie were going to the park.
Caillou was trying to decide which toy to take.
I'm gonna take my airplane.

Let's go!
Oh, wait for us!

Look at me, Mommy! My plane can fly really fast.
I'm the fastest jet pilot in the whole wide world!
Caillou, you're flying faster than anyone ever has (been flying) before!
Slow down, Caillou! You don't have your running shoes on.
Oh, Caillou! Are you all right?
Caillou had scraped his knees and they really really hurt.
Caillou fall down.
Ouch, it hurts, Mommy. Ouch, ouch.
Now, poor Caillou. You'll be okay. Let's get you home so I can fix you up.

You're my first patient today. I see you had quite a tumble so first I have to examine the wound and check for broken bones.
Caillou thought it was funny that Mommy was pretending to be a doctor.
Good. First we need to clean you up a bit.
We'll have you backup in your plane in no time.
It'll just take a second.
Caillou tried to be brave just like a real jet pilot would be.
I know what my patient needs now. Nurse Rosie, could you please get me a cotton-swab from that tin?
Nurse Rosie.
This will keep the wound clean so it will heal quickly.
Now we need something else. Do you know what that is, Nurse Rosie?
Ah-ha. Exactly!
Now, how about a tall glass of special get-better juice?
That's going be a little sore for a while. How about I give you a plane ride?
Rosie, too.
Rosie, you can be my co-pilot. You go ahead and show me the way.

There you go, Caillou. I gave you a window seat in your very own airplane.
Caillou's knees still hurt a little but he really liked his new bandages.
Caillou, boo-boo airplane.
Well, you must be a very special passenger on this flight. Only special passengers get a cookie.
Thank you.
Caillou thought his knees felt a little better. He wanted to see if they would hurt when he walked.
Try to catch me!
Leo! There is Clementine and Billy and I saw Leo, too. I think they're going to the park.
Are my patient's knees working all right? Why don't you try a couple of steps around the living room? Oops! I meant in the airplane.
Caillou thought his knees felt much better now.
Rosie make better.

I'm pilot Caillou and we're taking off on a flight to the park.
Well, your landing gear seems to be in fine working order.
Let me check with my co-pilot. Rosie, can we land at the park?
The park it is! And I've got just thing that the pilot and co-pilot need for successful fly to the park.

Look Mommy, I'm a good pilot!
Yes, that's why you've got your wing's badge, and what do all good pilots wear when they want to run?
Running shoes!

Clementine! Leo!
Caillou, what happened to your plane?
I had a crash landing. See?
And when I got all better, my mommy gave me a pilot's wings.
You are sure brave, Caillou. Does it still hurt?
It did at first, but not anymore.
Rosie co-pilot.

I can fly the fastest. Try to catch me! Wow!
Are you all right, Leo?
I'm gonna be the doctor.
First, I have to examine the wound. That's your boo-boo.
Next, we have to clean the wound.
All clean!
Now let's see if everything works.
You are all better.
Thanks, Dr. Caillou.
Is everyone ready for takeoff?
Start your engines!

[SCRIPT] Caillou and the Dragon

2014-11-02 | Script
It was a special day at Caillou's playschool. A young boy named Alan was coming to visit.
Now everyone, I'd like you to meet a new friend, Alan.
Hi, Alan!
Alan has come to find out what playschool is all about.
If he likes it he may be attending.
Come on, Alan. I'll show you around.
Yeah. Come on!
How older you?
I'm 5.
I'm only 4, but I'm getting older everyday.
Me too.
Ummm. Don't you know how to climb?
I'm climbing.
Hold on here, and step up here and pull yourself up. Now swing your leg over.
I did it!
Look at me! I'm swinging!
I'm swinging, too.
I can help!
Hold on!
Do this, Alan!
Mom, look! I'm really swinging!
Caillou wondered why Alan was having so much trouble with climbing and swinging.
After all Alan was a whole year older.

Alan and his mom brought his special treat brownies for the whole class.
Everyone enjoyed them very much.
Ms. Martin, Alan is older than I am. Why can't he do the things I can't do?
Some things are hard for him to learn and he might need a little more practice.
I'm so happy to see what a big help (that) you've been to Alan.
I bet there's something he can do even better than I can.
I'm sure you're right.

Let's make our play I'm going to the jangle to take pictures of wild animals.
I'll be the driver. I'll drive a jeep.
What will you be, Caillou?

Caillou wandered what Alan was going to dress up as.
Come on Caillou. Let's play our play.

Soon they were ready to show everyone their play.
I'm going to Africa to take pictures of wild jungle animals.
I'm the driver. Here we go!
Wait for me!
I'm a wild animal. Take my picture! Roar!
I'm a dragon.
Dragons don't live in the jungle, they live in fairytales.
Look, this dragon is visiting the jungle for the very first time.
A dragon in a jungle? I'd better take a picture of him!
Hold still, Dragon! Wow!

It's okay.
Hey, Dragon! Look at him go!
I am a magic dragon tamer and I will tame the dragon!
Little dragon, you can be good. You are a good little dragon!
You don't have to be bad and scare people, everybody wants to be your friends.
Yeah! Dragon is now tame. He is going to take me for a dragon ride! Take a picture, Clementine!
We're flying!

Yey! Yahoo!
We're flying!

I found out what Alan is really good at, acting!
He certainly is.
And I found a couple of things you're very good at, Caillou.
You did?
You're a good dragon tamer, but you're also an excellent friend.
Now, we're dragons, Caillou.
Come here, little dragons.
I love playschool.
Alan's first day at playschool turned out to be so much fun. Everyone hoped to see him back again.

[SCRIPT]Caillou's Road Trip

2014-10-26 | Script
One Saturday morning, Daddy suggested it might be a great day for a drive.
Where are we going to drive to, Daddy?
Oh, I don't know.
You don't know?
No, we'll just drive and see what we can find.
Caillou thought it was strange not to know where you were driving to.
He wondered what they would find.
Here we go!

Who wants to play a game!
I do!
Okay. For this game, you have to look for a red barn.
There is one. I see a red barn.
Good! Now how about a white car?
It's a car, Rosie, but it's black, not white.
A white car!
Now let's look for cows.
Cows! Moo.
Caillou was first to see the cows but he wanted to let Rosie call it out.
Watch for cows, Rosie!
Cows! Cows! Rosie see cows!
Way to go, sweetie! Moo!

Soon it was the time to stop for lunch and filled up the car with gas.
Is the gas going in the car now, Daddy?
Yap. Those numbers show us how much gas is going in.
It's a lot!
Gas is like food for the car. The gas makes the car go.
We're going to have lunch and the car is having lunch, too.
You got it.
Wow! Look at the truck, Daddy!
Can we go and see it, please?
Sure. Let's go!

Caillou liked big trucks and this one was really nice and shining,
Caillou imagined what would be like to drive a big big track like this one.

I'm a truck driver, Caillou.
Hmmm. That sign means that deer-crossing road here.
I'd better slow down.
Duck crossing? Hmmm.
Hippo crossing!
Excuse me, can you let me through, please?
Thank you!

Okay, truck driver, Caillou. It's time to get some grub.

In the restaurant, Rosie sat in a high chair, but Caillou got to sit in a booth like a big boy.
He could even pick out what he wanted on the menu because it had pictures.
I like a cheese sandwich, please.
What would you like to drink, Caillou?
Moo! Milk please.

After lunch, they drove some more. Caillou was starting get tired of driving.
Caillou, look at ahead!
Is that a ferryboat? Are we going on it?
You bet!
Caillou had never been on a ferry boat before.
Can I go look at the boat?
Not yet. We can't get out of the car until we hear the horn.
That's aloud!

One, two, three, four, five cars!
This is a just little ferry. There are big ferryboats that can carry a hundred cars.
Wow! Look, Daddy! The birds are following us.
Those are seagulls.
Caillou, look! It's the captain!
Welcome aboard!
The ferryboat captain showed Caillou the controls of the boat.
And when they got close to the shore, he even let Caillou blow the horn.

So Caillou, did you enjoy your very first ferryboat ride?
Yeah. Especially the horn. Rosie slept through the whole ferry ride.
That's okay because I can tell her about it when she wakes up.

Caillou thought about all the nice surprises they had found today.
The cows, and the gas pumps and the big truck, and the restaurant where he ordered for himself, and the ferryboat with the loud loud horn.
Caillou decided he liked car trips. Especially when they didn't know where they were going.

A car trip

Caillou, Rosie, let's get in the car! Time to go!
I'm so excited because we're taking a trip
But Daddy won't tell me where
Come on everybody, put your safety belt on
It's gonna take a little while to get there
It's fun to count the cars one by one.
Tell me all the colors you see
There is a blue car, a red truck, a motor cycle
And look, he's waving me

We're driving in a car car car
We're going very far far far
you know where we are are are
Yes, we're driving in a car

Look, Daddy, cow
A trip to the country, A trip to the city
A trip to really cool places
A car trip can be so much fun
Meeting new friends and interesting faces

We're driving in a car car car
We're going very far far far
You know where we are are are
Yes, We're driving in the car
We're driving in a car car car
We're driving in a car

[SCRIPT] Shoo, Shoo Bird, Fly Away!

2014-10-19 | Script
Caillou loved playing in the dirt. He was finding all sorts of interesting things.
Look what I found! Can I keep it, Mommy?
Why don't you help me plant some tomato seeds?
Good job!
Hi, birdie!
Shoo! Go away! Shoo!
Why did you do that?
If the birds eat the seeds (that) we're planting, there won't be any vegetables.
I thought birds eat worms.
They eat worms and seeds.

We need the sign for the tomato. Can I make one?
Of course.

When Caillou saw Rosie, she looked very funny.
Rosie, you're all white!
Rosie baking.
Oh, is that what's going in here?
Yap! Believe it or not, this will all result in that delicious apple pie.
How's the gardening coming along?
I planted tomato seeds, and now I'm going to make a sign for the tomatoes. See?

Here you go, Caillou.
Thank you.
Caillou was proud to have made the sign all by himself.
I'm going to put it in the garden.

Caillou was in a big hurry to put his brand-new sign in the garden.
The birds ate our seeds!
Let's make a scarecrow to keep the birds away.
What's a scarecrow?
Come on, I'll show you.

Mommy had found some old clothes. That's what perfect for their scarecrow.
What is a scarecrow?
A scarecrow is a man made out of sticks with a hat and clothes, and it stands up in the garden.
How will that keep the birds away?
If you were a bird, and saw a strange person in the garden wearing all those funny clothes, wouldn't you fly away?

Good pick! Now we need some pants.
He needs a face.
Can you draw scary face?
Yeah, scary like this.
Caillou thought he could be an excellent scarecrow himself!

Stay away, birds! Stay away, birds!
Hey! Boo!
It worked! I'm a good scarecrow!
Shoo! Shoo!
That was a big bird!
Wow! Shoo! Shoo!
That was the biggest bird of all!

Look Mommy, a scary scarecrow face!
That's very good, Caillou. Now let's go put all scarecrow together.
Caillou couldn't wait to see their finish scarecrow.

I can help.
Thank you, honey.
Birdies, birdies, birdies!
Caillou couldn't believe his eyes. That scarecrow looked like a real person, but there was still a few things missing.
You know, Rosie. Your pie plates could help the scarecrow make noise.

I think we're almost done.
And I think something else is almost done.
Apple pie!

Oh, look the birds are coming back.
It works! The scarecrow scared them away!
Good. That means our carrots and tomatoes will grow.
They're gonna grow really really tall, up over my head.
Really? That big?
Yap. The tomatoes will be this big and the carrots will be as big as our car!
We could put wheels on it and drive around in our carrot car!
And then we can eat it.
Mmm. These tires are chewing.
This steering wheels delicious!

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Hallowe'en Costume

2014-10-12 | Script
Hallowe'en was coming and Caillou didn't know what he was going to dress up as.
The bed sheet gave Caillou an idea for a costume.
He thought it would be a fun to be a ghost.

Look, Rosie, it's just me! See, it's a costume for Hallowe'en.
It's not supposed to be scary. It's supposed to be fun.
On Hallowe'en, you dress up, and go out and people give you candy.
Rosie dress up!
I don't think the ghost costume is quite right for you, Rosie.
Why don't we find your different costume? How about this?
You look like a princess.
Rosie princess!

Daddy, can you help me find a Hallowe'en costume?
Sure. Let's see what we've got in here.
Why don't you try this on for size?
It's way too big.
Don't worry.
Oh, you look very grown up.
I'm a Daddy.
I have just the thing to top off your outfit.
Caillou liked dressing up like Daddy.
And Rosie can be a clown with this.
Rosie clown! Rosie princess!
Caillou wasn't so sure he wanted to be a daddy for Hallowe'en.
It was awfully hard to walk.
I think I need a different costume.
We've still got a few days to think of something.
Right now it's time for bed.

The days went by and still Caillou couldn't decide on the costume.
Finally, Hallowe'en came.
Caillou helped Mommy by drawing a face for the Jack o'lantern and putting candy into little bags for his friends.
Well, what's wrong, sweetie?
I still don't know what to be for Hallowe'en.
Daddy and Rosie are in the basement. Why don't you join them? Maybe you'll find something down there.

There must be something in here you can use for your costume.
Caillou was finding all sorts of funny things. Then he felt something soft and furry.
Good idea, Rosie!

Rosie princess! Rosie clown! Rosie cat!
You can be everything, Rosie.
Rosie princess, clown, and cat!
Now Caillou was really starting to worry about finding a costume to wear.
Come on, there's still time. We'll think something.

You know what? I think we've got all the makings of a great monster costume right here.
A monster?
Caillou liked the sound of that.

Candy trees!

I want to be a monster. Monsters can eat as much candy as they want.
Even monsters can get a tummy-ache from eating too much candy. You'd better save those candies for tonight.
A monster. What a good idea! After lunch, I'll make your costume from that furry blue fabric.
Thanks, Mommy.

Here we go! One mini monster outfit made by Mommy.
Caillou couldn't wait to show his friends his furry suits.

Look, Rosie, a cowboy and a bumble bee!
Trick or Treat! Yee-haw!
What are you, Rosie?
Princess kitty clown!
Where is Caillou? I wanna see his costume.

Ready, monster Caillou?
It's just me!
Nice monster costume, Caillou!
Thank you. Want some monster candy?

I'm going to get lots of candy!
Yee-haw! Me too!
Me too! But I'm going to save some for tomorrow. I don't want to get a monster tummy-ache!