臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Hello Spring!

2015-01-11 | Script
Winter was almost over, spring was on its way and the snow was melting.
Caillou's snowman was starting to melt, too.
Caillou decided to fix him up again.
You look much better now, Mr. Snowman!
Caillou, it's lunch time.
Coming! I'll be back after lunch.

After lunch Caillou was ready to play in the snow some more,
but there was a big surprise waiting for him.
Oh, no!
Caillou was sad about all the snow melting. He really liked playing in it.
Oh, no!

Hello, sweetheart! What's wrong?
My snowman melted. The snow is almost all gone.
That's too bad, honey, but you know what that means, spring is coming.
I don't like spring. I like winter.
Oh, but there're lots of nice things about spring time. The weather is warmer, the days are longer, the flowers start coming up.
Pretty flowers!
Hum. Why don't you take off your coat, honey?
I'm putting away all our winter clothes.
You won't be needing them again until next winter.
But Caillou didn't want to put his coat away. He didn't want winter to be over.
No, I'm gonna play in the snow some more.
Thanks, sweetie.

The sun shine was nice and warm. It felt good.
What's up, sport!
My snowman melted. All the snow is melting.
That's what happens when spring time comes.
I don't want spring to come. I wanted to be winter all year.
Oh, spring is not so bad. Can you give me a hand and hold the bag?
The leaves are yucky.
Yap. That's why I'm cleaning the place up so it looks nice and in a few weeks, we can plant flowers.
Can we plant the vegetable garden, too?
You bet.
Caillou remembered how much fun it was to plant vegetables last year.
He was looking forward to do it again.

Are you putting them in the garbage?
This isn't a garbage can. It's a composter.
We put all leaves and plants and vegetable food in here and after a while, it turns into nice dirt (that) we can put in the garden to help the plants grow.
Caillou was very surprised. He thought the leaves turning into dart was just like magic.

Now that I'm all done. Why don't you and I go for a walk? We could go to the park.
Only let's get your rider jacket. You don't need your big winter coat anymore.

So Caillou put on his spring jacket and he went with Daddy to the park.
It's felt good not to wear his stick winter coat and his mittens and his big scarf anymore.
That's a robin!
Right. I didn't know you're a bird expert.
Robins have red tummies. We learned that in playschool. He's looking for worms to eat.
Worms? Humm! Yummy!
Hey, Daddy!
Canada geese!
Ms. Martin says that all the birds that run away for the winter come back again in the spring.
That's right. And the animals that sleep through the winter wake up.
Like bears!
You bet!
Caillou was glad (that) the birds were coming back and the animals were waking up.
The snow's gone from the sandbox. Wee!
Caillou liked playing in the sandbox.
He started thinking of all the other things he could do now that the snow was gone.

My bike! Wee!
Hi, Caillou! Come on in!

Summer comes right after spring, right Daddy?
Yap. Summer then fall, and after that it'll be winter again.
I like spring.
Me, too.

When they arrived back home, there was another spring surprise waiting for Caillou.
Caillou remembered how much Rosie and Mommy liked pretty flowers.
Mommy, Rosie, come quick!

Look, flowers!
Aren't they pretty? Those are called croccass. They are the first flowers of spring.
Good work, Caillou!
Caillou was very proud to have spotted to the first flowers of spring.
I'm glad spring is here! Now I can ride my bike and play soccer, and play in the sandbox, and go on the slides and swings, and play baseball, and go swimming, and play croquet.....

It's Spring

It's spring, it's spring, we're really glad it's spring
The flowers where there's no more snow, we're really glad it's spring
It's spring, it's spring, it's time to laugh and sing
Let's go outside, I'll run, you hide! We're really glad it's spring

It's fun things we can do
A treasure hunter, BBQ
Fly kite, go to the zoo, we're really glad it's spring

It's spring, it's spring, I'll push you on the swing
To return green, it's time to clean, we're really glad it's spring

It's season how something to do
It's season how something us to do
We like spring. How about you? We're really glad it's spring

Hiking, biking, playing ball
Young or old, big or small
I like summer! I like fall!
But we like spring the best of all!

It's spring, it's spring, finally it's spring
Here comes the sunlight, has some power, we're really glad it's spring

