臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou's Valentines

2014-11-30 | Script
One fine morning, Mommy made Caillou and Rosie an extra special breakfast.
Here you go, enjoy!
Thanks, Mommy!
Look, Rosie, hearts!
That's right, Caillou. It's a very special day today.
Oh, thank you. They are beautiful.
Is it your birthday, Mommy?
No, Caillou. It's Valentine's day.
Caillou remember Valentine's day. He had gone to a Valentine's party last year at Leo's.
It's the day when people tell others how much they care about them.
But you tell Mommy that all the time.
Yes, but sometimes it's nice to show it too, with flowers or cards.
We have something for you and Rosie, too.
Happy Valentine's day! Now you each have your very own Valentine.
Thanks, Mommy.
Thank you.
Caillou liked his stickers very much but he was curious about the little boy with the arrow.
Who is this, Daddy?
That's Cupid. It's his job to fly around delivering love to people using his bow and arrow.
Perhaps we'd better put away the stickers for now and finish our breakfast.
Good idea and Caillou, you don't wanna be late for playschool.
I hear Ms Martin has a special Valentine's day planned.
She does? Oh, boy!

Can anyone tell me what today is? Yes, Caillou.
It's Valentine's day.
That's right, and today we're going to make special Valentine's cards for all our playschool friends.
You'll all get to decorate some cards so you can give one to each of your play mates.
When we're all done, we'll deliver them to these mailboxes, and then everyone can take theirs home with them.

Caillou was having a lot of fun making Valentine cards.
He wished every day could be Valentine's day.
Mine is for my very best friend.
Hey, mine, too.
Nice picture, Leo!
Suddenly, Caillou's Valentine's didn't seem quite so special anymore.
I really like yours.
Knowing Leo liked the Valentine made Caillou feel much better.
Especially since the Valentine was for him.
Wonderful. When you're all finished, we can start delivering them.
I'm done!
Me too!

One for Emma, now Leo's mailbox, and you're done! Good Job!
It's your turn, Caillou.
Do you need any help?
No thanks, Ms Martin. I can do it myself.

Happy, Valentine's day, Clementine!
A big heart for you, Emma!
Now for my very best friend, Leo.

Oh, no!
Leo's was a very last mailbox and Caillou had run out of cards.
He couldn't find the card (that) he made for Leo anywhere.
Is something the matter, Caillou?
I can't find Leo's Valentine. I think I lost it.
Oh, dear. Tell you what, why don't we have a snack now and while the class is eating, you can have a look for it?
But what if I can't find it. Leo is my best friend. I have to give him a Valentine.
We can always make him another one.
Yeah. Can you help me, Ms Martin?
Of course I can. Let me get a class seated for their snack and we'll work together on it.

Ms. Martin had special Valentine cookies for everyone but Caillou was too busy to eat.
That's beautiful, Caillou!
Thanks, but I still want to add something else.
Sure. I can help you with that.
L for Leo. I'm sure he'll love it.

Open yours, Leo.
That one's from me! Do you like it?
Yeah, L for Leo. Thanks, Caillou.
Happy Valentine's day, Leo.
Happy Valentine's day, Caillou.


1 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Valentine's Day 2017 (http://14thfebvalentinesday.com/)
2016-12-07 19:04:50
This is a very special day for lovers and we should respect of them because they have true feelings to each other.
