Frank J. Sulloway.
Science 316, 1711-1712 (2007) | DOI: 10.1126/science.1144749
Petter Kristensen and Tor Bjerkedal.
Science 316, 1717 (2007) | DOI: 10.1126/science.1141493
# お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃんという立場に立たされると、自ずと学ばざるを得なくなる…ってことでしょうか
Negative associations between birth order and intelligence level have been found in numerous studies. The explanation for this relation is not clear, and several hypotheses have been suggested. One family of hypotheses suggests that the relation is due to more-favorable family interaction and stimulation of low-birth-order children, whereas others claim that the effect is caused by prenatal gestational factors. We show that intelligence quotient (IQ) score levels among nearly 250,000 military conscripts were dependent on social rank in the family and not on birth order as such, providing support for a family interaction explanation.
Dave D. Chadee, Pattamaporn Kittayapong, Amy C. Morrison, Walter J. Tabachnick
Science 316, 1703-1704 (2007) | DOI: 10.1126/science.1138904
Robert M. Waterhouse, Evgenia V. Kriventseva, Stephan Meister, Zhiyong Xi, Kanwal S. Alvarez, Lyric C. Bartholomay, Carolina Barillas-Mury, Guowu Bian, Stephanie Blandin, Bruce M. Christensen, Yuemei Dong, Haobo Jiang, Michael R. Kanost, Anastasios C. Koutsos, Elena A. Levashina, Jianyong Li, Petros Ligoxygakis, Robert M. MacCallum, George F. Mayhew, Antonio Mendes, Kristin Michel, Mike A. Osta, Susan Paskewitz, Sang Woon Shin, Dina Vlachou, Lihui Wang, Weiqi Wei, Liangbiao Zheng, Zhen Zou, David W. Severson, Alexander S. Raikhel, Fotis C. Kafatos, George Dimopoulos, Evgeny M. Zdobnov, George K. Christophides.
Science 316 1738-1743 (2007) | DOI: 10.1126/science.1139862
Vishvanath Nene, Jennifer R. Wortman, Daniel Lawson, Brian Haas, Chinnappa Kodira, Zhijian (Jake) Tu, Brendan Loftus, Zhiyong Xi, Karyn Megy, Manfred Grabherr, Quinghu Ren, Evgeny M. Zdobnov, Neil F. Lobo, Kathryn S. Campbell, Susan E. Brown, Maria F. Bonaldo, Jingsong Zhu, Steven P. Sinkins, David G. Hogenkamp, Paolo Amedeo, Peter Arensburger, Peter W. Atkinson, Shelby Bidwell, Jim Biedler, Ewan Birney, Robert V. Bruggner, Javier Costas, Monique R. Coy, Jonathan Crabtree, Matt Crawford, Becky deBruyn, David DeCaprio, Karin Eiglmeier, Eric Eisenstadt, Hamza El-Dorry, William M. Gelbart, Suely L. Gomes, Martin Hammond, Linda I. Hannick, James R. Hogan, Michael H. Holmes, David Jaffe, J. Spencer Johnston, Ryan C. Kennedy, Hean Koo, Saul Kravitz, Evgenia V. Kriventseva, David Kulp, Kurt LaButti, Eduardo Lee, Song Li, Diane D. Lovin, Chunhong Mao, Evan Mauceli, Carlos F. M. Menck, Jason R. Miller, Philip Montgomery, Akio Mori, Ana L. Nascimento, Horacio F. Naveira, Chad Nusbaum, Sinéad O'Leary, Joshua Orvis, Mihaela Pertea, Hadi Quesneville, Kyanne R. Reidenbach, Yu-Hui Rogers, Charles W. Roth, Jennifer R. Schneider, Michael Schatz, Martin Shumway, Mario Stanke, Eric O. Stinson, Jose M. C. Tubio, Janice P. VanZee, Sergio Verjovski-Almeida, Doreen Werner, Owen White, Stefan Wyder, Qiandong Zeng, Qi Zhao, Yongmei Zhao, Catherine A. Hill, Alexander S. Raikhel, Marcelo B. Soares, Dennis L. Knudson, Norman H. Lee, James Galagan, Steven L. Salzberg, Ian T. Paulsen, George Dimopoulos, Frank H. Collins, Bruce Birren, Claire M. Fraser-Liggett, David W. Severson.
Science 316, 1718-1723 (2007) | DOI: 10.1126/science.1138878
# 黄熱病やデング熱の媒介蚊のゲノムが決まったそうです
We present a draft sequence of the genome of Aedes aegypti, the primary vector for yellow fever and dengue fever, which at ~1376 million base pairs is about 5 times the size of the genome of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Nearly 50% of the Ae. aegypti genome consists of transposable elements. These contribute to a factor of ~4 to 6 increase in average gene length and in sizes of intergenic regions relative to An. gambiae and Drosophila melanogaster. Nonetheless, chromosomal synteny is generally maintained among all three insects, although conservation of orthologous gene order is higher (by a factor of ~2) between the mosquito species than between either of them and the fruit fly. An increase in genes encoding odorant binding, cytochrome P450, and cuticle domains relative to An. gambiae suggests that members of these protein families underpin some of the biological differences between the two mosquito species.
# ルシフェラーゼの普遍性ってどうやってもたらされているんだろうか?
# 情緒を司る部位に違いがあったりするのかなぁ
# 鉱物の分類っていまいちよく分かりません…
# PLoS ONEにはまだ出ていない模様…
# また一つ、喫煙による悪影響が示されました…
# 蛍の放流って自然保護の象徴みたく扱われることがありますけど、実は人間のエゴだったりするんですよね…
# 蛍やカワニナが住める環境を破壊して復活させることなく、数を殖やさんとせっせと放流する…やることの順番が違いますわな
# 発生段階で何かがあったんじゃないかと…