Masaca's Blog 2


Positive-selection vector

2009-05-01 08:32:35 | Science News
  • Positive-selection vector for direct protein expression
    Andreas F. Haag, Christian Ostermeier.
    Biotechniques, Advance online publication | doi:
    We describe the development of a novel positive-selection vector, RHP-AmpS, that is suitable for seamless cloning and high-level protein expression in E. coli. In this vector, β-lactamase (Bla) was rendered nonfunctional by replacing the codon for the C-terminal amino acid of the β-lactamase gene (bla) with a stop codon. Insertion of a target gene in the correct orientation (tail to tail) results in the reconstruction of the C-terminal codon (W290) of bla. This restores the function of the gene and allows the selection of positive recombinants on agar plates containing ampicillin. To allow a high level of protein expression, this selection cassette was inserted into the T7 polymerase–based expression cassette of the Novagen pET28a expression vector. To our knowledge, this is the first example of true positive-selection cloning and direct, high-level expression from a single vector.
    # β-lactamase geneのC末端W一つの欠損で活性が極端に落ちることを利用したPositive-selection…完全に備忘録…

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