Masaca's Blog 2



2008-03-31 20:55:56 | News Headline携帯「W42K」の電池発火、回収へ 京セラ機種 - 社会
KDDI au: auからのお知らせ > auからのお知らせ詳細 > 京セラ製au携帯電話「W42K」をご利用中のお客様へのお詫び
 # 今度は京セラのが燃えるそうな

ガソリンの買いだめダメ 消防法違反の恐れ (1/2ページ) - MSN産経ニュース
 # ガソリンをポリタンクに入れて持ち帰るのは違法です…ちゅうか、それ以前に危険です

「セレナ」31万台をリコール 日産 - MSN産経ニュース
 # セレナな方、ご確認を次長課長の河本さん、放送中にけが 骨折で全治1カ月 - 文化・芸能
 # うわっ…折れてたん?

3G版のiPhoneは第2四半期に登場か - ITmedia News
The Evidence for a 3G iPhone... June 2008 - Mac Rumors
 # 3G iPhoneが6月?そろそろ日本にもやってくるかしら?

アップル、次世代「iPod」ではWolfson製オーディオチップを採用せず:ニュース - CNET Japan
 # なぬ?iPod nanoとiPod touchの新バージョンが9月に?マジですか?

国際動物愛護団体PETA、「たこ焼きの販売やめて」と日本プロ野球に要請 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
 # 野球場でベジタリアンフードを売ることがなんで地球温暖化対策になるのか、いまいち意味不明

中国でたばこを吸うカメが見つかる 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
 # この亀は禁煙できるんでしょうか

「ウオンバットにレイプされた」、虚偽通報の男に奉仕活動75時間 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
 # ……何を思ってそんな通報したんだか……

消費者が選ぶ最も影響力あるブランドは「アップル」=ネット調査 | テクノロジー | Reuters
 # そりゃそうだわね

アップル、iPhoneに手書き認識を導入? - Engadget Japanese
 # Newtonの再来なるか?

iPhone 2.0ベータがアップデート、正式に「Version 2.0」へ - Engadget Japanese
 # らしいです

アップル、Windows版Safariのライセンス使用契約書で誤記:ニュース - CNET Japan
 # Windows版Safariの使用制限を「Apple-labeled computer」にしたら、一台もあらへんがな

エミレーツ航空、世界初、飛行中の機内から自分の携帯が使えるシステム導入:モバイルチャンネル - CNET Japan
 # げ…そんなもの、御大に知れたらえらいこっちゃ…

Google社ロゴはどう作られたか | WIRED VISION
 # Googleロゴの変遷です

 # 慣れてくるとついついチェックし忘れちゃうんだよね

iモード普及の立役者、夏野剛氏がドコモを退職するとの報道 - ITmedia D モバイル
 # な、なんと…

暗闇コミュニケーション体験リポート:“目隠し”しながら手探りで食事を--上司と仲良くなれる「クラヤミ食堂」 - ITmedia Biz.ID
 # 面白そうだな

次世代携帯電話、通信方式統一で端末に互換性へ : 経済ニュース : マネー・経済 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
 # ようやっとSIMロックが解除されるんですね

高卒認定ミス、1900人に7千万円賠償へ…文科省方針 : 社会 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
 # これ、酷い話だなカンボジア大虐殺を生き抜いたディス・プランさん死去 - おくやみ
「キリング・フィールド」モデルのディス・プラン氏が死去 : 国際 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
 # 「キリング・フィールド」…大好きな映画の一つです…ご冥福をお祈りします魔法のキス、ピンチ救う 智弁和歌山バッテリー - スポーツ
 # ………

「手がきブログ」が人気 本文もコメントも手書き 「ユーザーは遊びの天才」 - ITmedia News
 # 手書きには手書きの良さがある…が、それなりに暇もいる…

アニメ「めぐみ」をコピーフリーでネット公開 政府、拉致問題訴え - ITmedia News
 # 素晴らしい試みだと思います

故障診断チャート | お客様サポート | NTTドコモ
 # どうも携帯の調子が…という方、ご確認を

Science News | March 31(2), 2007

2008-03-31 20:17:02 | Science News

  • 日本野鳥の会:巣から落ちたヒナ、拾わないで--呼び掛け - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
     # 可哀想だからって拾ってしまうと余計なお世話なんだそうです

  • 大腸がん:高率発症のDNA配列を解析--7カ国共同チーム - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
  • Genome-wide association scan identifies a colorectal cancer susceptibility locus on 11q23 and replicates risk loci at 8q24 and 18q21.
    Albert Tenesa, Susan M Farrington, James G D Prendergast, Mary E Porteous, Marion Walker, Naila Haq, Rebecca A Barnetson, Evropi Theodoratou, Roseanne Cetnarskyj, Nicola Cartwright, Colin Semple, Andrew J Clark, Fiona J L Reid, Lorna A Smith, Kostas Kavoussanakis, Thibaud Koessler, Paul D P Pharoah, Stephan Buch, Clemens Schafmayer, Jürgen Tepel, Stefan Schreiber, Henry Völzke, Carsten O Schmidt, Jochen Hampe, Jenny Chang-Claude, Michael Hoffmeister, Hermann Brenner, Stefan Wilkening, Federico Canzian, Gabriel Capella, Victor Moreno, Ian J Deary, John M Starr, Ian P M Tomlinson, Zoe Kemp, Luis Carvajal-Carmona, Emily Webb, Peter Broderick, Jayaram Vijayakrishnan, Richard S Houlston, Gad Rennert, Dennis Ballinger, Laura Rozek, Stephen B Gruber, Koichi Matsuda, Tomohide Kidokoro, Yusuke Nakamura, Brent W Zanke, Celia M T Greenwood, Jagadish Rangrej, Rafal Kustra, Alexandre Montpetit, Thomas J Hudson, Steven Gallinger, Harry Campbell, Malcolm G Dunlop.
    Nature Genetics, Advance online publication | doi:10.1038/ng.133
    In a genome-wide association study to identify loci associated with colorectal cancer (CRC) risk, we genotyped 555,510 SNPs in 1,012 early-onset Scottish CRC cases and 1,012 controls (phase 1). In phase 2, we genotyped the 15,008 highest-ranked SNPs in 2,057 Scottish cases and 2,111 controls. We then genotyped the five highest-ranked SNPs from the joint phase 1 and 2 analysis in 14,500 cases and 13,294 controls from seven populations, and identified a previously unreported association, rs3802842 on 11q23 (OR = 1.1; P = 5.8 × 10-10), showing population differences in risk. We also replicated and fine-mapped associations at 8q24 (rs7014346; OR = 1.19; P = 8.6 × 10-26) and 18q21 (rs4939827; OR = 1.2; P = 7.8 × 10-28). Risk was greater for rectal than for colon cancer for rs3802842 (P <0.008) and rs4939827 ( <0.009). Carrying all six possible risk alleles yielded OR = 2.6 (95% CI = 1.75–3.89) for CRC. These findings extend our understanding of the role of common genetic variation in CRC etiology.
  • Differential effects of oncogenic K-Ras and N-Ras on proliferation, differentiation and tumor progression in the colon.
    Kevin M Haigis, Krystle R Kendall, Yufang Wang, Ann Cheung, Marcia C Haigis, Jonathan N Glickman, Michiko Niwa-Kawakita, Alejandro Sweet-Cordero, Judith Sebolt-Leopold, Kevin M Shannon, Jeffrey Settleman, Marco Giovannini, Tyler Jacks.
    Nature Genetics, Advance online publication | doi:10.1038/ng.115
    Kras is commonly mutated in colon cancers, but mutations in Nras are rare. We have used genetically engineered mice to determine whether and how these related oncogenes regulate homeostasis and tumorigenesis in the colon. Expression of K-RasG12D in the colonic epithelium stimulated hyperproliferation in a Mek-dependent manner. N-RasG12D did not alter the growth properties of the epithelium, but was able to confer resistance to apoptosis. In the context of an Apc-mutant colonic tumor, activation of K-Ras led to defects in terminal differentiation and expansion of putative stem cells within the tumor epithelium. This K-Ras tumor phenotype was associated with attenuated signaling through the MAPK pathway, and human colon cancer cells expressing mutant K-Ras were hypersensitive to inhibition of Raf, but not Mek. These studies demonstrate clear phenotypic differences between mutant Kras and Nras, and suggest that the oncogenic phenotype of mutant K-Ras might be mediated by noncanonical signaling through Ras effector pathways.
  • A genome-wide association study identifies colorectal cancer susceptibility loci on chromosomes 10p14 and 8q23.3.
    Ian PM Tomlinson, Emily Webb, Luis Carvajal-Carmona, Peter Broderick, Kimberley Howarth, Alan M Pittman, Sarah Spain, Steven Lubbe, Axel Walther, Kate Sullivan, Emma Jaeger, Sarah Fielding, Andrew Rowan, Jayaram Vijayakrishnan, Enric Domingo, Ian Chandler, Zoe Kemp, Mobshra Qureshi, Susan M Farrington, Albert Tenesa, James GD Prendergast, Rebecca A Barnetson, Steven Penegar, Ella Barclay, Wendy Wood, Lynn Martin, Maggie Gorman, Huw Thomas, Julian Peto, D Timothy Bishop, Richard Gray, Eamonn R Maher, Anneke Lucassen, David Kerr, D Gareth R Evans, The CORGI Consortium, Clemens Schafmayer, Stephan Buch, Henry Völzke, Jochen Hampe, Stefan Schreiber, Ulrich John, Thibaud Koessler, Paul Pharoah, Tom van Wezel, Hans Morreau, Juul T Wijnen, John L Hopper, Melissa C Southey, Graham G Giles, Gianluca Severi, Sergi Castellví-Bel, Clara Ruiz-Ponte, Angel Carracedo, Antoni Castells, The EPICOLON Consortium, Asta Försti, Kari Hemminki, Pavel Vodicka, Alessio Naccarati, Lara Lipton, Judy WC Ho, K K Cheng, Pak C Sham, J Luk, Jose AG Agúndez, Jose M Ladero, Miguel de la Hoya, Trinidad Caldés, Iina Niittymäki, Sari Tuupanene, Auli Karhu, Lauri Aaltonen, Jean-Baptiste Cazier, Harry Campbell, Malcolm G Dunlop, Richard S Houlston.
    Nature Genetics, Advance online publication | doi:10.1038/ng.111
    To identify colorectal cancer (CRC) susceptibility alleles, we conducted a genome-wide association study. In phase 1, we genotyped 550,163 tagSNPs in 940 familial colorectal tumor cases (627 CRC, 313 high-risk adenoma) and 965 controls. In phase 2, we genotyped 42,708 selected SNPs in 2,873 CRC cases and 2,871 controls. In phase 3, we evaluated 11 SNPs showing association at P <10 in a joint analysis of phases 1 and 2 in 4,287 CRC cases and 3,743 controls. Two SNPs were taken forward to phase 4 genotyping (10,731 CRC cases and 10,961 controls from eight centers). In addition to the previously reported 8q24, 15q13 and 18q21 CRC risk loci, we identified two previously unreported associations: rs10795668, located at 10p14 (P = 2.5 × 10-13 overall; P = 6.9 × 10-12 replication), and rs16892766, at 8q23.3 (P = 3.3 × 10-18 overall; P = 9.6 × 10-17 replication), which tags a plausible causative gene, EIF3H. These data provide further evidence for the 'common-disease common-variant' model of CRC predisposition.
     # っちゅうか、大腸ガン関連の論文が一気にどさっと…

  • 二酸化炭素:地中貯留、豪州の火力発電所で実証実験 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
     # ま、地中から掘り出したものを地中に戻すというのは理に適っているんだが…
     # もの凄い高圧でキープしたら漏れてこないのかしら?

  • 太陽観測機「SOHO」がとらえた黒点 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
  • Sunspots | SOHO
     # ん?今って活動が活発になってきているんだっけ?

  • ストレスや不安、心臓血管疾患発症リスクを倍増 米研究報告 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
  • Anxiety Worsens Prognosis in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease.
    Woldecherkos A. Shibeshi, Yinong Young-Xu, Charles M. Blatt.
    J Am Coll Cardiol 49, 2021-2027 (2007) | doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2007.03.007
    Objectives: This study examined the effect of anxiety on mortality and nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD).

    Background: Inconsistent data exist regarding the impact of anxiety on the prognosis of patients with CAD.

    Methods: The authors conducted a prospective cohort study at an outpatient cardiology clinic of 516 patients with CAD (mean age 68 years at entry, 82% male) by administering the Kellner Symptom Questionnaire annually. The primary outcome was the composite of nonfatal MI or all-cause mortality.

    Results: During an average follow-up of 3.4 years, we documented 44 nonfatal MIs and 19 deaths. A high cumulative anxiety score was associated with an increased risk of nonfatal MI or death. Comparing the highest to lowest tertile of anxiety score, the age-adjusted hazard ratio was 1.97 (95% confidence interval 1.03 to 3.78, p = 0.04). In a multivariate Cox model after adjusting for age, gender, education, marital status, smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, previous MI, body mass index, and total cholesterol, each unit increase in the cumulative mean anxiety score was associated with increased risk of nonfatal MI or total mortality; the hazard ratio was 1.06 (95% confidence interval 1.01 to 1.12, p = 0.02).
     # やっぱり不安とかストレスとか抱え込んでると心臓に悪いってのは本当なんだよね

  • Science News | March 31(1), 2007

    2008-03-31 20:16:50 | Science News

  • 痛み伝える仕組み解明 岡山大 - サイエンス
  • 痛みの“運び屋”発見 頭痛治療に期待 岡山大チーム - MSN産経ニュース
  • Identification of a vesicular nucleotide transporter.
    Keisuke Sawada, Noriko Echigo, Narinobu Juge, Takaaki Miyaji, Masato Otsuka, Hiroshi Omote, Akitsugu Yamamoto, Yoshinori Moriyama.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Early Edition | doi:10.1073/pnas.0800141105
    ATP is a major chemical transmitter in purinergic signal transmission. Before secretion, ATP is stored in secretory vesicles found in purinergic cells. Although the presence of active transport mechanisms for ATP has been postulated for a long time, the proteins responsible for its vesicular accumulation remains unknown. The transporter encoded by the human and mouse SLC17A9 gene, a novel member of an anion transporter family, was predominantly expressed in the brain and adrenal gland. The mouse and bovine counterparts were associated with adrenal chromaffin granules. Proteoliposomes containing purified transporter actively took up ATP, ADP, and GTP by using membrane potential as the driving force. The uptake properties of the reconstituted transporter were similar to that of the ATP uptake by synaptic vesicles and chromaffin granules. Suppression of endogenous SLC17A9 expression in PC12 cells decreased exocytosis of ATP. These findings strongly suggest that SLC17A9 protein is a vesicular nucleotide transporter and should lead to the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of ATP secretion in purinergic signal transmission.
     # 25日付のPNASだそうな誰が25日やねん
     # 12回膜貫通型トランスポーターらしい

  • 肥満に関係するたんぱく質の構造解明 - サイエンス (4/1追加)
  • 生活習慣病に関連するタンパク質複合体の結晶構造を世界で初めて決定 | 独立行政法人 理化学研究所プレスリリース
  • Protein biotinylation visualized by a complex structure of biotin protein ligase with a substrate.
    Bagautdin Bagautdinov, Yoshinori Matsuura, Svetlana Bagautdinova, Naoki Kunishima.
    J. Biol. Chem, Papers In Press | doi:10.1074/jbc.M709116200
    Biotin protein ligase (BPL) catalyzes the biotinylation of the biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) only at a special lysine residue. Here we report the first structure of BPL:BCCP complex crystals which are prepared using two BPL mutants: R48A and R48A&K111A. From a detailed structural characterization, it is likely that the mutants retain functionality as enzymes but have a reduced activity to produce the reaction intermediate biotinyl-5’-AMP. The observed biotin and partly disordered ATP in the mutant structures may act as a nonreactive analog of the substrates or biotinyl-5’-AMP, thereby providing the complex crystals. The four crystallographically independent BPL:BCCP complexes obtained can be classified structurally into three groups: the formation stages 1 and 2 with apo-BCCP and the product stage with biotinylated holo-BCCP. Residues responsible for the complex formation as well as for the biotinylation reaction have been identified. The C-terminal domain of BPL shows especially large conformational changes to accommodate BCCP, suggesting its functional importance. The formation stage 1 complex shows the closest distance between the carboxyl carbon of biotin and the special lysine of BCCP, suggesting its relevance to the unobserved reaction stage. Interestingly, bound ATP and biotin are also seen in the product stage, indicating that the substrates may be recruited into the product stage complex before the release of holo-BCCP, probably for the next reaction cycle. The existence of formation and product stages before and after the reaction stage would be favorable to ensure both the reaction efficiency and the extreme substrate specificity of the biotinylation reaction.
     # よくまぁ、こんな複合体が結晶になったもんだ

  • 科学なニュースとニュースの科学:クルマの渋滞はなぜ起こる? - ITmedia アンカーデスク
  • Traffic jams without bottlenecks―experimental evidence for the physical mechanism of the formation of a jam.
    Yuki Sugiyama, Minoru Fukui, Macoto Kikuchi, Katsuya Hasebe, Akihiro Nakayama, Katsuhiro Nishinari, Shin-ichi Tadaki, Satoshi Yukawa.
    New J. Phys. 10 033001 (2008) | doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/10/3/033001
    A traffic jam on a highway is a very familiar phenomenon. From the physical viewpoint, the system of vehicular flow is a non-equilibrium system of interacting particles (vehicles). The collective effect of the many-particle system induces the instability of a free flow state caused by the enhancement of fluctuations, and the transition to a jamming state occurs spontaneously if the average vehicle density exceeds a certain critical value. Thus, a bottleneck is only a trigger and not the essential origin of a traffic jam. In this paper, we present the first experimental evidence that the emergence of a traffic jam is a collective phenomenon like 'dynamical' phase transitions and pattern formation in a non-equilibrium system. We have performed an experiment on a circuit to show the emergence of a jam with no bottleneck. In the initial condition, all the vehicles are moving, homogeneously distributed on the circular road, with the same velocity. The average density of the vehicles is prepared for the onset of the instability. Even a tiny fluctuation grows larger and then the homogeneous movement cannot be maintained. Finally, a jam cluster appears and propagates backward like a solitary wave with the same speed as that of a jam cluster on a highway.
     # 実証ビデオ付の論文…説得力あるなぁ

  • 肝硬変の新薬実験に成功 札幌医大チーム - サイエンス
  • マウスの肝硬変治った、治療薬の実用化も…札幌医科大グループ : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
  • 肝硬変:原因細胞を抑制…札幌医大が「新薬」近く臨床試験 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
  • 【竹内薫の科学・時事放談】肝硬変 治療薬生んだ畑違いの実験 (1/2ページ) - MSN産経ニュース (4/14追加)
  • Resolution of liver cirrhosis using vitamin A–coupled liposomes to deliver siRNA against a collagen-specific chaperone.
    Yasushi Sato, Kazuyuki Murase, Junji Kato, Masayoshi Kobune, Tsutomu Sato, Yutaka Kawano, Rishu Takimoto, Kouichi Takada, Koji Miyanishi, Takuya Matsunaga, Tetsuji Takayama, Yoshiro Niitsu.
    Nature Biotechnology, Advance online publication | doi:10.1038/nbt1396
    There are currently no approved antifibrotic therapies for liver cirrhosis. We used vitamin A–coupled liposomes to deliver small interfering RNA (siRNA) against gp46, the rat homolog of human heat shock protein 47, to hepatic stellate cells. Our approach exploits the key roles of these cells in both fibrogenesis as well as uptake and storage of vitamin A. Five treatments with the siRNA-bearing vitamin A–coupled liposomes almost completely resolved liver fibrosis and prolonged survival in rats with otherwise lethal dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver cirrhosis in a dose- and duration-dependent manner. Rescue was not related to off-target effects or associated with recruitment of innate immunity. Receptor-specific siRNA delivery was similarly effective in suppressing collagen secretion and treating fibrosis induced by CCl4 or bile duct ligation. The efficacy of the approach using both acute and chronic models of liver fibrosis suggests its therapeutic potential for reversing human liver cirrhosis.
     # siRNAがここまで劇的に効くとは…あとは副作用として何が現れるかだな

  • 「コレステロール値、低いと危険」富山大調査で死亡率高め : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
  • LDLコレステロール:本当に悪玉? 少な過ぎると死亡率上昇--メタボ基準の一つ - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
     # コレステロール値が高い以外に異常がなければ、むしろ健康かも知れないそうな
     # ちなみに、何処に発表したんでしょう?

  • 百日ぜき患者が倍増、過去10年間で最速ペース : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
     # 百日咳はBordetella pertussisもしくはBordetella parapertussisを病原菌とする細菌感染症です

  • 噴火警戒レベル、三宅島は「レベル2」 : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
  • 気象庁 | 噴火予報・警報 : 三宅島
  • 気象庁 | 噴火予報・警報 : 御嶽山
     # 三宅島は分かるが、御嶽もですか…と思ったら、平常レベルの代表例にでもされたのね

  • 惜別

    2008-03-31 18:48:25 | Laboratory







    # それにしても、本当に別れの挨拶メールが多いな…


    2008-03-31 12:59:35 | Laboratory



