仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Travs' Friday Update on.... WEDNESDAY :)

2018年08月15日 | ★STARRY★

Hello From Travis sensei....

  Hope you are having a fun summer 

I had fun swimming in the Hirose River in Hachiman with ....secret. 

I also rode my bicycle to Shichigahama beach by myself. I had fun playing in the waves and the fun ride. 

Plus...the last day of my break my Japanese friend and his 2 friends from Bhutan invited me to Shichigahama to have a BBQ day on the beach. It was very fun diving off the cement blocks in the ocean and body surfing. Sorry, no pictures...maybe later I will upload them for you to see. 

Please tell me about your fun summer break. If you came to Starry Summer Camp 2018, I hope you had as much fun as me. I am now making a Summer Camp video for you. SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL THE GREAT MOM AND DAD VOLUNTEERS. This year was so smooth and we got to do almost everything we planned. THAAAANK YOOOOOU  ....



Love to you all... Travis sensei


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