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Travs' Friday Update

2017年08月25日 | ★STARRY★


Hey  Wassup everyone  Peace and Love to you... 

Well, Sumer break was not too fun for me but I hope you all had fun. I think about you ( Students and their family ) often.

So, last Sunday after church I went to the Kotodai Koen Matsuri ( festival ) .  Did you go

There were hip hop dance teams, freestyle rappers, roots reggae DJs plus there was a skateboard halfpipe with skateboarders and BMXers.  So cool and so fun.  My friend in these pictures is a freestyle rapper and even made a CD. It was a bit wet that day so not so many people. 

Anyway, it was so fun enjoying all the events that day and evening. I want to and I am allowed to ride the halfpipe but I don't have my own skateboard and don't want to borrow one...I would probably be crazy and hurt myself...DOH   Maybe later, I will try and ride...let's see what happens. Lot's of very young dancers, skaters and BMXers from Sendai and all over Japan. I encourage you to try something you like and do it to your best ability...life is fun and interesting that way. 

Have a nice weekend...Much LOVE and prayers for you..... Travis sensei 



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