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Valentines Day

2024年02月09日 | ★STARRY★

A quick Valentine trivia in the Philippines. It would be an understatement to say that Filipinos enjoy celebrating all kinds of holidays. Whatever the occasion, whether it be something as grand as Christmas and New Year's Day or something more regionally significant like Independence Day, Filipinos almost certainly have their unique ways of celebrating it.

One significant aspect of Filipino culture that must be considered is how much Filipinos cherish celebrating holidays and other special occasions. When food, family, and cherishing the people around you come together for a holiday celebration, Filipinos are renowned for having some of the best. Valentines Day in the Philippines is celebrated widely as well.

Every February 14, Valentines Day, also known as Araw ng mga Puso in the Filipino language, is observed. Although this yearly celebration is typically focused on married or committed couples, it also honors the love shared by families, friends, and significant others in the Philippines.

Here are the things that most Filipinos commonly do during Valentine's Day.

Giving of gifts

Valentine's Day in the Philippines is just another Christmas, with gifts for loved ones and a romantic evening at a fancy restaurant or cafe. To choose the ideal gift representing their love, the giver typically needs to put in more thought and creativity than when asking for something off of a wish list, like during the holiday season.

A bouquet

Flowers are the way to go if you want to make a Filipina feel like she is on cloud nine on Valentine's Day. Red roses are always a safe bet and easily accessible because they are understood to represent love.

Vow renewal

Renewal of vows is another way Filipinos, particularly married couples, mark the occasion of the love month. Filipino married couples schedule a second ceremony on February 14, whether simple, private, or extravagant, to affirm their devotion to one another

Mass Weddings

Mass weddings have developed into a new custom among Filipinos during the love month. Government organizations host ceremonies where long-distance Filipino couples living together can get married without worrying about expenses

Seasons for chocolates

Giving chocolates to loved ones during the month of love is customary in Filipino culture. For this reason, on Valentine's Day, you will observe individuals purchasing a wide range of sweet goodies throughout the Philippines.

But, in the Philippines it’s the other way around the man gives chocolate to the woman.

Happy Valentines Day everyone .



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