仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Travs' Friday Update

2017年08月18日 | ★STARRY★

Hello Everyone 

It's me Travis sensei...how was your summer break

Mine was not good except Starry summer camp...It was GREAT  Hope you had fun at summer camp if you went. I am making a summer camp video now and hopefully will be able to give it to you soon. 

My summer break was not good because it rained every day. I planned all year long to go the river near my house and the beach by bicycle many times....but I could not because of the rain. I finally went to Shichigahama beach by bicycle ONE time...it was a bit rainy but I did not care...I was going to go to the beach and have a good time anyway. You can see a few pictures I put here on the blog. One picture is a huge park that I always stop at, on the way to the beach. I did lots of body surfing that day. There were NO tourists, only lots of local surfers. They were so kind and friendly. I had a chance to help a small boy, learn to surf. He did very well. 

By the way....I had a fun summer camp with you all and I can't wait until next year.

Much love...Travis sensei 
