仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

A Short Story(4) 

2019年10月24日 | ★STARRY★







“Yes, a little. Actually, my body consists of material which most of their sensors cannot detect, and I was also adopted by a human family as a child, so I have learned how to behave in a completely human way.”

“I must probably go…” Yunce swallowed his voice, “somewhere…”

“If you stay in Indigo, I’m sure they will get you. So, you had better leave this planet.”

“You think I should go to Peligro? “

“That’s one idea. Peligro is now a nation run completely by machines. It must be comfortable for AIs like us.”

“Sounds like hell to me! I like being with humans. I like nature. I have lots of images in my memory of a dense foggy forest and a beautiful shining ocean.  That’s probably the place where I was born, but I have no idea where it is.”

“You can find it one day, I’m sure. But the problem is how you leave this planet. The Space Port must be filled with government agents.” Retina thought for a few minutes. “Wait! I have an idea!”  Her eyes were shining proudly.

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