English Collection


pincer movement

2012年05月11日 | 英語学習

Breakfast at Tiffany'sでFredはHollyに誘われニューヨークの市内で乗馬をします。しかし事件が起きます。
For all at once, like savage members of a jungle ambush, a band of Negro boys leapt out of the schrubbery along the path. Hooting, cursing, they launched rocks and thrashing at the horses' rumps with switches.
Onward: across the park and out into Fifth Avenue: stampeding against the noonday traffic, taxis, buses that screechingly swerved. Past the Duke manshion, the Frick Museum, past the Pierre and the Plaza. But Holly gained ground; moreover, a mounted policeman had joined the chase: flanking my runaway mare, one on either side, their horses performed a pincer movement that brought her to a steamy halt.
"pincer movement" の意味は "pincer" が使われているので分かりますが、この "pincer movement" の表現は覚える価値がありそうです。辞書で他の例文を見ます。
・Collins English Dictionary: a military tactical movement in which two columns of an army follow a curved route towards each other with the aim of isolating and surrounding an enemy Also called envelopment.: The Government faced "a pincer movement" from an alliance of France's Islamic fundamentalists and the far-right.; The Russians developed a huge pincer movement against the flanks of the salient that led to Stalingrad.
・Wiktionary: a military maneuver in which both flanks of an enemy force are attacked with the aim of attaining complete encirclement.
"pincer movement" は軍隊用語ですね。

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