English Collection



2021年01月22日 | 英単語
Yuval Noah Harariの "Homo Deus" を読んでいます。
To be frank, science knows surprisingly little about mind and consciousness. Current orthodoxy holds that consciousness if created by electrochemical reactions in the brain, and that mental experiences fulfil some essential data-processing function. However, nobody has any idea how a congeries of biochemical reactions and electrical currents in the brain creates the subjective experience of pain, anger or love.

精神、心、魂、感情、意識、これらは別物か、それとも全て脳内の働きによるものか、問われると、分からなくなりますね。さて、文中の "congeries" の意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A disorderly collection; a jumble.: whiffs of ground coffee and a congeries of smells

・Collins Dictionary: (functioning as singular or plural) a collection of objects or ideas; mass; heap: From the airplane the town resembled a congeries of tiny boxes

・American Heritage Dictionary: A collection; an aggregation: "Our city, it should be explained, is two cities, or more—an urban mass or congeries divided by the river"
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