English Collection



2020年03月27日 | 英語の原書を読む
Edward O. Wilsonの "The Creation" を読んでいます。
He will see what astonished Robert Hooke, Antony van Leeuwenhoek, and Jan Swammerdam, the first microscopists of the seventeenth century: a miniature Jurassic Park, inhabited by translucent shape-changing rotifers that snake their way through the detritus, settling and opening out their hairlike cilia on the head to create circular water currents; protozoans darting and spinning through the water and bumping into obstacles like drunkun drivers; crystalline diatoms; and more, alsost infinitely more.
"cilia" は微生物の体の一部で身体を動かすための毛状の器官を示しているようです。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A short microscopic hairlike vibrating structure found in large numbers on the surface of certain cells, either causing currents in the surrounding fluid, or, in some protozoans and other small organisms, providing propulsion.

・Collins Dictionary: any of the short thread-like projections on the surface of a cell, organism, etc, whose rhythmic beating causes movement of the organism or of the surrounding fluid

・Cambridge English Dictionary: one of the very small parts like hairs on the surface of a cell that move regularly and keep the surrounding liquid moving around it or help an organism with only one cell to move
"cilia" は複数形で単数形の "cilium" も "The Creation" の中では、この後で次のように出てきました。
Its logic is simply this: biologists have not yet explained how complex systems such as the human eye and spining bacterial cilium could have evolved by themselves; therefore a higher intelligence must have guided the evolution.
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