English Collection


walk the talk

2020年03月03日 | 英語の原書を読む
The Japan Times Jan.23 の記事からの引用です。
Paternity leave controversy: It’s time to walk the talk

Leading by example, Koizumi and his colleagues in the government may have a chance to change the mindsets of Japanese men about work and fatherhood.
Despite the strong push by the government for a more equitable sharing of child-rearing responsibilities, most people are still trapped in the traditional division of work between men and women. That is to say, men belong at work while women belong at home.
小泉大臣が育児休暇を取るとのニュースを話題にした記事で、内容からすると記事表題にある "walk the talk" は有言実行を意味する様ですが、辞書で確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: to put theory into practice: you can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?

・Cambridge English Dictionary: If you say that someone talks the talk but does not walk the walk, you mean that they do not act in a way that agrees with the things they say: When it comes to recycling he talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk.
"talk the talk" (Oxford: Speak fluently or convincingly about something or in a way intended to please or impress others.)だとどこかの国の口達者な首相を連想しますが、"walk the talk" と、あるいは上記記事の表題で使われている "walk the walk" (Oxford: Suit one's actions to one's words.)だと有言実行になるのですね。
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