English Collection


You bet your sweet life

2020年03月02日 | 英語の原書を読む
Somerset Maugham の短編小説 Redを読み始めました。
The mate called one of the crew and gave him the order. The captain watched the Kanaka climb and waited for him to speak. But the Kanaka shouted down that he could see nothing but the unbroken line of foam. The captain spoke Samoan like a native, and he cursed him freely.
"Shall he stay up there?" asked the mate.
"What the hell good does that do?" answered the captain. "The blame fool can't see worth a cent. You bet your sweet life I'd find the opening if I was up there."
引用文の最後の箇所ですが、「俺ならサンゴ礁のない開口部を見つけられる」と言っている様なので "You bet your sweet life" は絶対に/必ずの意味だと推測しますが、慣用句の様なので辞書で確認します。
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: You can be absolutely certain that something will happen. Sometimes used ironically.: You bet your sweet life I'm going to that concert? I've been saving up for my ticket for months now!

・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.: Inf. Fig. You can be absolutely certain of something! Mary: Will I need a coat today? Bill: You bet your sweet life! It's colder than an iceberg out there.; Bill: Will you be at the game Saturday? Tom: You bet your boots!
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