English Collection


no means yes

2016年12月10日 | 英語の本を読む

When infected with the sexually transmitted virus Hz-2V, female corn earworm moths start producing excessive amounts of sex pheromones--some two to three times as much as their uninfested sisters and peers. The extra come-hither perfume is believed to attract more male moths--thus aiding the spread of the virus. Intriguingly, these infected females also demonstrate a kind of lepidopteral "no means yes" behavior. Apparently unaware of how politically incorrect it is, they appear to further excite their mates through acts of resistance.
注: lepidopteral: (or lep-i-dop-ter-ous) adj. belonging or pertaining to the Lepidoptera, an order of insects comprising the butterflies, moths, and skippers, that in the adult state have four membranous wings more or less covered with small scales.
上記は蛾の話ですが、"no means yes" が人間以外の生物にも起こることも興味深い話です。

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