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2015年12月01日 | 英語の本を読む

Japan Times Nov.15の文化面に "Acidclank knows when to look up from its shoes on ‘Inner’" と書かれた、意味が良く分からないタイトルがありました。気になったので記事を読むことにしました。次の個所はその冒頭からの引用です。
Japan has always had a surplus of shoegazers, and it’s easy for any young artist, reared on My Bloody Valentine, to become smitten with feedback. “Inner,” the debut album from Acidclank, knows when to break from the genre.
Acidclankはバンド名で、Innerがデビューアルバムの様です。しかし、記事タイトルでは靴から見上げていたので、この冒頭の文にはその反対の "shoegazers" が出て来ます。一体 "shoegazer" とは何者なのか辞書を見ました。
・Urban Dictionary: A style of rock music that emerged in England in the late 80s that featured blisteringly loud and dreamily reverberated feedback. Recently revived by electronic bands like M83 and Ulrich Schnauss.: Cocteau Twins, My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive are good shoegazer bands.
・The Word Spy: v. To play an instrument, especially a guitar, with one’s head down, as though gazing at one’s shoes.
They half-jokingly defended their sound against pigeonholing, pointing out they are not trying to emulate the shoegaze of yesteryear.
Notes: When the term shoegaze first appeared, it referred to a style of music popular in Britain in the early 90s (and also called bliss-rock and dream-pop). But the verb now has a wider currency, as seen in the second citation.
なるほど、 "shoegazing" については、Wikipediaに詳しい説明があり、途中まで読みましたが、オタクでない限り全部読む気にはなれないでしょう。ロックやポピュラー好きと話すことがない限り私には不要の単語でしょう。

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