The Temple of the Golden Pavilion by Yukio Mishimaを読んでいます。
The war ended. All that I was thinking about, as I listened in the factory to the Imperial Rescript announcing the termination of hostilities, was the Golden Temple.
ここに出てきた "Rescript" は日本人なら誰でも聞いた事のある、昭和天皇の玉音放送での終戦の詔勅を指していることは "rescript" は知りませんでしたが、容易に分かります。
"rescript" を辞書で引きます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: an official or authoritative order, decree, edict, or announcement: even though there was never an official rescript ordering mass genocide, that was indeed the intent and effect of the government's policy
なんとオクスフォード英語辞典では "rescript" の例文として、まさにこの昭和天皇の"rescript" を載せています。
・Oxford English Dictionary: An official edict or announcement.: At noon, the recording of the rescript was broadcast, and the nation heard the emperor's voice announcing Japan's final capitulation.